Poll: ad700 vs hd555
Jun 4, 2010 at 4:18 PM Post #76 of 157

Krap after reading this thread I'm wondering if I made the right decision. I was torn between the ms-1's and the ad700 and went with the former. I only want them for music, and also I wasn't sure if the AT's were wearable in public :)

You made the right decision if it you only want them for music (unless you listen exclusively to classical). I wouldn't wear either in public to be honest.
Jun 4, 2010 at 7:11 PM Post #77 of 157

hope i dont double post, had to verify email. im not gonna game much. how about music and movies? heavy metal, symphonic rock w/ female vocal.

I really like listening to my After Forever on my 555's if that counts. . .
Jun 4, 2010 at 8:08 PM Post #78 of 157
I think you made the right decision going with the MS-1. For your situation (music only) I would definitely think that the MS-1 prevail in the music category. And like others mentioned, I would never wear my ATs outside. I have a small head as it is so I would look like an alien.
Jun 5, 2010 at 12:24 AM Post #79 of 157

I think you made the right decision going with the MS-1. For your situation (music only) I would definitely think that the MS-1 prevail in the music category. And like others mentioned, I would never wear my ATs outside. I have a small head as it is so I would look like an alien.

. . .kinda like my avatar? (but with AD700's obviously for you)
Jun 5, 2010 at 4:44 AM Post #80 of 157

I've heard the 555 and they sounded very ordinary. Havent heard the ad700 so no vote from me.

I wonder what that means--very ordinary? I've read so many comments about the 555/595 series sounding ordinary, unexciting, underwhelming that as one who's found just about every other headphone in the same price range either way too bright or coloured or both, I'm wondering what people are actually listening for in their headphones. For myself I listen for neutrality, lack of colouration--in short, a headphone that gets out the way and lets the music through with as little interference as possible. After all, it's the music that's supposed to be exciting, not the headphone. To my ears the 555 is so clearly superior in terms of neutrality to something like the AD700 that any suggestion to the contrary is a joke, yet I'm constantly seeing new threads popping up proclaiming the virtues of the 700 and complaining about the 555 being boring or having no stand out features. Guys, stand out features is a sign of something being added, of colouration. The headphone is not a musical instrument but a conduit for the instrument; it should not have "features"; it should be as "boring" as possible.
Sorry to be lecturing, but I just had to get that in. Maybe we need to remind ourselves occasionally just what the puropose of a headphone is--what indeed "hi-fi" is.    
Jun 5, 2010 at 12:19 PM Post #81 of 157
pp312, I agree with you to a certain extent. Your thoughts hold true for well mastered material, but unless you only listen to jazz and classical, a lot of other music is poorly mastered and thus colored in the mastering. If we only wanted to hear how the engineer mastered, then a lot of us wouldn't be in this hobby and only one headphone would need to exist. People still prefer different presentations, even if we don't agree, and things sound different to different people. That being said, I agree with you on the 555 doesn't get in the way of the music or change it to the degree that the AD700 does.
Jun 5, 2010 at 10:24 PM Post #83 of 157

pp312, I agree with you to a certain extent. Your thoughts hold true for well mastered material, but unless you only listen to jazz and classical, a lot of other music is poorly mastered and thus colored in the mastering. If we only wanted to hear how the engineer mastered, then a lot of us wouldn't be in this hobby and only one headphone would need to exist. People still prefer different presentations, even if we don't agree, and things sound different to different people. That being said, I agree with you on the 555 doesn't get in the way of the music or change it to the degree that the AD700 does.

Of course, your comments beg the question: how do you know a lot of music is poorly mastered? Could it be because you've been listening on an AD700? (Just kidding). Over the years I've believed certain CDs were poorly mastered only to get better equipment and find they're nowhere near as bad as I thought--in fact damn good, some of them. A mark of good equipment is that it makes the music sound better, not worse. When I try a phone, and I've just about tried them all, my initial criteria is: does it sound like music? Do I enjoy listening to music on it? I never think: Hmm, the bass lacks a bit of detail and doesn't quite reach to 40hz. One of the reasons the 650 is such a perennial favourite here is because it's musical--it actually sounds like music. Yes, it does roll off at the top, and that's a pity, and it does overall lack detail in the K701 sense, but it makes instruments sound like instruments, and in the face of that everything else is pretty much irrelevant.
As I said, I listen to classical/orchestral, so my crtieria may be different to those listening to rock, electronica etc, but this is after all a hi-fi forum, and the only criteria of hi-fi is: how well does it reproduce the original sound? I get a bit worried when I read sentences like, "I love my Denonbeyer HD43, it allows me to hear the guitarist's teeth clicking, but there's a bit of sibilance there and I can only listen for five minutes at a time. Should I get an Abrac 63 amp to tame that bit of brightness, or is it just a bad recording?" As someone who's been into headphones since 1970 I know instantly that the writer will not find happiness with that headphone and the Abrac 63 amp will not help, even if it costs $10,000. The real problem is that the writer has his priorities confused: he's listening for detail and excitement and the sound of the guitarist's teeth clicking when he should be asking himself: does this sound anything like what I heard at my last gig, or does it sound brighter and more exciting? I'm aware that with popular music the producer's aim is not always complete fidelity, that the music is sometimes fiddled with, but I still believe my basic criteria holds true: does it sound anything like live instruments? After all, if you start trying to second guess the CD producer where are you? 
As for your point about different people preferring different presentations, is that true or just a consequence of people not being able to find the right presentation? After all, you wouldn't go to a concert of any kind and shout out that you didn't like the sound, that you'd prefer a different presentation please---"something a bit brighter, with more detail, to match my rig at home." Sorry to sound flippant, but that's what comes down to.
Jun 5, 2010 at 11:27 PM Post #84 of 157
Now I disagree with you. It's very easy to tell how well a recording mastered and some venues sound terrible for live gigs and I would like a different presentation. You trust sound engineers way too much when they have totally different agendas. Unless it's classical or jazz which get little to no radio play, they go for maximum volume and compression. Listen to ACDC Back in Black and then listen to any current rock group's CD. There are almost zero dynamics in the current CD. Thank god they make Grados to compensate for bad recordings.
Of course, your comments beg the question: how do you know a lot of music is poorly mastered? Could it be because you've been listening on an AD700? (Just kidding). Over the years I've believed certain CDs were poorly mastered only to get better equipment and find they're nowhere near as bad as I thought--in fact damn good, some of them. A mark of good equipment is that it makes the music sound better, not worse. When I try a phone, and I've just about tried them all, my initial criteria is: does it sound like music? Do I enjoy listening to music on it? I never think: Hmm, the bass lacks a bit of detail and doesn't quite reach to 40hz. One of the reasons the 650 is such a perennial favourite here is because it's musical--it actually sounds like music. Yes, it does roll off at the top, and that's a pity, and it does overall lack detail in the K701 sense, but it makes instruments sound like instruments, and in the face of that everything else is pretty much irrelevant.
As I said, I listen to classical/orchestral, so my crtieria may be different to those listening to rock, electronica etc, but this is after all a hi-fi forum, and the only criteria of hi-fi is: how well does it reproduce the original sound? I get a bit worried when I read sentences like, "I love my Denonbeyer HD43, it allows me to hear the guitarist's teeth clicking, but there's a bit of sibilance there and I can only listen for five minutes at a time. Should I get an Abrac 63 amp to tame that bit of brightness, or is it just a bad recording?" As someone who's been into headphones since 1970 I know instantly that the writer will not find happiness with that headphone and the Abrac 63 amp will not help, even if it costs $10,000. The real problem is that the writer has his priorities confused: he's listening for detail and excitement and the sound of the guitarist's teeth clicking when he should be asking himself: does this sound anything like what I heard at my last gig, or does it sound brighter and more exciting? I'm aware that with popular music the producer's aim is not always complete fidelity, that the music is sometimes fiddled with, but I still believe my basic criteria holds true: does it sound anything like live instruments? After all, if you start trying to second guess the CD producer where are you? 
As for your point about different people preferring different presentations, is that true or just a consequence of people not being able to find the right presentation? After all, you wouldn't go to a concert of any kind and shout out that you didn't like the sound, that you'd prefer a different presentation please---"something a bit brighter, with more detail, to match my rig at home." Sorry to sound flippant, but that's what comes down to.

Jun 5, 2010 at 11:33 PM Post #86 of 157


Sorry for being off topic but what exactly is your avatar?

Go to Google. . .type in "Understanding Joshua" in an image search. . .you'll find some pics to explain it all.  In addition to that. . .click the link in my signature that says "I love milk, and you?"
Also, some background. . .the whole Understanding Joshua thing is a series of pictures or "art" that this guy did.  I believe its supposed to depict what he feels like in all the situations you see in the pictures. . .like an alien that stands out I suppose.
Beyond that, I just find the pictures highly amusing and love to see/hear/read people's reactions to them, lol.
Jun 6, 2010 at 1:09 AM Post #88 of 157
xformula can you help me out please? I want a pair of Grados / Alessandros for home listening. I'm selling my DJ1 Pros for 160 and the sale is pending so I'll have some free money to replace them. I just don't know if they would suit me very well. I do listen to a good deal of hip hop and a relative amount of techno and alternative. More alternative than techno. Would the MS1s be god awful for hip hop (the majority of my music). If this is the case are the SR60s / SR80s any better? I heard Alessandro sucks the "fun" out of Grados. Thanks
Jun 6, 2010 at 1:29 AM Post #89 of 157
You might be better off looking for a closed pair instead of the Gradossandros? Alessandro is just slightly more neutral, still exciting headphones in themselves.
Jun 6, 2010 at 1:34 AM Post #90 of 157
Maybe. I'm trying to find a good deal on some Hfi780s, but the reason I was looking for a pair of Grados is because currently the only amp I have is the small one that's part of my X-fi Forte... Lol don't laugh at me. I wouldn't be able to properly drive some high enders. Also I love my DT770/80s for closed cans regarding my genres. I just wanted to try the Grados out and see how well they do with my alternative and newer rock collection, but didn't know if I should get the MS1s or SR60 / 80

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