Dec 15, 2011 at 12:24 PM Post #361 of 1,082

I'd have thought all the same color and size filters the same so as to not cause confusion. Is it possible that your old ones aren't as clean?

That might possibly be it, some dirty filters will definitely tweak the sound a bit.  In general thicker filters will push the low-frequencies a little more.  Even if it doesn't look dirty, it can still be at the microscopic level :p
Got my 232s today :)  Absolute nirvana right now :)
Dec 15, 2011 at 1:09 PM Post #362 of 1,082

I'd have thought all the same color and size filters the same so as to not cause confusion. Is it possible that your old ones aren't as clean?

I loled. First of all I do keep my earphones clean.
Second - filters look very different. 232 has smaller inside filter diameter.
Remember that they needed to adopt filter to new frequency response.
@dfkt oh and BTW.
What are your thoughts on no-filter 232 :)
Dec 15, 2011 at 1:11 PM Post #363 of 1,082

I loled. First of all I do keep my earphones clean.
Second - filters look very different. 232 has smaller inside filter diameter.
Remember that they needed to adopt filter to new frequency response.
@dfkt oh and BTW.
What are your thoughts on no-filter 232 :)

According to Phonak, the filters included with the 232s are the same ones that are included with the lower-end PFE models (1xx and 0xx).
Dec 15, 2011 at 1:12 PM Post #364 of 1,082

That might possibly be it, some dirty filters will definitely tweak the sound a bit.  In general thicker filters will push the low-frequencies a little more.  Even if it doesn't look dirty, it can still be at the microscopic level :p
Got my 232s today :)  Absolute nirvana right now :)

While I didn't even mention that there's low frequency boost on 111 filters.
Dec 15, 2011 at 1:14 PM Post #366 of 1,082

While I didn't even mention that there's low frequency boost on 111 filters.

That's why I said in general, that's what tends to happen...  I didn't say it did, or that you said it... 
Dec 15, 2011 at 1:15 PM Post #367 of 1,082

Ok than I'll take a close-up when I get back home. You'll see by yourself

OK, you take your pictures; I'll trust Phonak's rep's word :p
EDIT: I do see what you mean by smaller diameter...  I don't know how big of a difference that'll make...  I think they added that extra amount of filter edge to protect the filter from breaking upon insertion and removal (EG, an updated design). 
Dec 15, 2011 at 1:20 PM Post #370 of 1,082

My 012, 112, 122, and 232 filters all look the same, no visible difference. I'll give them a try later on.

Look inside the rim of the filter...  The 232s have slightly more green/grey/black than the 022s that I have.  It's a tiny little detail.  
Dec 15, 2011 at 1:31 PM Post #372 of 1,082

In IEMs world "tiny" means sometimes huge.
1mm difference in soundbore diameter makes significant change in sound. The same goes to lenght and even damper's placement in soundbore.

However, the canal leading up to the filter has the same diameter as the smaller diameter'd filter, so the sound won't change as it just creates a small extention of that said canal.  I will diagram you what I'm talking about after lunch.
For now, this is what Piotrus-g was talking about:
Notice how the first filter (ones included with the 232s) have a smaller opening that the second one (ones included with the 022s I have).  However, the actual opening for the canal of the IEM is the size of the first filter's hole.  So there shouldn't be any audible differences.
Dec 15, 2011 at 2:01 PM Post #373 of 1,082
OK, this is what I meant by the canal opening size in comparison to the filters.  See the Diagram below:
Notice how the actual opening for the bore/canal on the new filter matches up size wise while the old filter doesn't match up.  However, the same amount of sound is expelled in both images, and the actual amount of filtered sound is unchaged despite the change in filter size.  Hope this clears things up.
Dec 15, 2011 at 2:09 PM Post #375 of 1,082

Thanks for puting it up.
However I do hear a difference in the sound and it's actually quite noticable.

No problem, hopefully I got what you were trying to say right.  The only thing I can see that would create a difference in sound would be dirty filters.  Microscopic dirt can theoretically clog up the filters.

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