Profit vs Community
May 29, 2008 at 1:59 AM Post #16 of 88
I'd likely sell it at a good price - inbetween market value and what I paid for it. If I really needed money, maybe more. If I was simply bored of the item/had no utility for it and had no immediate future purchase in mind, I'd likely sell it close to what I got it for.
May 29, 2008 at 2:03 AM Post #17 of 88
I would never mess with somebody's FS forum by PM or otherwise. The reason is that... the only place I have seen certain very kind HFers get pissed is when you interfere with their sales. Now, how about you try that on somebody who is an a**hole? Somebody who is mentally unstable? I say let people do whatever they please, and if you have some qualms with a person's morality, keep them to yourself.
May 29, 2008 at 2:05 AM Post #18 of 88
well it's sort of different example, but

if you bought grado HF-1s, when it's released, and you decide to sell it after 10 years.
Due to limited number of headphones produced, price has gone up, but you decide to sell the item at the price you bought it for, rather than current market value.
Someone buys it, and decide to sell it immediately, making some quick cash

I have no problem with the 2nd seller, and I would probably do it as well.

If you are going to sell the item at ridiculusely low price, someone's likely to sell it right away for quick profit. and I don't think first owner has any control over 2nd owner's actions.

Why not just sell it as a pretty good deal (like 10%-15% less than market value) - someone will snatch it up quickly, and more money for your pocket, while avoiding such issues
May 29, 2008 at 2:09 AM Post #19 of 88
The answer is based on so many factors that it's impossible to simply say one or the other. Personally, I've done both, almost always asking the original seller if they would like the item back at the price that I purchased it for and then trying to offer it to someone that I feel is worthy of the same deal.

On the flip side for the most part I've encouraged folks that I've sold stuff to to sell it for whatever that they can get for it since clearly profit/$ wasn't my motive when I gave them the deal that I did, just their enjoyment. If selling it for more will allow them to pursue some other bit of madness (or in the rare case, sanity) my opinion is go for it. In cases where I feel I'm giving someone a deal that doesn't fit the above criteria I usually ask in advance of closing the deal that the item not be profited from, of course that's not a binding a agreement whatsoever.
May 29, 2008 at 2:09 AM Post #20 of 88

Someone buys it, and decide to sell it immediately, making some quick cash

That guy would get completely raped by the forum. We've talked about it before, and even though it may not be against the rules (which it could be, I forget), it'll definitely destroy their credibility on the site. There's a difference between getting a deal for personal use and buying just to sell for profit. (Especially if it's back to our membership)
May 29, 2008 at 2:19 AM Post #22 of 88
I think it's because some of us consider head-fi a community, instead of just a place for classifieds. It's not like we have naked slumber parties or anything though.
May 29, 2008 at 2:43 AM Post #26 of 88
I see nothing wrong with someone getting a good deal on something using it for 6 months or so then wanting to try something else. If they make a profit then so be it. I can tell you after 4 years of buying/selling gear I have turned a profit maybe twice and my losses have far outstripped my gains.

Now flipping product is a no no and people have been designated MOTs for that. Once I gave a guy a great deal on K1000s because I thought he was member in good standing and wanted the headphones for his enjoyment. Less than a week after he recieved them they were up for sale at a profit.
May 29, 2008 at 3:02 AM Post #27 of 88
I say market value or a little under.

Selling it too low is not good for the other people who just want market. It lowers the value of the market to an unreasonable level.
Therefore, it is healthier for the user and the community to go with market value.

There is also a big distinction between buying something and then fixing it and getting more than the original price and just buying something that is low to get a profit. I can safely say that I have never done that. I have bought stuff that is broken, fixed it and then sold it at market value. Then again, there is never a profit involved because you need to get parts and sometimes you can't always fix it. I have only fixed stuff for personal use. For instance, I recently recabled my AT701's. The old lamp style cable was in poor condition (as was the plug) and way too long. I made them now 5.5ft long cable with a very nice connector. Sound much better than the 30+ year old cable. However, I have no intention on selling these babies.....ever..sans an emergency.
May 29, 2008 at 3:32 AM Post #28 of 88
Buying something on the FS forums and then immediately selling it at a profit is against the rules, unless you're declaring yourself a member of the trade, which is a paid for [size=x-small]Privilege[/size]

see here

full rules

and of course, you'd quite rightly get a roasting for it from the more vigialnt members.
May 29, 2008 at 4:22 AM Post #30 of 88
I've done both, and I don't mind it either way. There's enough generosity at head-fi to rub off, but at the same point when I pick up something at an unreasonably good price on flea bay I don't see a problem. As long as you're listening to it and not just scooping it up to throw it up on the boards I don't think it's unreasonable to profit.

Besides, I won't burden anyone with the idea of market liquidity, but it's a good thing to have both the generous and the capitalist in this place, it makes it possible to sell beyond the strict "demand" for the phones.

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