Please pray for Kina
Mar 3, 2005 at 8:34 PM Post #31 of 74
Kina is asleep now.

The cancer was to widespread and we made the decision in her best interest. We were all with her when she passed.

God, this hurts.
Mar 3, 2005 at 8:40 PM Post #33 of 74

Originally Posted by JMT
Kina is asleep now.

The cancer was to widespread and we made the decision in her best interest. We were all with her when she passed.

God, this hurts.

I'm truly sorry to hear this. And this dredges up a bad memory for me.

Before I married my wife to be, I would go to her house, and her family had two dogs. Both were around the same age (10) as Kina. Well, a hard decision was made, and due to the fact that the kids were going to college, and my now mother and father-in-law could not properly care for two sick dogs, it was decided to take the dogs to the MSPCA and have them put to sleep. One of the dogs could barely walk and was in constant pain, and the other was blind and could not hold in going to the bathroom.

I was "voted" to drive the dogs to the MSPCA. Well, I get there, and take Brandy and Blue Boy out of the car, and begin walking to the door. I was met by somebody who worked there, and since I had called previously, they knew who I was and why I was there. This was hard enough for me knowing what I was doing.

Well, 20+ years later, I will never EVER forget the look that Blue Boy gave me as he was being walked into the building. I know Blue Boy knew exactly what was happening, and his stare drilled a permanent hole through me.

I feel for you and your loss.
Mar 3, 2005 at 9:17 PM Post #37 of 74
I know how you feel man, I had a cat for 15 years I had to put to sleep. He was like my brother, and I believe he had a stroke. He was paralyzed almost his whole body and couldn't do anything. He might have even had cancer, but they never said he did. Don't worry, Kina will rest in peace and always be with you. She might come back to you in another dog form, so don't worry. It's happened to me already.
Mar 3, 2005 at 9:20 PM Post #38 of 74
So sorry to hear, but just know you did the right thing for Kina. We recently lost our beloved pup to liver cancer, and though he passed while at doggie day care, I'm certain that we would have made the same humane choice you did, achingly painful as it would have been.

You and your family are in my thoughts.
Mar 3, 2005 at 9:29 PM Post #39 of 74
Jon, my condolences as well. Thanks for reminding us to treasure our pets while we have our time with them.
Mar 3, 2005 at 10:12 PM Post #44 of 74
If something could mitigate your sadness for the loss, I would suggest to get a new puppy, try to fill the emptyness with a new won't be the same, but sure it helps....Sorry Jon, I'm very sad this happen, I was reading a hoping everyhting will ahve a happy end, but unfortunatelly things turn really sad....
Mar 3, 2005 at 10:17 PM Post #45 of 74
Is there some sort of etiquette for how long before a "replacement" pet (yes, there really is no such thing) is adopted?

I know our dog is getting closer and closer to the end, she is quite old and has been getting more frequent medical problems.

My wife owned this dog before we even met, so it will be devasting for her moreso. Just wondering how soon is too soon to get another dog, or if there is such as thing as too soon.


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