Non-audiophile reactions to high-end headphones
Dec 10, 2011 at 10:03 PM Post #3,241 of 6,432
Both above posts were already mentioned pages ago lol. We just KEPT GOING haha. 
On another note... I have no cans for people to demo 

Dec 10, 2011 at 10:05 PM Post #3,242 of 6,432
Just the other day my friend was playing a game on the computer using my DT990's plugged into my M-Stage amp. A few minutes later he takes them off and is practically writhing in pain because the clamping pressure is just too much for him to handle. So, I plug into my M-Stage this crappy little battery powered speaker by Altec Lansing (which I bought from Best Buy) and he is AMAZED by how "good" it sounds.... and I quote " Man, I think I like Altec Lansing way better than Bose now " ....
He has the same "problem" with my Grado RS1i's... he doesnt even understand what he's listening to, AND they irritate his ears. He literally cant wear any of my headphones for more than 5 minutes ( I'm not exaggerating ) , EVEN the Audio Technica AD900's he cant wear. Its SO ANNOYING !! Especially coupled with the fact that he doesn't understand or even pay attention to sound quality... He doesn't even listen to music. Wow.
Sorry , had to get that off my chest.
Sigh, it's so irritating for an audiophile to know someone like that.
Dec 10, 2011 at 10:10 PM Post #3,243 of 6,432
We need some HD800s up in here. Those just aren't tight at all. 
Dec 10, 2011 at 10:21 PM Post #3,245 of 6,432

theory as to why midrange dubstep is more mainstream...
1) 100-120 hz is about where we hear 'punch'
2) most 'bassy' mainstream earphones/headphones don't extend very low and simply have a lot of muddy midbass

sub-bass is usually used as the "background" of the music. You hear the midbass trash and then under that layer you can hear the thump thump thump of the sub-bass in the background.
Dec 10, 2011 at 10:50 PM Post #3,246 of 6,432

Sorry , had to get that off my chest.
Sigh, it's so irritating for an audiophile to know someone like that.

 Just the way it is 

 Not everyone cares nor should they care, it only becomes an issue if they prove to be persistently annoying 
 in a negative manner towards your passion for the hobby.
Dec 11, 2011 at 12:45 AM Post #3,247 of 6,432

 Just the way it is 

 Not everyone cares nor should they care, it only becomes an issue if they prove to be persistently annoying 
 in a negative manner towards your passion for the hobby.

Yup, your right about that. It's not an issue, just only when they are around it feels like I have to "experience" some things in a "dumbed down" manner/ way . Anyways, not making a issue out of it, just something that now that I think about it, is difficult to talk about because I've never had to explain the situation or how I felt about this. Hmm... weird and interesting. (In a way it's almost saddening for me) .
Dec 11, 2011 at 8:42 AM Post #3,248 of 6,432
I once let my office colleague listen to my portable JDS Labs Cmoy headamp and HD580 combo because I thought it sounded really great. He listened to the music for about 1 minute, said "it sounds nice...", put back on his $10 Philips PC headphones and blissfully went on listening to whatever he was listening to previously!
 Some people hey...
Dec 11, 2011 at 9:26 AM Post #3,249 of 6,432

I once let my office colleague listen to my portable JDS Labs Cmoy headamp and HD580 combo because I thought it sounded really great. He listened to the music for about 1 minute, said "it sounds nice...", put back on his $10 Philips PC headphones and blissfully went on listening to whatever he was listening to previously!
 Some people hey...

Haha. Better keep your set-up somewhere safe. How did the HD580 out of your Cmoy sound compared to a desktop home rig? 
Dec 11, 2011 at 8:39 PM Post #3,250 of 6,432
Pro900 are on sale for $306.80
Dec 11, 2011 at 10:22 PM Post #3,251 of 6,432

 Just the way it is 

 Not everyone cares nor should they care, it only becomes an issue if they prove to be persistently annoying 
 in a negative manner towards your passion for the hobby.

short version of a long story.....................I once pointed out to a neighbour that he had his el cheapo "home theatre system" wiring up incorrectly, I offered to fix it, he said he didn't care and didn't want it fixed.
Makes me wonder why he even bothered to buy it.  I think it was partly because he had so much money that he didn't care about wasting a few hundred dollars, he just wanted to think he had a "home theatre system" (BTW I think he was slumming it in my neighbourhood).
Oh, did I mention he was a psychologist? I have nothing against psychology or psychologists, there are flakes in all trades and professions. It was just a bit weird listening to him talk up his "home theatre system".
Dec 11, 2011 at 11:56 PM Post #3,252 of 6,432

short version of a long story.....................I once pointed out to a neighbour that he had his el cheapo "home theatre system" wiring up incorrectly, I offered to fix it, he said he didn't care and didn't want it fixed.
Makes me wonder why he even bothered to buy it.  I think it was partly because he had so much money that he didn't care about wasting a few hundred dollars, he just wanted to think he had a "home theatre system" (BTW I think he was slumming it in my neighbourhood).
Oh, did I mention he was a psychologist? I have nothing against psychology or psychologists, there are flakes in all trades and professions. It was just a bit weird listening to him talk up his "home theatre system".

  I have a few friends who never use their Bose sound system at home ~ they paid a few thousand for it and
  all it does is make-up part of the interior decor.
 Exactly, why they bought it in the first place, it had nothing to do with audio enjoyment 

 Average Jo and Joanne come around for dinner, point to the Bose system and say 'Ooooo, quality'.
 That's all that matters at the end of the day.
Dec 12, 2011 at 12:11 AM Post #3,253 of 6,432
I happen to have an unused Bose sound system as well.
Thankfully I don't use it because I have better options available. 

Dec 12, 2011 at 6:16 AM Post #3,255 of 6,432
 Steve Guttenberg ( source: Chesky Records)
 "Now that we've identified the audiophiles, let's move on to the final question--who should not become an audiophile?
 That's easy. People who don't care about music; or those whose interest doesn't extend beyond music as background
 sound; you know, the sonic wallpaper effect. I've just described the average American.
 Music, and certainly sound, have little meaning for them; that's OK. Odd thing is, some of these folks buy decent
 equipment for reasons unrelated to sound quality: to impress friends (or potential girlfriends); they like the way it looks;
 or they appreciate the craftsmanship or technology. The love of music just isn't part of their personal agenda.
 But, but, lightning can strike anywhere, some of these folks go on to discover a passion for music that was hidden
 within them. On a beautiful July morning they find themselves enthralled by a Brahms String Quartet.
"Gee, I've never just sat and listened before!" We got another one!"

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