New Schiit! Ragnarok and Yggdrasil
May 21, 2015 at 8:38 AM Post #7,696 of 9,484
I'm having trouble believing this review, and even if it is true, there's a clear difference in price between the two, and we're talking about many TIMES its price.
On the other hand, Yggdrasil has got potential in terms of upgradability maybe it is a little too soon to buy, so just buy on a later date with better boards and invest now in something like HE-1000.
On the other hand, I am planning a local head-fi revolution :p

preproman heard both units.  You, I believe, have heard neither.  Not too hard to know who has the more valuable opinion.
May 21, 2015 at 8:39 AM Post #7,697 of 9,484
I wasn't disappointed in the Yggdrasil at all.  I was really impressed by it.  I was just impressed with the D1 that much more.

I'm having trouble believing this review, and even if it is true, there's a clear difference in price between the two, and we're talking about many TIMES its price.
On the other hand, Yggdrasil has got potential in terms of upgradability maybe it is a little too soon to buy, so just buy on a later date with better boards and invest now in something like HE-1000.
On the other hand, I am planning a local head-fi revolution :p

On what basis are you having trouble believing the review?  Have you heard both devices?  I haven't, but the review reads fairly to me, and the point about price discrepancy is made clear. I realise this DAC is clearly the hype of the month at the moment, but blindly defending something like this seems unhelpful imho.
May 21, 2015 at 8:42 AM Post #7,698 of 9,484
preproman heard both units.  You, I believe, have heard neither.  Not too hard to know who has the more valuable opinion.

I'm not saying he's wrong in his _opinion_ but there are other factors
1) The price difference.
2) The natural human psychology of defending your more expensive purchase for things that are supposedly just as good for a lower price. Hell, I have the Auralic Vega, and even though it's definitely considered one of the better DACs available today, others have almost put it down as trash as something like (again) Schiit Yggdrasil for a whole $1200 less is much better.
May 21, 2015 at 8:47 AM Post #7,699 of 9,484
It's not like preproman is saying the D1 is on a completely different scale and the Yggy is trash compared to it. I got that the two dacs are similar but the D1 is slightly ahead with a different voicing. I think he gave it a fair shot and he's heard a bunch of highly regarded dacs around here.
May 21, 2015 at 8:53 AM Post #7,700 of 9,484
  It's not like preproman is saying the D1 is on a completely different scale and the Yggy is trash compared to it. I got that the two dacs are similar but the D1 is slightly ahead with a different voicing. I think he gave it a fair shot and he's heard a bunch of highly regarded dacs around here.

Well one thing to say is that Yggdrasil doesn't have a black background, hell, my current setup is black :p
The 2D vs 3D imaging thing also makes Yggdrasil clearly inferior.
Again,  I'm not questioning his opinion in terms of "He said it, then it's ********" I am questioning it with the fact - Seriously there's a clear price difference, and it's funny to compare the two just like that.
Not everyone who can buy an Yggdrasil can also opt to buy a TotalDac, on the other hand, anyone who can buy TotalDac can buy Yggdrasil, and even both, most likely.
On the Auralic thread, someone suggested to me that while Vega is a nice DAC, upgrading to TotalDac was totally worth it. What I'm saying here, sure, good for you, no problems, be happy now. I can't and most likely won't buy TotalDac, ever, too much price for what I'll be getting in return, I'm quite content with my own DAC, one reason why I won't be selling it even if I do get Yggdrasil.
May 21, 2015 at 8:57 AM Post #7,701 of 9,484
I'm having trouble believing this review, and even if it is true, there's a clear difference in price between the two, and we're talking about many TIMES its price.
On the other hand, Yggdrasil has got potential in terms of upgradability maybe it is a little too soon to buy, so just buy on a later date with better boards and invest now in something like HE-1000.
On the other hand, I am planning a local head-fi revolution :p

Nobody is asking you to believe anything - believe what you want.   Have you heard either one yet?  Ahh - NO..
May 21, 2015 at 8:58 AM Post #7,702 of 9,484
Well one thing to say is that Yggdrasil doesn't have a black background, hell, my current setup is black :p
The 2D vs 3D imaging thing also makes Yggdrasil clearly inferior.
Again,  I'm not questioning his opinion in terms of "He said it, then it's ********" I am questioning it with the fact - Seriously there's a clear price difference, and it's funny to compare the two just like that.
Not everyone who can buy an Yggdrasil can also opt to buy a TotalDac, on the other hand, anyone who can buy TotalDac can buy Yggdrasil, and even both, most likely.
On the Auralic thread, someone suggested to me that while Vega is a nice DAC, upgrading to TotalDac was totally worth it. What I'm saying here, sure, good for you, no problems, be happy now. I can't and most likely won't buy TotalDac, ever, too much price for what I'll be getting in return, I'm quite content with my own DAC, one reason why I won't be selling it even if I do get Yggdrasil.

I don't think preproman was concerned about your purchasing power when he reviewed the two units.  It was a fair review and should stand without your additional criteria.
May 21, 2015 at 10:40 AM Post #7,704 of 9,484
  As much as I'm interested in the Yggy, it's funny that it's being hyped as the best DAC at ANY price, but when somebody who's owned both prefers a significantly more expensive DAC, people say it's unfair to compare two DACs with such different prices.

Yeah, it's an unfortunate double-standard, but it can't be helped. Value (price / performance) is in the eye of the beholder, but I feel that some take this hobby too personally.
May 21, 2015 at 10:47 AM Post #7,705 of 9,484
; ) wink, wink

Note: Please notice the wink


May 21, 2015 at 11:21 AM Post #7,706 of 9,484
Nobody is asking you to believe anything - believe what you want.   Have you heard either one yet?  Ahh - NO..

Someone else who didn't prefer the Yggy.
This is from Canuck Audio
"Selling a minty fresh Schiit Yggdrasil DAC, well known in the high-end headphone community. I am offering it to the CAM community for a limited time before returning it to Schiit. (I have much more expensive DAC's that I prefer). Includes everything and the box." It sold very quickly though.
I have no idea what the more expensive DAC's are.
May 21, 2015 at 11:40 AM Post #7,707 of 9,484
  It's not like preproman is saying the D1 is on a completely different scale and the Yggy is trash compared to it. I got that the two dacs are similar but the D1 is slightly ahead with a different voicing. I think he gave it a fair shot and he's heard a bunch of highly regarded dacs around here.

I agree. There is nothing wrong with preferring one flagship over another. If anyone were to bother to read the 6moons review of the TotalDAC D1-Dual it gets the highest praises from Srajen who has heard more gear than most of us all combined. He mentions it as his king of the hill DAC
May 21, 2015 at 11:46 AM Post #7,708 of 9,484
  I hope I can to a point in my life where I can afford to waste that much money on hifi. Holy Cow.

It is not a waste when it brings enjoyment that can't be measured in money but rather the total experience received.
However, there are some $1k systems (dac+amp+headphones)  that can deliver a pretty impressive experience.
May 21, 2015 at 3:10 PM Post #7,709 of 9,484
Some (though I can't think who off the top of my head) may have hyped it this way (hey, this is head-fi right? This happens with new products several times every year! :wink:). Most (owners) have quietly got on with saying what they like and - in some cases - don't like about it.

Both Mike Moffat and even purrin have shot down the notion of a "best DAC". Such a DAC would have to be so 'good' it would instantly put every other DAC out of business. No one would want to buy anything else :eek:

But anyone who has been around audio gear long enough - XVampireX possibly excepted :p - knows we all vary too much in our preferences for that to ever happen.

As much as I'm interested in the Yggy, it's funny that it's being hyped as the best DAC at ANY price, but when somebody who's owned both prefers a significantly more expensive DAC, people say it's unfair to compare two DACs with such different prices.
May 22, 2015 at 2:26 AM Post #7,710 of 9,484
  It is not a waste when it brings enjoyment that can't be measured in money but rather the total experience received.
However, there are some $1k systems (dac+amp+headphones)  that can deliver a pretty impressive experience.

Technically I own a 1K system that I can enjoy 99% as much as Dan's Ether + Yggy + WA5 and not break my wallet at the same time. Progeny + Asgard 2 + Alpha Dogs is a fantastic sounding setup.. the Progeny makes the Alpha Dogs sound more open than my Bifrost Uber. Next Head-fi members LA or San Diego meet I will demonstrate.. I have had a little bit too much to drink tonight. Finished my final exams and ceramics projects for my critique I had tonight. I am in celebration and I made the dean's list too


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