OCCUPY HI-FI - about Head-Fi (in relation to High End Audio) - GLOVES ARE OFF
Aug 25, 2013 at 12:42 AM Post #17 of 147
As we are fond of saying in my office when discussing customers we don't like - "screw him."  Or her.  We are gender blind when it comes to AH's.

I'm also not even addressing what I consider to be the old headphones vs. loudspeakers argument here in this piece.
I think the whole vs. thing was started from a marketing perspective effectively (direct competition and mud-throwing
at each other brings attention) - and as long as the user is happy - and all us users are vastly different, that's ALL that
and to the people in the industry who've accused me of things like "abandoning the true high end" - well: No.  I haven't
abandoned ANYTHING.  I'll still write up a killer pair of bookshelf speakers (have the incredible The One desktop speakers
from Audience right now - they're splendid), a phonostage or a turntable - but other than that: I'm having a BLAST exploring personal
and I haven't had a BLAST for a long time in high end audio.
Aug 25, 2013 at 4:19 AM Post #18 of 147
Excellent article. I can see a lot of old guard hi-fi folks feeling like they just got caught with a devastating left hook after reading it: you're right, they know it, and there's nothing they can do about it. Expect much trolling. 

I'll specifically agree with one point you brought up: it's the people and sense of community on Head-Fi that keep me coming back again and again. I followed a different trajectory than some members when I joined Head-Fi. Instead of jumping right in and asking for recommendations, instead I lurked and did my research beforehand. It took me a few different models, but I finally came upon something I could stick with long-term.
At that point you could say the site had served its purpose to me, and that there wasn't any purpose in sticking around. Instead, I joined up. I wanted to be a part of the community, to join in the banter and excited discussions whenever a new giant killer is discovered, to help others who are embarking on the same journey that had gotten me to where I was at the time. I got to know members by seeing their posts along the way. I interacted with some of them, made friends, had a few laughs (okay, a lot of laughs--I'm a regular in the TMAC crew). Hell, there are days on end in here where I don't even talk about headphones. It's like this great big clubhouse. Got a pair of cans? Buying a pair of cans? Have heard of cans? Come on in!
The times, they are a-changing. I think the best part about it is that it isn't forced or contrived--it's not like we all got together and decided to squat on Wall Street hi-fi territory. We're not trying to tear down the old guard. But down they will come unless they adapt and acknowledge us. It's not that we want to destroy them. It's just that we know what we want, we've got plenty of choices, and we're choosing them far less often than they're used to.
Aug 25, 2013 at 5:12 AM Post #19 of 147
Yeah Mike, you haven't even been over to the TMAC thread yet.  There's a whole other side of me that you don't even know about bro!  If you're ever feeling adventurous, stop by there.  Just one warning, you might never leave! 

Aug 25, 2013 at 7:12 AM Post #20 of 147
The main problem with some people in the hifi industry is that they're not it because they love it.
They're in it for the bucks. They would be just as happy selling or reviewing lawnmowers for a quid.
Then someone comes along with a passion for their profession like yourself, and they ridicule or marginalise them because they can't understand the concept of loving their trade.
They do their job to get loot to fund their hobby instead of having their job as their hobby.
Count yourself fortunate that you are doing something you have a passion for, and let the others look on and admire you in secret.
Aug 25, 2013 at 12:44 PM Post #21 of 147
Excellent article. I can see a lot of old guard hi-fi folks feeling like they just got caught with a devastating left hook after reading it: you're right, they know it, and there's nothing they can do about it. Expect much trolling. 

I'll specifically agree with one point you brought up: it's the people and sense of community on Head-Fi that keep me coming back again and again. I followed a different trajectory than some members when I joined Head-Fi. Instead of jumping right in and asking for recommendations, instead I lurked and did my research beforehand. It took me a few different models, but I finally came upon something I could stick with long-term.
At that point you could say the site had served its purpose to me, and that there wasn't any purpose in sticking around. Instead, I joined up. I wanted to be a part of the community, to join in the banter and excited discussions whenever a new giant killer is discovered, to help others who are embarking on the same journey that had gotten me to where I was at the time. I got to know members by seeing their posts along the way. I interacted with some of them, made friends, had a few laughs (okay, a lot of laughs--I'm a regular in the TMAC crew). Hell, there are days on end in here where I don't even talk about headphones. It's like this great big clubhouse. Got a pair of cans? Buying a pair of cans? Have heard of cans? Come on in!
The times, they are a-changing. I think the best part about it is that it isn't forced or contrived--it's not like we all got together and decided to squat on Wall Street hi-fi territory. We're not trying to tear down the old guard. But down they will come unless they adapt and acknowledge us. It's not that we want to destroy them. It's just that we know what we want, we've got plenty of choices, and we're choosing them far less often than they're used to.

thanks for these AMAZING responses!!
What's the TMAC thread????
Jude read the article last night and told me it could be his favorite essay of mine, and he likes my writing.
THAT MADE MY MONTH!! He was going to read it again before bed.  He sent me a very sweet note
I love that guy, and I owe him alot.  He infected me!
And you're right!  We've got plenty of choices and people to discuss them with!
NOT merely be preached at
Aug 25, 2013 at 12:50 PM Post #22 of 147
The main problem with some people in the hifi industry is that they're not it because they love it.
They're in it for the bucks. They would be just as happy selling or reviewing lawnmowers for a quid.
Then someone comes along with a passion for their profession like yourself, and they ridicule or marginalise them because they can't understand the concept of loving their trade.
They do their job to get loot to fund their hobby instead of having their job as their hobby.
Count yourself fortunate that you are doing something you have a passion for, and let the others look on and admire you in secret.

I speak my gratitude every morning actually.
Harry (Pearson) gave me a life, a living that is, and it's something I LOVE, and I need to keep the torch burning for HIM too.
Because even Harry is "disgusted" (his words) with the state of the high end today.
He says something to me that I'll share when I won't break down into tears typing it!!!!
Thanks for ALL the Support guys.
It means everything to me.
This only the beginning of this series!!
PLS spread the word about the thread!
Aug 25, 2013 at 6:31 PM Post #23 of 147
What's the TMAC thread????

TMAC stands for the Themed Monthly Avatar Committee.  Basically, we pick a different theme for each month, and then center our avatars around that theme.  For example, this month is Anime August - which is why I've got a G-Force/Gatchaman (Battle of the Planets) avatar right now.
Oh, here's something you'll get a kick out of.  Back at the beginning of the year, we did Jude January as the avatar theme.  I don't remember how it happened, but we got it in our heads that we would insert Jude into movie and TV posters and stuff.  Here's the hilarity that ensued:



































We had a pretty good time that month!  Until...
What he heck's going on here? Someone just sent me a link to all of this, and everyone in this thread is being banned.

  But in the end we even won Jude over!
I just saw a post by Jude.... lol he is officially a TMAC member i guess... he is sporting a Jude January Avatar. What a good sport.

Avatar produced by warren if I am not mistaken (the image not the movie
). Congrats, thats an accomplishment warren.

So yeah, in our own quirky and nerdy way, we know how to have a good time. 

But as you can imagine, we only spend about a week each month coming up with the theme and it's visual assets.  The rest of the time, we just GOOF OFF! 
  You know those hang-out sessions where we talk about everything and nothing, and its gets all funny but sometimes deep?  That's kind of what we do there.
Aug 25, 2013 at 7:22 PM Post #24 of 147
I don't know who you are arguing with on the HF Facebook page -- maybe it is the troll I blocked!
I think next March should be Mike Mercer March in TMAC. I'm sure we can get plenty of meet photos of him by then! 
Aug 25, 2013 at 7:24 PM Post #25 of 147
I don't know who you are arguing with on the HF Facebook page -- maybe it is the troll I blocked!
I think next March should be Mike Mercer March in TMAC. I'm sure we can get plenty of meet photos of him by then! 

That's an EXCELLENT idea! Maybe we should take this up in the thread proper (don't want to distract posters here from Mike's excellent article), but I think this suggestion is pretty much a shoe-in.
Aug 26, 2013 at 12:12 AM Post #26 of 147
That's an EXCELLENT idea! Maybe we should take this up in the thread proper (don't want to distract posters here from Mike's excellent article), but I think this suggestion is pretty much a shoe-in.

I'm honored!!
The TMAC of Jude January was BRILLIANT!!
That's so damn funny.
Though @warrenpchi  - my brotha,
I know little to nothin about Anime!!
but I LOVE the idea.
if it took pissing off the audiophile industry w/ Occupy HiFi in order to get March Mercer on TMAC,
here at Head-Fi, well, then it's all worth it!!

Aug 26, 2013 at 12:21 AM Post #27 of 147
Don't worry too much about the anime thing. Half of us are going with "animated" rather than strictly anime, anyway. Next month's theme is going to be Superhero September, if that suits you better.
Do join us. I think you'd have a lot of fun, and we'd love having you. 

Aug 26, 2013 at 12:36 AM Post #28 of 147
Don't worry too much about the anime thing. Half of us are going with "animated" rather than strictly anime, anyway. Next month's theme is going to be Superhero September, if that suits you better.
Do join us. I think you'd have a lot of fun, and we'd love having you. 

I'm IN!!
Sounds like fun to me.
I'll join as soon as I jump back on the laptop!!!
Aug 26, 2013 at 12:43 AM Post #29 of 147
Don't worry too much about the anime thing. Half of us are going with "animated" rather than strictly anime, anyway. Next month's theme is going to be Superhero September, if that suits you better.
Do join us. I think you'd have a lot of fun, and we'd love having you. 

OK I'm in!
Just posted a lil something there.
LOVED the Guttenberg pix!!!!
Aug 26, 2013 at 1:27 AM Post #30 of 147
OK I'm in!
Just posted a lil something there.
LOVED the Guttenberg pix!!!!

Now comes the fun part... keeping up with that thread.  It's kinda like a pool party, you can't wade - you just need to jump right in! 


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