NEW - Schiit Asgard 2
Oct 17, 2015 at 8:14 AM Post #2,313 of 2,741
Quick Asgard 2 review to contribute to the community for all the stalking I've done.
Primary System: U-turn Audio Plus (Grado Black 1)  --> Schiit Mani --> Asgard 2 --> Philips Fidelio X1/28 (with replacement custom Canare L-4E6S cable).
My system (which sees occasional digital use via a computer running Clementine into a Modi 2) had one area in which I was unhappy: clicks and pops and "space" when playing vinyl - even new or just-cleaned vinyl.  So I started researching new cans, new cartridges, phono preamps, and headphone amps.  For a while I was eyeing end-game headphones given the price drops in the past few months: HD600, HD650, T1, LCD-2.  But then I'd be stuck running really nice cans on the Magni 2, and that felt wrong.
Add in the fact that my set up had the headphone amp running out of the second-zone of an old Pioneer receiver since all I had was the Magni 2 (not Uber) and I was thinking it may be worth re-wiring so I was running the Magni 2 direct from the Mani.  This ever-so-slightly improved the system, but it was clear that something was in order.
Enter the Asgard 2.  Obtained via B-stock status, I can't find the flaw.  It may be a 1/4" (6mm) scratch on the top of the case that is only visible under strong light.  Hardly worth noticing and had I received (and paid for) a flawless unit I never would have noticed the scratch as it was only discovered after a few minutes of serious study.  So compliments to the Schiit team for considering this B-stock.
Since this is page 155 there are plenty of reviews out there; so I'll just try to add to what has been said instead of recapping what is known about this great amp.  All comments are based on playing vinyl, no digital tests were performed.
1) Midnight Oil, Diesel and Dust: Very slight audio improvement compared to the Magni 2; the clicks and pops are less audible.  In blind test I doubt I could tell the difference to be truthful.  Verdict: Tie.
2) U2, War: I have always despised the way the hi-hats were recorded on this album in every format and system I've owned.  No more.  Instead of sounding like a wash of white noise, the Asgard 2 renders them sounding like actual hi-hats.  Not to mention the greater space versus the Magni 2.  Verdict: Asgard 2.
3) Postal Service, Give Up (reissue): The first song on this album has fake record noise, and if there is a downfall to the Asgard 2 is that it renders the fake record noise so accurately it is even more annoying.  Verdict: Asgard 2 because the rest of the album exceeded my expectations. And any band that releases vinyl with fake vinyl noise really needs a reality-check.  Seriously.  Leave the fake vinyl noise on the digital releases but remove it from the vinyl mix.  Just annoying.  Oh yeah, and the Asgard 2.
I also listened to four other albums I'm quite familiar with prior to deciding: U2, Joshua Tree; The Cure, Disintegration (reissue); and Cowboy Junkies, Trinity Session; and David Gray, Mutineers.  All four had slight to moderate improvement in instrument separation and reduction of vinyl noise.  In addition, the sibilance on the Junkies cover of Sweet Jane was reduced a moderate (and appreciated) amount.  Still bad, just not as bad.  So a win there.  Overall I just like the Asgard 2 better, but that could be confirmation bias, the newness of the sound, or the honest fact it performs better for my system.  Not sure which, but I like it regardless.
So, for my vinyl system, the Asgard 2 is a clear winner - but in the words of Schiit - the Magni 2 may be the only amp you ever need.  I'm just glad I updated to the Asgard 2 because the improvements in instrument separation and definition along with the way it handles clicks and pops makes it an endgame amp for me.
Oct 17, 2015 at 9:13 PM Post #2,314 of 2,741
I use my Asgard 2 to power my Alpha Dogs and it does a superb job. One of the reasons I think it is so good to my ears is because my Theta Progeny A DAC has an output boost of a few dB because my Bifrost MB requires more on the volume knob to get loud. It gives the Asgard 2 more power for sure.
I didn't like the HD600 and Asgard 2 combo as much as I liked my EAD CD1000 (getting repaired ATM) > BH Crack > HD600 setup. The Asgard 2 is much better with planars than most people think. I want to demo the Lyr 2 with LISST tubes though at the upcoming San Diego Head-fi meet to see if they are any better than the Asgard 2. I do think the Asgard 2 is the best $250 headphone amp money can buy.
BTW Schiit is having a clearout of Mjolnir 1s that were priced around $500. I was going to jump on that but I'm still suffering from the wallet damage inflicted by repairing and buying the EAD CD1000, BH Crack, and HD600s.
Nov 1, 2015 at 5:39 AM Post #2,315 of 2,741
Hi everyone,
I´ve been reading this thread for quite some time , trying to decide if I should go for the A2. I would mostly be using it in combo Fiio X5 LO - ATH M50X and HD595 (later possibly HD 600 or DT880). Now, I wonder if anyone has been using a similar setup and if yes, could you report on how happy you ve been´with the SQ.
There´s also one things that worries me, though. I have read through dozens of reviews, posts and write-ups about the original Asgard and the A2, and there seems to have been a consensus concerning a roll-off in the high frequencies of the amps. Since I love clear and clean highs, could some of you experienced A2 owners ealborate on this, please ? I´d appreciate any input a lot.
Nov 1, 2015 at 10:09 AM Post #2,316 of 2,741
  Hi everyone,
I´ve been reading this thread for quite some time , trying to decide if I should go for the A2. I would mostly be using it in combo Fiio X5 LO - ATH M50X and HD595 (later possibly HD 600 or DT880). Now, I wonder if anyone has been using a similar setup and if yes, could you report on how happy you ve been´with the SQ.
There´s also one things that worries me, though. I have read through dozens of reviews, posts and write-ups about the original Asgard and the A2, and there seems to have been a consensus concerning a roll-off in the high frequencies of the amps. Since I love clear and clean highs, could some of you experienced A2 owners ealborate on this, please ? I´d appreciate any input a lot.

There is no roll off.
"Frequency Response: 20Hz-20Khz, -0.1db, 2Hz-400KHz, -3dB"
A2 is a great amp, I've been using it with everything from SE846 IEMs and M50x, to HD600/650, LCD-2F and now Fidelio X2.
Nov 1, 2015 at 11:13 AM Post #2,317 of 2,741
There is no roll off.
"Frequency Response: 20Hz-20Khz, -0.1db, 2Hz-400KHz, -3dB"
A2 is a great amp, I've been using it with everything from SE846 IEMs and M50x, to HD600/650, LCD-2F and now Fidelio X2.

Indeed, I've read a lot of reviews before buying the A2 but I haven't seen/read any high roll offs.
I'm not experiencing it anyway.
(changed it to I haven't seen/read)
Nov 1, 2015 at 12:03 PM Post #2,318 of 2,741
I use the Asgard 2 in my office system almost every day and to my ears it gives up nothing but power and input flexibility to the Bryston BHA-1 that I use in my main system. The highs are wonderful with the Asgard 2, I've never encountered any roll off in the treble.  
Nov 1, 2015 at 12:53 PM Post #2,320 of 2,741
Hi and thanks for all the responses.I'm happy to hear that what I've read about the 'roll-off' in HF in quite a few posts either on here or elsewhere evidently didn't apply to the Asgard 2. I must have mixed up comments about the original Asgard with those about the A2.
One last question, how is the bass on the A2?
Thanks a lot for replying
Nov 1, 2015 at 1:11 PM Post #2,321 of 2,741
I would call it accurate to the source feeding it. Good luck! 
Nov 9, 2015 at 3:29 PM Post #2,323 of 2,741
I use the Asgard 2 in my office system as a headphone amp and as a single source preamp feeding a Parsound A23. I switch between using B&W 805N's, NHT Classic Three's and B&W CDM 1NT speakers and I find the Asgard to make a very musical preamp. By that, I mean that it doesn't appear to add or subtract anything from the source signal. Before switching to the Asgard 2, I was using the Creek OBH-22 passive pre-amplifier. The Creek OBH-22 is great in the right setup as it is powered so you can use a remote control and it has two outputs, one fixed and one variable, but I find the Asgard 2 sounds more dynamic without getting in the way of the music. It sounds as clean as the passive yet sounds more can't go wrong with the Asgard 2. 
It's kind of hard (or impossible) to find a fully discrete, true "Class A" preamp for $250, let alone one that is also a great headphone amp. 
Nov 9, 2015 at 4:05 PM Post #2,325 of 2,741
  Thanks so much, that was the perfect answer I was looking for :) 
Happy Listening.

No problem at all, I hope you enjoy it! 

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