New Schiit! Ragnarok and Yggdrasil
May 7, 2015 at 7:36 PM Post #7,006 of 9,484
Once your word capacity is restored, I'd love to hear how you feel it compares to the Rega :wink:

It's been only 2 hours, i know is cold, i know it is hours away of pinnacle performance but i did a quick a/b with the rega and the yggy. I used 24/192 Fleetwood Mac Rumors ( Dreams) and 180 press from the same Album and it honestly get close,closer than the gungnir... I'll keep listening and see what this will evolve to.
May 7, 2015 at 7:44 PM Post #7,007 of 9,484
I am around the 120 mark and the Yggy is starting to get some of that bass grunt that it lacks in comparison to the Master 7 except that it is a little bit cleaner and tighter.  Its losing tiny bit of of its politeness in the upper midrange and treble but there is still no sibilance or edge to the vocals or treble.  Its just a hair bit more dynamic.  A day ago the Master 7 was kicking its but in the dynamics department but now I think the Yggy is superior since it does the quiet passages better.  This warm up stuff is crazy, I wouldn't have believed it if I had not been comparing the Yggy to the M7 each day.  

This hits the nail squarely on the head.
"This warm up stuff is crazy, I wouldn't have believed it if I had not been comparing the Yggy to the M7 each day.".
Until you experience this phenomenon, as in, it has become readily apparent, it all to easy to dismiss it as woo-woo stuff. 
Once you have experienced it, you then know what to pay attention to and what the sonic effects are.
This same pattern also applies for many other tweaks and those who have experimented and have found them to be beneficial, will attest to their 'reality', despite the incredulity of some.
May 7, 2015 at 8:17 PM Post #7,008 of 9,484
  To whomever might desire to advise:
    As I anticipate my Yggdrasil arriving at my door step tomorrow, I have a few questions...
  My current USB 2.0 signal source is a Lenovo T530 Think Pad lap-top signal source, running Microsoft Windows 8.1 O.S.., on which on 4/22/13, I installed CMEDIA USB2.0 Audio Device driver "software", as well as downloading that to my then new Bifrost.  I have NOT updated that Bifrost/software since that time.  
  I am aware that, per the Schiit Audio Yggdrasil website,  I must uninstall that CMEDIA USB2.0 Audio Device driver software from my hard drive and install the latest, Schiit Gen 3 USB Drivers on the hard drive on my computer. 
Now, my question is... when I upgrade my software/USB drivers with the Schiit Gen 3 USB Drivers, will I still be able to use my vintage 4/22/13 Bifrost with the latest software?...if not, do I need to install that same new driver on the Bifrost?
Any well meant advice is appreciated.
Thank you.
May 7, 2015 at 8:30 PM Post #7,009 of 9,484
  To whomever might desire to advise:

    As I anticipate my Yggdrasil arriving at my door step tomorrow, I have a few questions...

  My current USB 2.0 signal source is a Lenovo T530 Think Pad lap-top signal source, running Microsoft Windows 8.1 O.S.., on which on 4/22/13, I installed CMEDIA USB2.0 Audio Device driver "software", as well as downloading that to my then new Bifrost.  I have NOT updated that Bifrost/software since that time.  

  I am aware that, per the Schiit Audio Yggdrasil website,  I must uninstall that CMEDIA USB2.0 Audio Device driver software from my hard drive and install the latest, Schiit Gen 3 USB Drivers on the hard drive on my computer. 

Now, my question is... when I upgrade my software/USB drivers with the Schiit Gen 3 USB Drivers, will I still be able to use my vintage 4/22/13 Bifrost with the latest software?...if not, do I need to install that same new driver on the Bifrost?

Any well meant advice is appreciated.

Thank you.

The gen3 usb driver will work for the older Schiit models as stated in Yggy manual.
May 7, 2015 at 8:51 PM Post #7,012 of 9,484

Well, it looks like the Yggy manual states the new drivers work for ALL Schiit DAC's as posted above.
Another win for Schiit!
Sorry I didn't read my manual...
I am using a Mac Mini for my Yggy transport so I didn't need to install any drivers to start breaking it in.
Good luck with your new Schiit!

May 7, 2015 at 9:02 PM Post #7,013 of 9,484
May 7, 2015 at 9:34 PM Post #7,014 of 9,484
I have had my Yggdrasil on for over 53 hours, and "Dark Side of the Moon" and it sounds better than my pioneer Reciever. The sound is not magical yet but very nice none the less.
May 7, 2015 at 10:45 PM Post #7,015 of 9,484
3. Is there any way to extract PCM data from a PC better (e.g,, least amount of conversions, cleaner, etc.) than via a USB stream? Not that I disagree with Mike's research/opinions, but if the source is a PC, then I am not sure there is a better option than USB stream.

PCM is digital data - so during transport via USB there is a pretty significant amount of error correction going on if any of the data doesn't reach its destination will be retransmitted. ( To be very clear a packet will fail the CRC check if even one bit is flipped, the data must be 100% the same. Generally if your USB cable is good your going to basically get 100% success rates for data transmission.  If you are having frequent errors it will manifest its self in very very obvious ways such as device disconnects.

Nice write-up, but there's one nit-pick which may surprise you: audio data delivery over USB is not guaranteed. Like SPDIF, the data streams continuously and even if an error is detected, the receiver cannot request a re-send of that packet. Some details here.
Horrifying, right? It's not as bad as it sounds – er, I mean, if you're listening it won't sound bad. Whatever, because the odds of a single transmission error, given a 44.1kHz signal playing continuously 24/7, is around once per month. More here
May 7, 2015 at 10:46 PM Post #7,016 of 9,484
The Yggy USB is now working great thanks to a different power strip and the Wyrd USB decrapifier.  The Wyrd has saved me other times as well  The best $99 tool in the box. 
I unplug the Yggy for 15 seconds on the swap out.   Hope I don't have to start over in the burn-in game.   It has only been 24 hrs since first power.   Now for an evening of USB listening... been looking forward to it all day!
May 7, 2015 at 11:36 PM Post #7,017 of 9,484
I am around the 120 mark and the Yggy is starting to get some of that bass grunt that it lacks in comparison to the Master 7 except that it is a little bit cleaner and tighter.  Its losing tiny bit of of its politeness in the upper midrange and treble but there is still no sibilance or edge to the vocals or treble.  Its just a hair bit more dynamic.  A day ago the Master 7 was kicking its but in the dynamics department but now I think the Yggy is superior since it does the quiet passages better.  This warm up stuff is crazy, I wouldn't have believed it if I had not been comparing the Yggy to the M7 each day.  

Now that USB is working I get much more bass with USB versus S/PDIF with the OR5.  Not big, lush bass like the Master 7 but quite a bit that is tight and more together. Gets deep too!  Nice. I think Moffet bass has arrived.  ...But I need a lot of run time as the sound is not quite together.  Cymbals are splashy and not crisp.  Vocals a little grainy.  Dynamics are going to be good with the Yggy.  Song fade outs just pull you right in.  Wow! 
May 8, 2015 at 12:08 AM Post #7,018 of 9,484
As I have previously opined, I believe in the value of burning in any D/A converter I have ever designed, especially multibit ones.  Elsewhere I have described physical changes that occur in passive components, which are part and parcel delta-sigma as well as multibit DACs.  In addition, there are temperature dependent linearity errors primarily proper to multibit DACs in particular.
I can testify that I have heard differences in D/A converter products as they warm-up (that is, without signal).  These differences seem to minimize as time accumulates on them.
It has never occurred to me to break-in (with signal present) any purely electronic audio device.  However, it makes total sense to me and I practice the break-in of transducers (speakers, headphones, microphones, and cartridges).  I also hear clear differences in those devices as they break-in.
Perhaps other readers may share any benefit due to the break-in of pure electronic devices.  I have no experience in such experiments and therefore have no opinions or findings to share.  Any comment on my part on such practice would be pure speculation.

Here is someone's meticulously documented "Schiit Bifrost Break-In Diary"
May 8, 2015 at 12:14 AM Post #7,019 of 9,484
So there should be at least 50 yggdrasils at past the 165 hr mark by now. Where are all the reports on the final change? Other than post 6802 by @negura which I somehow missed skimming to catch up. Thank-you everyone for pointing me back to that post. And those describing the tonal changes prior to 165 hrs which may not reflect the final sound after the recommended warm-up.
Ok, I'll give my less than capable prose here.
The change is real in my opinion. I would not have believed it, but I now have heard it with my own ears. I have had an Auralic Vega and Violectric V800 powered up similarly for A/B/C comparison. Level matching is within 0.3 dB for the Vega and Yggdrasil. The V800 is approximately 3 dB lower given the maximum output voltage available. All three feed an Eddie Current ZanaDuex SE. Headphones used for this round of comparisons are HD800 and TH900.
All along I have felt the yggdrasil is a very capable, competent DAC and have no regrets adding it to my lab inventory. Tonight I pulled out a great example of what the yggdrasil can deliver. Some of you may remember the Emerson Lake & Palmer album which had on it Lucky Man. Well that album also contained a song called Tank. At 4:05 to 4:15 in that album is the crescendo of the drum solo which ends in a synthesized drum sound and a rather large, low frequency event. On vinyl, with a good system, this resulted in a pant shaking experience. Years ago when I acquired the CD and of course listened for "The Event" on my good system of the time, I was rather disappointed. I even cursed the CD transfer engineering, complaining loudly to my wife how they had turned the sound into a dull pounding of cardboard. Ok so here we are many years later. My first inclination that maybe it wasn't the transfer (and the transfer engineers vindicated) but deficiencies in my playback converter (DAC) was brought to life by hearing the Vega. Most of the impact seemed to be intact through the Vega, which scored many points with me for that experience. But after the warm-up time, the Yggdrasil recreated that Very Low Frequency event, even through my HD800 such that I feel the power in my head as a LF vibration, not quite as a sound. The VLF is not present with the Vega. Ok Yggdrasil, I'm impressed. As I audition more CD transfers to the digital library, the experience appears to be repeating in a rediscovery of music rather than recording.
I am now hearing a greater immediacy, sharper transient sounds, better low level details, space between instruments, space between notes, than before. Greater clarity. I could go on, and probably have done so too much. Let's just say that usually it takes a couple of glasses of wine to smooth out the details to a pleasant experience for an evening of listening. The system upon which I am listening does so without any libations.
So go hear this for yourself at a headphone meet if you can. Make sure the person bringing the yggdrasil to the meet has kept it powered on with a UPS so you are hearing a fully warmed up unit.
May 8, 2015 at 12:31 AM Post #7,020 of 9,484
I think we have the report of Negura, with whom I agree. I can hear the changes with the SR009 and the HD800, though they may be less pronounced than on speakers. I have 12 days (280+ hours) continuous play on my Yggy. To sum it up in short, the Yggy (warmed-up) strikes a remarkable balance between detail, precision and analog-like purity and fluidity. 
I hope to do a comparison with the Hugo, but I really don't have the time to write-up or do a blind AB right now. 

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