Q701 impressions thread
Jun 26, 2012 at 2:15 AM Post #1,351 of 9,603
So Katun, did you rebuy the Q701 again and then sell it again??

Yeah, exactly that.
Jun 26, 2012 at 2:58 AM Post #1,354 of 9,603

Well, if one thing is for sure, I've had them three times. That alone says something pretty good.
Against my current personal favorite, the HD600, I didn't find them able to succeed in replacing them. Surprisingly, they had a very similar signature, give or take a few things. Bass was very close, as was midrange. I liked the HD600's treble more, and overall fuller, more direct sound. I also found them more cohesive. While being quite smooth, I found it more to my preference than the "forced default" colder sound of the Q701, and slightly too thin at that. There was a minor peak in the Q701's upper midrange or lower treble that sometimes irritated me, strangely so as I've gotten quite used to treble over the years. Soundstage seemed too spread out at times, and occasionally sounded misleading. Listening, comparing, and adapting to the HD600 slowly revealed I have no issues. Seems to bridge the gap perfectly between any two specific "sonic worlds" on opposite ends. Q701 is still a great headphone, but being up against the HD600 is something more than a walk in the park.
Guess that's the long version. Oh, one more thing. Hated the Q701's comfort compared to the HD600.
Katun doesn't know his end game headphones.

I don't think there is an end for me, but instead, simply a place where I call it quits.
Jun 26, 2012 at 3:42 AM Post #1,355 of 9,603
I don't think there is an end for me, but instead, simply a place where I call it quits.

Or, a place where your wallet calls it quits. 

Jun 26, 2012 at 10:27 AM Post #1,356 of 9,603
Approximately a week ago, the UPS guy delivered my Q701s; I wasted no time in retrieving the package from my front porch and freeing these bad boys from all the layers of cardboard, paper and plastic. I'm rather impatient when it comes to new toys, so with all possible haste, I plugged them into my Little Dot Mk III headphone amp stocked with Mullard tubes and allowed myself a quick listen; what I heard fascinated me.
The next day, after about 14 hours of burn in, I donned my new headphones again (black is so very sexy) and began an earnest review of my music library. Over the next week, I undoubtedly spent a good 30 hours immersed in this process, and during that time, I formed two strong opinions; the first of these opinions may on first blush offend some of the more adamant Q701 enthusiast here, but my second opinion should regain the trust of anyone I unintentional offend.  
So, ok, here is: my Sennheiser HD800s are the best headphones I can imagine owning; to my ears they do everything right: the imaging, the soundstage, the holographic presentation, and yes even the bass all synergize to create an experience that somehow transports me, body and soul, into the music. Folks on the hd800 threads often claim that these headphones are a window into music, but, really, they are so much more than  that.
Now, what does any of this have to do with the Q701s, you ask? Well, for starters, I can't help but think that the Qs are baby HD800s for people on a budget. Admittedly, they don't perform on the same level of the HD800s, but you wouldn't expect a flagship of the last generation, especially at this price point, to even compete. And yes, they do compete. In fact, they do everything the HD800s do, just not as well: wide and immersive soundstage--check; genuinely neutral sound signature with a little bit of a spike around 6khz--check; extended bass with absolutely no mid bass coloration--check; detailed and articulate presentation throughout the frequency response range--check. When properly amped the similarities are striking. (The Qs, btw, sound much fuller with my  Denon avr-1612, and the bass acquires real authority and presence.)
If you were to force me onto a proverbial plank, and demand that I translate my impressions into crude numerical values, I would say that the Q701s give you about 70% of what the HD800s give you;  with recordings of dubious production values, the Q's  close the gap even further.
Now, I'm certainly no expert (this is my first post by the way), and I should stress that these are all my very subjective and possibly very absurd opinions. With all that said, I have a feeling I will be reaching for the Qs more often than the HD800s. Sometimes the HD800's over the top, holographic rendition teeming with micro-details is just too much for me handle; often, I just want to kick back, relax, and enjoy my music, and now I can do that without sacrificing many of the HD800's virtues. I really couldn't be happier with the Q701s.
Jun 26, 2012 at 11:51 AM Post #1,357 of 9,603
Approximately a week ago, the UPS guy delivered my Q701s; I wasted no time in retrieving the package from my front porch and freeing these bad boys from all the layers of cardboard, paper and plastic. I'm rather impatient when it comes to new toys, so with all possible haste, I plugged them into my Little Dot Mk III headphone amp stocked with Mullard tubes and allowed myself a quick listen; what I heard fascinated me.
The next day, after about 14 hours of burn in, I donned my new headphones again (black is so very sexy) and began an earnest review of my music library. Over the next week, I undoubtedly spent a good 30 hours immersed in this process, and during that time, I formed two strong opinions; the first of these opinions may on first blush offend some of the more adamant Q701 enthusiast here, but my second opinion should regain the trust of anyone I unintentional offend.  
So, ok, here is: my Sennheiser HD800s are the best headphones I can imagine owning; to my ears they do everything right: the imaging, the soundstage, the holographic presentation, and yes even the bass all synergize to create an experience that somehow transports me, body and soul, into the music. Folks on the hd800 threads often claim that these headphones are a window into music, but, really, they are so much more than  that.
Now, what does any of this have to do with the Q701s, you ask? Well, for starters, I can't help but think that the Qs are baby HD800s for people on a budget. Admittedly, they don't perform on the same level of the HD800s, but you wouldn't expect a flagship of the last generation, especially at this price point, to even compete. And yes, they do compete. In fact, they do everything the HD800s do, just not as well: wide and immersive soundstage--check; genuinely neutral sound signature with a little bit of a spike around 6khz--check; extended bass with absolutely no mid bass coloration--check; detailed and articulate presentation throughout the frequency response range--check. When properly amped the similarities are striking. (The Qs, btw, sound much fuller with my  Denon avr-1612, and the bass acquires real authority and presence.)
If you were to force me onto a proverbial plank, and demand that I translate my impressions into crude numerical values, I would say that the Q701s give you about 70% of what the HD800s give you;  with recordings of dubious production values, the Q's  close the gap even further.
Now, I'm certainly no expert (this is my first post by the way), and I should stress that these are all my very subjective and possibly very absurd opinions. With all that said, I have a feeling I will be reaching for the Qs more often than the HD800s. Sometimes the HD800's over the top, holographic rendition teeming with micro-details is just too much for me handle; often, I just want to kick back, relax, and enjoy my music, and now I can do that without sacrificing many of the HD800's virtues. I really couldn't be happier with the Q701s.

Nice! I don't think that you are the first to hear similarities with the K/Qxxx's and the hd800's. Just shows what a bargain these phones are!
welcome to headfi

Jun 26, 2012 at 12:16 PM Post #1,358 of 9,603
Approximately a week ago, the UPS guy delivered my Q701s; I wasted no time in retrieving the package from my front porch and freeing these bad boys from all the layers of cardboard, paper and plastic. I'm rather impatient when it comes to new toys, so with all possible haste, I plugged them into my Little Dot Mk III headphone amp stocked with Mullard tubes and allowed myself a quick listen; what I heard fascinated me.
The next day, after about 14 hours of burn in, I donned my new headphones again (black is so very sexy) and began an earnest review of my music library. Over the next week, I undoubtedly spent a good 30 hours immersed in this process, and during that time, I formed two strong opinions; the first of these opinions may on first blush offend some of the more adamant Q701 enthusiast here, but my second opinion should regain the trust of anyone I unintentional offend.  
So, ok, here is: my Sennheiser HD800s are the best headphones I can imagine owning; to my ears they do everything right: the imaging, the soundstage, the holographic presentation, and yes even the bass all synergize to create an experience that somehow transports me, body and soul, into the music. Folks on the hd800 threads often claim that these headphones are a window into music, but, really, they are so much more than  that.
Now, what does any of this have to do with the Q701s, you ask? Well, for starters, I can't help but think that the Qs are baby HD800s for people on a budget. Admittedly, they don't perform on the same level of the HD800s, but you wouldn't expect a flagship of the last generation, especially at this price point, to even compete. And yes, they do compete. In fact, they do everything the HD800s do, just not as well: wide and immersive soundstage--check; genuinely neutral sound signature with a little bit of a spike around 6khz--check; extended bass with absolutely no mid bass coloration--check; detailed and articulate presentation throughout the frequency response range--check. When properly amped the similarities are striking. (The Qs, btw, sound much fuller with my  Denon avr-1612, and the bass acquires real authority and presence.)
If you were to force me onto a proverbial plank, and demand that I translate my impressions into crude numerical values, I would say that the Q701s give you about 70% of what the HD800s give you;  with recordings of dubious production values, the Q's  close the gap even further.
Now, I'm certainly no expert (this is my first post by the way), and I should stress that these are all my very subjective and possibly very absurd opinions. With all that said, I have a feeling I will be reaching for the Qs more often than the HD800s. Sometimes the HD800's over the top, holographic rendition teeming with micro-details is just too much for me handle; often, I just want to kick back, relax, and enjoy my music, and now I can do that without sacrificing many of the HD800's virtues. I really couldn't be happier with the Q701s.

How's things in N'Awlins?
Hey, thanks for the review! I don't think your opnions are absurd, I think they are right on the money.
Your in depth impressions explain why I like the HD800s so much.
I prefer the HD800s over various HIFI and Audeze phones, T1, etc. But I have only heard all these for brief periods of time.
Jun 26, 2012 at 2:53 PM Post #1,359 of 9,603
Now, what does any of this have to do with the Q701s, you ask? Well, for starters, I can't help but think that the Qs are baby HD800s for people on a budget.
If you were to force me onto a proverbial plank, and demand that I translate my impressions into crude numerical values, I would say that the Q701s give you about 70% of what the HD800s give you;  with recordings of dubious production values, the Q's  close the gap even further.
 With all that said, I have a feeling I will be reaching for the Qs more often than the HD800s. Sometimes the HD800's over the top, holographic rendition teeming with micro-details is just too much for me handle; often, I just want to kick back, relax, and enjoy my music, and now I can do that without sacrificing many of the HD800's virtues. I really couldn't be happier with the Q701s.

Thanks for the review! 
This makes me feel better about not owning the HD800s. 

Jun 26, 2012 at 6:14 PM Post #1,360 of 9,603
Thanks for the review! 
This makes me feel better about not owning the HD800s. 

This makes us feel better for not being able to afford HD800s
Jun 27, 2012 at 6:47 AM Post #1,362 of 9,603
Jun 27, 2012 at 10:42 AM Post #1,363 of 9,603
Thanks for the kindness guys. I was reluctant  to post my impressions here; they seemed a little over the top. Also, I didn't want to say anything to detract from the hd800s--they are genuinely amazing headphones and worthy of the accolades they've earned. But, on the other hand, I had to break the bank when I bought those cans, and I'm sure I'll have to break the bank again whenever I decide to invest in an amp worthy of genuinely driving the 800s. The Qs, however, cost me a paltry 230usd on Amazon! And my Denon receiver, though nothing special,  drives these headphones with absolute authority. The Qs in no way seem bright, or thin, or bass shy when plugged into my receiver. Even the soundstage seems more flush, rounder somehow when amplified this way. However, when I connected the Qs to my Nook tablet, I was floored by how terrible they sounded. So I understand where some of these negative descriptors are coming from.  
After much more listening, I 'm tempted to think that the Qs may really be one of the most under-appreciated mid-fi/high-fi headphones on the market right now.  Oh, btw, I want to thank tdockweiler for starting this thread in the first place: I would never have bought these headphones had you, good sir, not kicked off this little appreciation party. In fact, I really want to thank everyone here for all the insightful and generous input.  (PS: Things are really improving in New Orleans, Chris J.  The heat is terrible, of course, and we have ongoing problems with crime down here, but despite all that, I can attest: New Orleans is in the middle of some sort of post Katrina economic boom. Now, if only Drew Brees would resign with the Saints!)
Jun 27, 2012 at 12:25 PM Post #1,364 of 9,603
Thanks for the kindness guys. I was reluctant  to post my impressions here; they seemed a little over the top. Also, I didn't want to say anything to detract from the hd800s--they are genuinely amazing headphones and worthy of the accolades they've earned. But, on the other hand, I had to break the bank when I bought those cans, and I'm sure I'll have to break the bank again whenever I decide to invest in an amp worthy of genuinely driving the 800s. The Qs, however, cost me a paltry 230usd on Amazon! And my Denon receiver, though nothing special,  drives these headphones with absolute authority. The Qs in no way seem bright, or thin, or bass shy when plugged into my receiver. Even the soundstage seems more flush, rounder somehow when amplified this way. However, when I connected the Qs to my Nook tablet, I was floored by how terrible they sounded. So I understand where some of these negative descriptors are coming from.  
After much more listening, I 'm tempted to think that the Qs may really be one of the most under-appreciated mid-fi/high-fi headphones on the market right now.  Oh, btw, I want to thank tdockweiler for starting this thread in the first place: I would never have bought these headphones had you, good sir, not kicked off this little appreciation party. In fact, I really want to thank everyone here for all the insightful and generous input.  (PS: Things are really improving in New Orleans, Chris J.  The heat is terrible, of course, and we have ongoing problems with crime down here, but despite all that, I can attest: New Orleans is in the middle of some sort of post Katrina economic boom. Now, if only Drew Brees would resign with the Saints!)

First time I used my Q's, I plugged them into my HP notebook.

Um, let's just say, the Qs sound better thru an iPad.
I've been to New Orleans once about 20 years ago, we thought it was fantastic, my favourite US city, maybe it's time for a return visit?
So Brownie didn't do a hell of a job? George W was wrong?

Jun 27, 2012 at 2:31 PM Post #1,365 of 9,603
I am glad to hear about the similarities between the HD800s and Q701s.  Having the Q701s, I still want a pair of the HD800s but reading these impressions reduces the urge to buy them. 
The $1500 pricetag reduces the urge as well...

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