PLANAR IEMs fans thread-Impressions, suggestions, ranking list, techs
Mar 27, 2024 at 10:41 PM Post #196 of 401
My first Planar arrived today, and with under an hour on it, my mind is blown. Wow!


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Mar 29, 2024 at 4:16 AM Post #197 of 401
I have about 30 hours on it over the last couple of days, leaving it running all day on my HiBy R6 3 , and listened again tonight. So delicate in its mids and highs. Certainly a detail monster, with slightly recessed midrange, but with a warmth. Yello sounds sublime on it, with a huge soundstage and warmth. I’m no bass head, but it digs deep. I do not ever listen at loud levels, only low to mid level. This Planar excels in this volume level. So far it takes the top rank of my IEMs. I’ve finally found one that topples my KZ AST set, which is another warm detail monster with a huge sound field. Both beat my Simgot EA500LM, and Phoenixcall. If the KZ AST had slightly more high end sparkle, it would be my go to IEM.

Early days yet, but as a newbie to Planars, I’m impressed.
Apr 2, 2024 at 10:56 PM Post #198 of 401
Akros just dropped this review on the Shozy P20, but he goes in-depth into a really useful comparison of a number of sets, including the Artti, Klanar, Nice HCK, P1 Max, MP145, etc. As a reviewer he is on point, and he isn't just championing expense sets, he tries to be objective using both measurements but also his own extensive experience.

Apr 4, 2024 at 9:13 PM Post #199 of 401
This is a hill I will gladly die on. I’ll put the Artti T10 up against any single driver planar magnetic up to $400. Period. End of story. I just did a comp with the S12 Pro, NiceHck F1 Pro and the original Timeless. It wasn’t even close. Considering what I have heard about the S15, it would handily take that down too. Nightingale, MP145, Shozy P20 dynamic… er I mean planar magnetic. Any and all of them. Don’t believe me? Check it out yourself. It will barely set you back $50 right now.
I have them and while they are very nice they are not flawless. Their strength is the very nicely behaved midrange and treble. It's reminiscent of the treble-recessed Sennheiser HD650, while still retaining good clarity.
Their biggest flaw is the bloated sub bass and weak mid bass. They don't need any EQ up high, but they definitely could use some help below 200Hz. That region is frankly a mess. In that regard they are the opposite of the KZ PR2 which I also own. When I EQ out the shoutiness and glare of the PR2, the whole thing sounds very good with clean bass and nice mid-highs. Personally I'm torn which one I want to leave on for my work day. The EQ'd PR2 is a joy, the un-EQ'd T10 is warm and cozy, but the bass impact is not very good. I have not found a great bass EQ for the T10 yet. They might be limited by the shell design, but that's just a speculation on my part.
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Apr 5, 2024 at 1:22 AM Post #200 of 401
My first Planar arrived today, and with under an hour on it, my mind is blown. Wow!
First planar iem you sayand you are blown away? Same, but I only have the KZ PR2 which is a fraction of the price about 22$ USD of most planar iems and was similarly blown away (i do have plabar headphones already though so was familar with the sound signature of planars). I wonder how this one compares to the PR2, care to buy a bare and get back to me with your thought OP :)?
Apr 5, 2024 at 2:12 AM Post #201 of 401
That’s over NZ$40 plus GST and shipping. I like the Planar even more now that I have listened at least 100 hours. I have seen some people really love your KZPR2. Enjoy it.
Apr 5, 2024 at 9:36 PM Post #203 of 401
If budget was not a limit, what would be the best planar IEM that would you suggest?

I have tried most of the major planar options out there and I have found the Campfire Supermoons (just FYI I have the CIEM version though they say the UIEM sounds identical) to be the best. They incorporate all the speed and detail you'd expect from a planar based IEM, but also manage to have more DD-like timbral and tonal characteristics.

Given the performance you can from planar IEMs offered by competitors as significantly lower prices, I think the Supermoons are probably a touch overpriced at their MSRP, but they are the best planar IEM I have had in my ears by a significant margin. I had some discount credit with Campfire that I needed to use so when the SMs came out and were offered in a CIEM version I went ahead and ordered them. I had already been wanting a custom planar IEM and I had just had new scans done for a pair of 64 Audio A18ts for use on stage so everything just kinda worked out.

Personally, I'm happy with the purchase and I know many others who are totally satisfied having paid full price. They are a great pair of IEMs and they outperform the other planars I have tried, but because high performance starts at such modest prices when it comes to planar IEMs, diminishing returns hit pretty hard and pretty early. With that in mind, I can't tell you whether the SMs would be worth it for you at their price (I haven't looked to see if they've come down at all in price), but if you truly want the best planar IEM regardless of the price, I think they have to be in the running and are totally worthy of consideration.
Apr 6, 2024 at 3:20 AM Post #204 of 401
I have tried most of the major planar options out there and I have found the Campfire Supermoons (just FYI I have the CIEM version though they say the UIEM sounds identical) to be the best. They incorporate all the speed and detail you'd expect from a planar based IEM, but also manage to have more DD-like timbral and tonal characteristics.

Given the performance you can from planar IEMs offered by competitors as significantly lower prices, I think the Supermoons are probably a touch overpriced at their MSRP, but they are the best planar IEM I have had in my ears by a significant margin. I had some discount credit with Campfire that I needed to use so when the SMs came out and were offered in a CIEM version I went ahead and ordered them. I had already been wanting a custom planar IEM and I had just had new scans done for a pair of 64 Audio A18ts for use on stage so everything just kinda worked out.

Personally, I'm happy with the purchase and I know many others who are totally satisfied having paid full price. They are a great pair of IEMs and they outperform the other planars I have tried, but because high performance starts at such modest prices when it comes to planar IEMs, diminishing returns hit pretty hard and pretty early. With that in mind, I can't tell you whether the SMs would be worth it for you at their price (I haven't looked to see if they've come down at all in price), but if you truly want the best planar IEM regardless of the price, I think they have to be in the running and are totally worthy of consideration.
Thank you! This is really helpful..
(I am waiting for my U18t to be delivered any day :) I am so curious to head how they compare with the other 64A's models.. )
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Apr 6, 2024 at 3:39 AM Post #205 of 401
Thank you! This is really helpful..
(I am waiting for my U18t to be delivered any day :) I am so curious to head how they compare with the other 64A's units.. )

Happy to be of some help and I hope you find what you're looking for. Happy hunting! 👍😎

As far as the 64 Audio IEMs go, I have the A18s, A18t, A12t, N8, and Volur and out of those models, the A18t are probably the best all-rounders for listening to music, IMO. They're great with anything I throw at them. Their technical performance is excellent and they have some of the most accurate tone and timbre I have come across in an all BA based IEM. The Volur and the N8 have tunings that might be considered to be more fun and energetic by many people, but the tuning choices on each also make them less versatile as it narrows which genres they can reproduce with aplomb.

If I had to pick a single 64 Audio IEM for musical enjoyment to be a one and only or daily driver, my A18t would get the job. To clarify, I don't mean to imply that the A18t is somehow boring or not enjoyable, as I find them to be quite musical and immersive when I'm listening. The tuning is quite well done giving them good extension at both ends so you get plenty of detail up top and articulation down low without the overall presentation crossing the line into being fatiguing.

Now, obviously I can't tell you how much the U18t with vary from my A18t as that will depend a lot on the tips you choose and how closely the fit is able to replicate the fit, seal, insertion depth, etc of the custom version, but I commented anyways as I suspect at least some of the things I mention would be true for the universal U18t version as well.
Apr 6, 2024 at 4:00 AM Post #206 of 401
Happy to be of some help and I hope you find what you're looking for. Happy hunting! 👍😎

As far as the 64 Audio IEMs go, I have the A18s, A18t, A12t, N8, and Volur and out of those models, the A18t are probably the best all-rounders for listening to music, IMO. They're great with anything I throw at them. Their technical performance is excellent and they have some of the most accurate tone and timbre I have come across in an all BA based IEM. The Volur and the N8 have tunings that might be considered to be more fun and energetic by many people, but the tuning choices on each also make them less versatile as it narrows which genres they can reproduce with aplomb.

If I had to pick a single 64 Audio IEM for musical enjoyment to be a one and only or daily driver, my A18t would get the job. To clarify, I don't mean to imply that the A18t is somehow boring or not enjoyable, as I find them to be quite musical and immersive when I'm listening. The tuning is quite well done giving them good extension at both ends so you get plenty of detail up top and articulation down low without the overall presentation crossing the line into being fatiguing.

Now, obviously I can't tell you how much the U18t with vary from my A18t as that will depend a lot on the tips you choose and how closely the fit is able to replicate the fit, seal, insertion depth, etc of the custom version, but I commented anyways as I suspect at least some of the things I mention would be true for the universal U18t version as well.
Thank you and thank you for your advice! I have the U12t, Trio and Fourte and I tend to move between the three depending the listening mood. U12t are amazingly detailed but more relaxed, good for an overnight flight or very long listening sessions. I love the energy of the Fourte, its detail and slam as much as I really love Trio's bass.
I am now so curious about the U18t...

I am looking for a combination of detail, layering and precision and V/U kick tuning .

Tips make such a great difference!!!. .. best investment ever has been to buy every type of tips I was able to get until I found a good fit to my preferences/ears
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Apr 7, 2024 at 11:54 AM Post #208 of 401
Happy to be of some help and I hope you find what you're looking for. Happy hunting! 👍😎

As far as the 64 Audio IEMs go, I have the A18s, A18t, A12t, N8, and Volur and out of those models, the A18t are probably the best all-rounders for listening to music, IMO. They're great with anything I throw at them. Their technical performance is excellent and they have some of the most accurate tone and timbre I have come across in an all BA based IEM. The Volur and the N8 have tunings that might be considered to be more fun and energetic by many people, but the tuning choices on each also make them less versatile as it narrows which genres they can reproduce with aplomb.

If I had to pick a single 64 Audio IEM for musical enjoyment to be a one and only or daily driver, my A18t would get the job. To clarify, I don't mean to imply that the A18t is somehow boring or not enjoyable, as I find them to be quite musical and immersive when I'm listening. The tuning is quite well done giving them good extension at both ends so you get plenty of detail up top and articulation down low without the overall presentation crossing the line into being fatiguing.

Now, obviously I can't tell you how much the U18t with vary from my A18t as that will depend a lot on the tips you choose and how closely the fit is able to replicate the fit, seal, insertion depth, etc of the custom version, but I commented anyways as I suspect at least some of the things I mention would be true for the universal U18t version as well.
I just can't agree for me. I need the spectacular DD bass of the Volur for most of my all around music IEM. Indie Rock, Indie Pop/Beats, Electronic, Classic Rock, Jazz and a little bit of classical. If I was mostly classical, I would not have the Volur as my main IEM. I have not found BA bass to compete yet, so I still have to say that for folks there is no definitive all rounder.
Apr 8, 2024 at 12:46 PM Post #210 of 401
Fantastic. The original Tin Hifi P1 Max was not only technically excellent but, from a tuning perspective, had a subdued yet clear upper-mid range. The resultant sound was one that you could enjoy the entire spectrum. For those who enjoy planar bass, this tuning allows you to turn up the volume and get a more full-bodied sound. The new P1 Max II appears to keep both the design and sound presentation of the original.

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