Feb 15, 2014 at 4:49 PM Post #151 of 1,383
If a housing change changes the SQ to the better......and Westone has no interest in reporting that....I find that grossly odd and irresponsible.
For newbees and onlookers here is where it's at:
Do you like to turn it up and rock out!!!!!  UMPro30 is definitely the way to go.  While it doesn't have great extended treble, the overall detail is very very good.  Decay, vocals and overall tonality is unmatched.
If you listen at lighter, lower volumes I would surely recommend the W4 (W40) for the more laid back audiophile presentation and added detail retrieval.
It's that simple folks!!!  I LOVE the W4 but it can't handle extreme high rocking out volume.  UM3X/Pro30 CAN but it does sacrifice a little treble detail which is the whole loud volumes you want your treble a little recessed.
As crazy as it may seem the $400 level IEM's still have an issue or two.  You gotta pick your poison.   Just to throw in another one...The SE535 is great in that it can handle loud volume with no distortion but it is overly midrange focused and the bass and treble sort of take a back seat.  But is does have exceptional clarity even though that clarity stems from an upper midrange spike.  Still a great IEM but I am just picking out its faults.  An added underlying subwoofer fullness of bass to SE535 would be awesome (SE846).
Feb 15, 2014 at 5:17 PM Post #152 of 1,383
W40 + RC-SE1 cable = sound heaven :D
btw, I know it was mentioned that W40 might not benefit from burn in, but I constantly been switching between my different headphones, taking a break, making sure I'm not listening to W40 all the time (for the past 1+ month), and as far as I can tell - the sound has improved.  I even remember my very first comment in this thread when I just got W40 was how recessed mids were.  Within days of running white-noise loop, it improved.  This was done with a constant a/b comparison to my "seasoned" UE900.
Feb 16, 2014 at 5:23 AM Post #153 of 1,383
Frozst --- I personally apologize for my ignorance.  Please accept.
But I'd say Cody has himself in a heep of trouble throwing that comment out there when the IEM's have identical drivers, specs and measurements....and most importantly.....Westone has done ZERO marketing or ANY notifications whatsoever that the W40 is an upgrade.
Heck, Cody could be out on the street selling used cars at this point already.

Apologies if I sounded rude or something. I didn't mean to.

I think that westone should train their marketing people to stop confusing the customers...

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
Feb 17, 2014 at 10:46 PM Post #154 of 1,383
I have both the W4 and W40, when I listened the first time it was obvious they didn't sound identical. The W40 has a wider soundstage, which is brought up closer, more openess between instruments, better detailing. Is it day and night, enought to say toss the W4? Don't think so, but you get into diminishing returns at this level, and small improvements are worth a lot to some, not much to others. But, no, they are not identical (have owned the W4 for a while-I write for a small audio magazine off and on, the editor sent me a loaner of the W40 to do the comparison). I have been told by some the same thing people are saying here, that they are the same. Not to my ears.
Feb 20, 2014 at 3:33 AM Post #155 of 1,383
Why is there no westone w30 on their site when I can see sites offering them for sale.  I also don't know the difference between the W series and the UM series.  I have a great beyerdynamic t1 thats modded for a custom cable and have a toxic silver widow cable with it, but i do need something that I can wear outside of the house with my phone.  I really didn't want to spend too much, but I always feel that I'll always regret not getting something better so instead of buying a cheap headphone and then having to buy what I should have bought and wasting money on  the first headphone I usually go for something that's really good.  Doesn't have to be the best, but has to be pretty good.  I was thinking about spending 300 to 400, but could go higher if needed.  I don't use headphones outside as much, but I would still like to have a nice quality headphone for when I do need it.  
Any recommendations?  I had a UE900 before and didn't like it that  much.  The triple fi 10 were much better and now I want to try some  westones. 
Feb 20, 2014 at 8:40 PM Post #156 of 1,383
I heard through a very reliable source today that the improvements in the new W-series are real.  Better clarity and larger soundstage are the main improvements being reported with some changes larger than others depending on the IEM.
As you know the UM-series are all made in the USA and W-series are made in China.  Supposedly Westone has switched companies making the product for the W-series and possibly drivers too.    This is all I know.
[speculation thinking outside the box]:
 I worked in a manufacturing quality control environment for many many years and fully understand the task of compliance and uniformity.  It's pretty stringent that all changes are well reported, documented and "lot" controlled. What is odd is how the W-series changes are being put through without notable acknowledgements.  Now, of course, we have no idea internally within Westone what the compliance standards are and how the changes are being documented.  They could be very stringent but transparent to the public.  For example, is this a possibility? switch suppliers, switch drivers but having the product still meet the same specs?  Then throw in a different housing configuration and I suppose it is very possible the sound could change?  Westone is calling out the products under different part numbers so I guess this is complying with changes and lot control.  This is all a guess and speculation but is believable to a certain extent IMHO.
When its all said and done it is at least encouraging that the "changes" have all seemed for the better.  I had also heard that the biggest improved sound changes were with W10 and W20 with significant SQ improved sound changes over W1 and W2.
Say what ya want but Westones is the clear leader in the universal IEM market.  
Very nice, recent review here on the W40.
Feb 21, 2014 at 8:32 AM Post #157 of 1,383
Hi all, amateur here, I was using the Westone 3 and I loved it but it is failing so i'm considering an upgrade to perhaps the W40 and would like to get some advice . I went to audition the W40s, UM30/50PRO and I found the bass on the W40 to be too strong while those on the UM30/50s to be just right though the soundstage sounded significantly narrrower. It could be because of the shure olives i'm used to on my westone 3s, but will the bass on the W40s even out with use?
Also, between the W40 and W4R, is the W40 a better buy at an additional $20 (in terms of sounds and cable interface) because I couldn't get my hands on W4Rs to try out.
Feb 21, 2014 at 11:14 AM Post #158 of 1,383
  Hi all, amateur here, I was using the Westone 3 and I loved it but it is failing so i'm considering an upgrade to perhaps the W40 and would like to get some advice . I went to audition the W40s, UM30/50PRO and I found the bass on the W40 to be too strong while those on the UM30/50s to be just right though the soundstage sounded significantly narrrower. It could be because of the shure olives i'm used to on my westone 3s, but will the bass on the W40s even out with use?
Also, between the W40 and W4R, is the W40 a better buy at an additional $20 (in terms of sounds and cable interface) because I couldn't get my hands on W4Rs to try out.

Perhaps bass is stronger in comparison to other Westone's you tested, but I wouldn't consider W40 in general as strong-bass "basshead" IEMs.  Their bass definitely has great details, warmth, and presence, and the quantity is nicely balanced with the rest of the frequency range.
Regarding W40 vs W4R, though I can't comment on W4R while others in this thread did state the improvement, I think $20 difference is justifiable considering their new mini-coaxial cable which is compatible with UE900 and SE-series.  This seem to be a direction a lot of the companies are heading into, and will give you a bigger pool of replacement cables including various smartphone controls.
Feb 21, 2014 at 12:33 PM Post #159 of 1,383
Perhaps bass is stronger in comparison to other Westone's you tested, but I wouldn't consider W40 in general as strong-bass "basshead" IEMs.  Their bass definitely has great details, warmth, and presence, and the quantity is nicely balanced with the rest of the frequency range.
Regarding W40 vs W4R, though I can't comment on W4R while others in this thread did state the improvement, I think $20 difference is justifiable considering their new mini-coaxial cable which is compatible with UE900 and SE-series.  This seem to be a direction a lot of the companies are heading into, and will give you a bigger pool of replacement cables including various smartphone controls.

Thanks for your input, i will probably get the W40 to future proof replacement cables because it's what caused most, if not all of my phones to fail.
Feb 21, 2014 at 12:42 PM Post #160 of 1,383
Thanks for your input, i will probably get the W40 to future proof replacement cables because it's what caused most, if not all of my phones to fail.

Another thing I found extremely useful - interchangeable faceplates.  I know some might consider it as a gimmick and would stick to basic black, but I kept left one as black and changed right one to Red so I don't have to think twice when I put these on.  I'm using W40 not to make a fashion statement (black and red with a white/silver FiiO replacement cable lol!!!) but to get the best out of my audio source and for the best fitment/convenience :wink:
Feb 22, 2014 at 5:35 PM Post #162 of 1,383
Another thing I found extremely useful - interchangeable faceplates.  I know some might consider it as a gimmick and would stick to basic black, but I kept left one as black and changed right one to Red so I don't have to think twice when I put these on.  I'm using W40 not to make a fashion statement (black and red with a white/silver FiiO replacement cable lol!!!) but to get the best out of my audio source and for the best fitment/convenience :wink:

 Yea, I was surprised to learn the interchanging faceplates dont simply snap on and off.....they actually screw on and off with an allen wrench which gives it a bit more integrity I suppose.  I gotta pair on the way I should have mid-week.
Feb 23, 2014 at 4:50 AM Post #163 of 1,383
I saw twister 6's review on the FiiO RC-SE1 and it sounds great, but i would prefer a unobtrusive L-shaped plug. Are there any others recommended? Also, does the RC-SE1 cables turn green over time as i've read in other threads?
Feb 23, 2014 at 8:12 AM Post #164 of 1,383
  I saw twister 6's review on the FiiO RC-SE1 and it sounds great, but i would prefer a unobtrusive L-shaped plug. Are there any others recommended? Also, does the RC-SE1 cables turn green over time as i've read in other threads?

To be honest, I've never seen any professional replacement cables with angled quality plugs.  I guess the idea is that for casual listening with in-line remote or on a go you might want a convenience of an angled connector.  But for a professional listening with a serious audio equipment you will need a straight connector.
Feb 23, 2014 at 8:59 AM Post #165 of 1,383
To be honest, I've never seen any professional replacement cables with angled quality plugs.  I guess the idea is that for casual listening with in-line remote or on a go you might want a convenience of an angled connector.  But for a professional listening with a serious audio equipment you will need a straight connector.

really? i never noticed...could you elaborate why? im just curious haha

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