Post pics of your builds....
Oct 12, 2010 at 7:52 PM Post #7,351 of 9,811
All things considered it wasn't bad at all to get the case from hifi2000, especially because it had integrated heatsinks. Finding a case that accepts large enough heatsinks, finding and ordering compatible heatsinks, plus the addition cost of shipping for the heatsinks really adds a lot of time and money. If you need big heatsinks, I would do all you can to find a suitable case with the heatsinks built in.
Oct 12, 2010 at 8:11 PM Post #7,352 of 9,811
[size=medium][size=13.0px]I just got quoted a very reasonable price shipped to Australia for two 3U hifi2000 Pesante Dissipante. Compuryan I agree the inconvenience of sourcing separate heatsinks and building the rest of the chassis around them would be lot of extra work, possibly more money and headache unless you have the tools and know how. The only other place I can find for separate heatsink’s of this quality is Conrad in Australia, even for me the Italian all in one solution is too tempting to refuse.[/size][/size]

Oct 13, 2010 at 7:45 AM Post #7,355 of 9,811
I wish I knew about the 4U cases when I was building the "Mongrel".
The heatsinks would have been totally enclosed, and I would have had to name it "Prince Charming" instead.......
Oct 13, 2010 at 7:58 AM Post #7,356 of 9,811
I wish I knew about the 4U cases when I was building the "Mongrel".

I wish you’d take a photo of the “Mongrel” and post it in this forum, I swear I’ve seen headphones run and hide at the mere site of it. After seeing it run two K1000’s simultaneously without a mere hint of sweat I have a new respect for it.
Oct 13, 2010 at 8:32 AM Post #7,357 of 9,811
I would like to hear and see more details of this Mongrel amp
I'm guessing it's this amp?
Oct 13, 2010 at 2:58 PM Post #7,358 of 9,811
Nebby, this is what wink used in his “mongrel”
The build is balanced, 80W RMS Class A.   
Oct 13, 2010 at 6:12 PM Post #7,360 of 9,811
i'm doing the conrad heatsink-case thing for a benchtop lab/power supply that i've been meaning to build for some time. using the ones with the dual device rails on them. then just a couple pieces of nice wood and some sort of intermediate layer so the wood isnt damaged by the heat. although the sinks will be so oversized for the job that I doubt they'll break a sweat. speaking of which john, Natonrice and I are going in on a conrad order, let me know if you feel like throwing in.
it will also double as a supply for a X'd circlotron voltage follower headamp
Oct 14, 2010 at 12:44 AM Post #7,361 of 9,811
Oct 15, 2010 at 10:49 PM Post #7,364 of 9,811
I built some fun toys.
The first one is a little box I built to indipendently adjust the load seen by an amplifier and output impedance seen by headphone. Im kind of curious how this will work out with the HD800's on the EC balancing act amp. 

Its cute! I think it kind of looks like a face. This means its almost guaranteed to sound good.

We dont need no stinking PCB's in NJ. 

A pair of resistors to make sure you dont short out the amplifier while you screw with this thing. I wonder if they would sound better if they were both oriented the same way. Too late, its all soldered.

part 2! The little guy is there on the right. The mindscrambler is there on the left. The mindscrambler is a continuation on my mint-tin transformer project based on dsavistik's website and awesome articles.
The knob on the right is a volume control based on the transformer ratio. The switch in the middle is a -1.5db switch (neat!) If it was down and you flip it up its a +1.5db switch. 
Due to what is probably best described as an error of measurements & calculations (or the continuation of the fukced advice that you need at least 15v on tap to drive 600ohm headphones) the mindscrambler will not play any quieter than about 80db with Beyer T1. Not too bad, but I like to rock out at 60. Oops. It should be a hit a the next NYC meet if I can sucker anyone into listening to it. Aside from the fact that I feel like the world is about to end when I listen at 80db it actually sounds really really nice.

My edcor transformers are OK.
Theres lots of wires in there. Still no PCB's because thats how I roll. Wiring this was quite the chore. I made life worse for myself by doing it wrong the first time :facepalm:

Very very pretty edcor autoformers. If you do this, figure out a way to get edcor to wind different ratios...

I have been daydreaming of building a new phono stage for some time. Part of that requires (at least in my opinion) some gear to verify that you are following the RIAA curve with some measure of accuracy. Several smart dudes have posted simple and inexpensive circuits to build your own inverse RIAA filter. What fun. 
I bought the MCM thingy all built because this piece of gear is not something I plan to normally show to anyone. Please act like you didnt see it. 
The 2 channels were the same from MCM, but didnt follow any of the posted inverse RIAA part selections I could find. I rebuilt it, using the PCB and salvaging the yellow box caps where they were the proper value. The stock circuit dosnt have any source resistors (What?) which the previously mentioned smart dudes all used. I figured they are on to something so broke the trace under the PCB and wired the resistors in "tombstone" style.

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