Profit vs Community
May 29, 2008 at 4:41 AM Post #31 of 88
It seems odd that there are a lot of people who think selling at market price and making a profit is wrong, but it is OK, or at least greatly mitigated, if you take just a little less than market price (but still make a substantial profit, hypothetically). I guess that is because one is doing "something" for good will and is therefore more sanctionable from the perpsective of the community.

How about when you are given a gift. Say your rich uncle knows you are a maniac and gives you a pair of Ed.9s for the holidays? You are appreciative but find the bass overwhelming, is there any obligation to offer them for something other than market value?
May 29, 2008 at 4:48 AM Post #32 of 88

It seems odd that there are a lot of people who think selling at market price and making a profit is wrong, but it is OK


Five people isn't really "a lot".

Most of the comments in the this thread are okay with selling at market price, it's "flipping" that's considered wrong.
May 29, 2008 at 4:56 AM Post #34 of 88
Yes, you are right, I was just trying to point out the distinction being made by many people between selling for market price OR selling for some nominal percentage off market price. It seems that the gesture of good will is of great import as in both cases the profit is almost the same and the original good deal is being largely NOT passed on.
May 29, 2008 at 5:03 AM Post #35 of 88
And I actually feel the same. The gesture is enough to signal respect for the community. And membership in the community does not (should not) mean completely abandoning our self-interest (by passing along 100% of a good deal and completely ignoring mkt price).
May 29, 2008 at 5:04 AM Post #36 of 88
Personally, I would never sell a for more than I paid for it. Like n.maher, if I really need cash and had to sell something quick, I would offer the item back to the original seller. If they were not interested, I would pass along the savings to another Head-fier. If I was going for all out profit, I wouldn't post the item here, I would post to Ebay.

I have no problem buying and selling over time (no flipping though!) and have done so myself (having owned a bunch of hp-1000s trying to find the best one I could and then eventually selling the one I had settled on years later for a phono stage) but I HATED those that bought the HF-1's and then flipped them as soon as they were no longer offered. Some folks were putting insane price tags on them immediately and it just ruined the entire gesture for the community.

As was mentioned before, this site is not a market place, it is a community first and the FS forum is a privilege for members in good standing who have demonstrated some form of commitment to the site. This site is very unique among online forums and even more special among audiophile sites. Stereophile along with TAS and others are awestruck with the membership here, the commitment to the hobby and most of all growing our meets to something annual and international.

We have manufacturers who make exclusive products for our site and then donate the profits to charity, thereby covering the parts cost and labour costs and awarding the members appreciation of their products over the years with something unique.

Although not illegal, there is always something beyond rules and regulations, norms and laws...these should be founded on values and values stem from acknowledging the dignity of something or someone. In the case of getting a sweet deal and then flipping, I would say it should never be done. If someone received a sweet deal and simply wanted a change after a time, and contacted the original seller regarding this, if they sold at market value, then I wouldn't be disgusted with the person, I just wouldn't do it.

The idea that one must sell at market value as a means of benefitting the community is hogwash at its finest. A perfect example are the HP-1000's, clearly an over-priced headphone yet people keep bumping up the price to insane levels. I'm waiting for the bubble to burst, and it will and all those folks who paid near 2k for a once 595 phone will feel pretty silly. I'm not against capitalism, but I am against insanity and promoting it as a benefit.
May 29, 2008 at 5:10 AM Post #37 of 88
I've sold pretty much everything at a loss. I'm still amazed at the price level of HF-1. They're decent for what they were, but for the price I've seen some of them go for, the buyer might as well have gotten an RS1 or RS2.
May 29, 2008 at 5:10 AM Post #38 of 88
I think if you bought them from a fellow head-fi'er you should ask him ( He will be the one upset ). I would recommend selling at market value and splitting the difference or doing something else with the profits or offer it to somebody who you think would use it.

A very cheap product on the FS boards is no good for the others trying to sell there gear.

If you got a bargain on e-bay or in a sale somewhere then sell it for market value, It was your luck to spot the bargain.
May 29, 2008 at 5:11 AM Post #39 of 88
I'd give these away for free.


I have plenty enough for everyone.

May 29, 2008 at 5:17 AM Post #40 of 88
Those pretzels actually look pretty good.

I do feel sorry for international members trying sell gear. With the fall of the dollar, that effectively increases their price, or increases their loss. But the reverse is also true, so maybe I don't feel that bad.
May 29, 2008 at 5:28 AM Post #42 of 88
*I am speaking on reasonable products...not rare and limited production. *

The whole HP, HF-1, and PS1 debacle is something entirely different. Those are unreasonable prices for the amount of performance that they offer. The same could be said for R10's and L3000's. Even, I fear that the k1000 might reach into that lofty and ridiculous caliber. There is a fair price and there is the market price.

The market price does not always meet the fair price. The performance should always be equal to the price.

I do believe that flipping is entirely wrong and simply not appropriate in a forum such as this. However, if someone tries something and decided that they do not like it...I feel it is fine to turn it around at the same price that they paid. There is a fair amount of trial and error involved in this hobby!

The truth is that you should always sell at the FAIR price!

It took a lot of time of me trying to like senns, but I just know that after trying everything that I still do not find myself with them. Hence, I have sold every senn in my stable (except one brother has my px200 and the other has my hd495). I sold my like new HD580's for what I had paid and it was well below market price. I had them for about a month before selling and I just knew that I didn't like them. That isn't wrong. But, selling them for 20% mark up is wrong.

It is all about the morality of the sellers in this forum and there is really nothing that any user can do change someone elses character. Sorry Guys, but it is the truth!
May 29, 2008 at 5:33 AM Post #43 of 88

Originally Posted by -=Germania=- /img/forum/go_quote.gif

The truth is that you should always sell at the FAIR price!

Sad but true. At least if there is a general sense of what is deemed appropriate and what is not, folks might strive to adhere to those practices. But ultimately, so long as something is not illegal and/or against the rules of the site, people will try just about anything.
May 29, 2008 at 5:46 AM Post #44 of 88

Originally Posted by -=Germania=- /img/forum/go_quote.gif

The truth is that you should always sell at the FAIR price!

Not to bring this off topic, but on the flip side, I hate it when people who PM lowball offers to items with a quoted prices. If I list something for $100, then later get an offer for $50.
If I wanted $50, I would have posted it for $50. I'd almost rather give it away. Almost...

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