Owners of HD650 AND HD600, which has more details and instrument separation?
Jan 29, 2008 at 8:38 AM Post #46 of 66
hey thanks for the fast reply dude

the definition of dark seems fit with me as i don't like piercing treble, I definitely gonna try one,

waw better than L3000? if it is really as good as you've said i will start saving now, and start finding a good bank to rob

and one last question, is SDS preamp is as good as real preamp at the same price? if it can act as one in the speaker system, it will be a huge save....

Jan 29, 2008 at 8:22 PM Post #47 of 66
After one evening of listening I can only offer my first impression. As many others have already stated the 650's sound dark and veiled compared to the 600's. The 600's were more neutral and acoustically transparent. As the OP would like to know, the 600's were more detailed and provided better instrument separation.

My set-up: NAD L70 (headphone-out), Cardas cable.

Need to get a decent headphone amp to go with my Esoteric DV-50. Any suggestions?
Jan 29, 2008 at 9:04 PM Post #48 of 66

Originally Posted by mawk /img/forum/go_quote.gif
After one evening of listening I can only offer my first impression. As many others have already stated the 650's sound dark and veiled compared to the 600's.

In case you bought it new: One evening is much too little break-in time. It will open up and become less dark after a while, especially when the headband gets looser.
Jan 29, 2008 at 9:44 PM Post #49 of 66
I just finished 3 weeks audition with HD600. I already own HD650, so I was doing only comparison between them.

The answer to OP's poll question is : HD600
Jan 30, 2008 at 2:13 AM Post #50 of 66

Originally Posted by wrecked_porsche /img/forum/go_quote.gif

What are the cardas made off?

The Cardas cable is high purity copper... and "some other stuff."

I'm not quite sure why... but... it makes the HD580/600s... clear, warm, rich, weighty and organic.
Jan 30, 2008 at 3:23 AM Post #51 of 66
@mawk & Murugesh, thank you very much for your replies to my original question.
I've come to the conclusion that the HD6xx are too similar for me to decide. Amp synergy is the key I guess. Some who voted for HD600 might have heard a bad combination of HD650 and an amp; likewise, people who voted for the HD650 might have heard a bad combination of the HD600 and an amp.
I thought the answer to my original question would be clear cut, but it looks like I was very much mistaken.

Thank you to everyone who replied and voted in this thread.


Originally Posted by Gradofan2
The Cardas cable is high purity copper... and "some other stuff."

I'm not quite sure why... but... it makes the HD580/600s... clear, warm, rich, weighty and organic.

Warm, rich, weighty and organic = mirrors my finding with copper ICs and my Darths, however I'm not sure about the "clear" ? Hmmmmmmm... has to be the "some other stuff" they added in there... perhaps a tough of silver?
Jan 30, 2008 at 8:15 AM Post #52 of 66
I was hunting around for my first "reference grade cans" and was undecided between the K701 and HD650/600 combo.

With so many fanboys of each, and with so many different opinions on what has to be one of the most subjective topics of all time (sound and what is good is so relative).

Perhaps the best advice that any confused newbie could get was that I couldn't have gone wrong with any of these 3 options as they all shine with the right equiptment and have a distinct flavour of their own that is as individual as scotch...

I took the plunge and got an HD650, I'm far from an expert but I am very pleased...

Just decide, close your eyes (and ears) and buy

But technically speaking from what I've read if you plan on having good equiptment in the near future the HD650 is definitely more scalable...I'm planning on the same 600~800$ amp in a couple of years or so.
we'll be making the journey together...
Jan 30, 2008 at 9:32 AM Post #54 of 66
@Vandal, yeah, I've pretty much decided to go for the HD650. I already told my dad's friend to get the HD650 for me.

Like you, I will also have to save up for a few years in order to pump a reasonable amount of money into this hobby/HD650 setup. Its gonna take some time, but I think it should be worth it in the end.

@Zorander, any link to the Oehlbach HD6xx cable? I went to their website but can't find any HD650 cables? Did you buy the Senn connectors elsewhere and DIY it yourself? If so, where did you get the connectors and which Oehlbach cable did you use? Silver ones should be a good match for the HD650.
Jan 30, 2008 at 10:00 AM Post #55 of 66

Originally Posted by wrecked_porsche /img/forum/go_quote.gif
@Zorander, any link to the Oehlbach HD6xx cable? I went to their website but can't find any HD650 cables? Did you buy the Senn connectors elsewhere and DIY it yourself? If so, where did you get the connectors and which Oehlbach cable did you use? Silver ones should be a good match for the HD650.

The Senn Oehlbach cable has been discontinued for some time. Buying used off this forum (or elsewhere) is your best bet.

I haven't made my own Senn cable yet; don't like the idea of either splicing somewhere before the connectors nor cannibalizing the connectors themselves. When I do make one though, I will most likely go the splicing route. With regard to copper vs silver, I have always personally preferred copper cables and that applies to Senns as well. The Oehlbach iirc is copper-based.


p.s. Concentrate your money on a good amp first. The stock cable is good enough.
Jan 30, 2008 at 10:55 AM Post #56 of 66

Originally Posted by Zorander /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The Senn Oehlbach cable has been discontinued for some time. Buying used off this forum (or elsewhere) is your best bet.

I haven't made my own Senn cable yet; don't like the idea of either splicing somewhere before the connectors nor cannibalizing the connectors themselves. When I do make one though, I will most likely go the splicing route. With regard to copper vs silver, I have always personally preferred copper cables and that applies to Senns as well. The Oehlbach iirc is copper-based.


p.s. Concentrate your money on a good amp first. The stock cable is good enough.

Thanks. Sound advice for me too!
Jan 30, 2008 at 12:59 PM Post #58 of 66
I've always preferred the HD600. In absolute terms, the HD650 are probably just as detailed, IMHO, but more veiled and distant-sounding than the HD600, and therefore less involving/arresting/realistic. If you can hear through the "fog" of the HD650, the detail's there, but why strain when you can opt for the HD600 instead? : )

p.s. Have auditioned both the 600 and the 650 w/stock, Cardas, Headphile BlackMAxx and Revelation Audio Labs Cryo-Silver. My re-cable of choice was the RAL, by far.
Feb 29, 2008 at 4:23 PM Post #59 of 66
I love the Senns HD650s so much and have read so much on the HD600s, I made the plunge and just went all in for the 600s. You know, I justified it to my wallet like this....hey mister wallet, "recently, I purchased a balanced saa equinox for the 650s and these replaced the SE equinox. This meant I had an extra equinox and I always wanted to pacify my need to compare the two"-wallet surrendered the fight.

The whole struggle was much more dramatic in my head than it sounds through written text, I guess.-needs a soundtrack maybe.
Feb 29, 2008 at 4:28 PM Post #60 of 66
they're both pretty good. those who prefer the 650 will say that the 600 is too forward, bright, and thin sounding. those who prefer the 600 will say the 650 is too dark, recessed, and bass sloppy.

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