NEW Monolith M570 Over Ear Open Back Planar Headphone
Nov 7, 2019 at 4:07 PM Post #16 of 248
I ended up returning these due to a couple reasons:

1) The weight is 100 grams heavier than advertised -- Both @metal571 and I weighed and confirmed. Monoprice did update their listing with that new weight info

2) There is resonance that is causing some some issues in the mid-range. On my unit, I can hear it when I play test tones across 600-1KHz where sound will go in and out as I sweep across, and it's in my measurements. Metal's test unit actually happens at a different frequency location. Interesting. From what I hear, Monoprice is looking into the issue.

3) LCD-1, may check it out.

All that said, this product has some good potential at the price offered if they can sort through their issues. The treble is a bit hot though, but is eq-able down.
Nov 8, 2019 at 2:11 PM Post #17 of 248
FYI, these are $299 - 20% off coupon from Monoprice on eBay right now. Roughly $255 shipped after tax in my case. Cheaper than both Amazon and Monoprice's website.

This puts them within striking distance of the Takstar HF-580 (same driver), which run about $185 from Aliexpress. The HF-580 are my daily driver right now, so I bought one to compare.
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Nov 15, 2019 at 9:52 AM Post #18 of 248
These arrived yesterday. Very nice fit and finish. Nice package. I've had chance to listen and A/B for about 3 hours with my daily driver, the Takstar HI-3050, which is the predecessor to the HF-580, which uses the same driver as the M570, Blon, and Sendy Aiva. I also have an actual HF-580, but haven't used it much and it's not handy to A/B with the other two. Visually, the HF-580 and HI-3050 are identical other than the model number etched into the adjusters, and Takstar has told me the two are identical, with the HI-3050 being intended for the domestic market in Asia and the HF-580 intended for other markets. Whether that's true or not, I'm not sure.

I don't want to make too many premature assessments about the M570 until I've had a long acclimation/adjustment time, but my initial impressions in no particular order, both cans stock, no EQ, driven by a Marantz HD-DAC1:

Comfort: Takstar wins this one. They're a bit lighter and have less clamping force. Both have traditional headbands, not suspension like the Blon and Sendy. I prefer traditional headbands. The earholes in the pads on the M570 are shorter but wider. I find the pads on the Takstar more suited to my ear structure.

Cable: No contest, the M570 wins this. Smooth braided cable sleeve, no kinks or memory, and the key: detachable.

Sound: Very similar, as one would expect given the same driver. I've heard reviewers complain about the Takstar compared to the Sendy and Blon, saying the Takstar are "tuned differently", but the veil that they complain about I've never heard in person, so I don't know if my ears are shot, there's extreme variance in production tolerances, or the HI-3050 does in fact have differences from the HF-580. Others have said the m570 is extremely close to the Blon and Sendy in sound signature, and the Takstar and m570 are SO close IMO, that I question the different tuning theory. I find the Takstar to be a bit more open with respect to soundstage, but the m570 to have a bit more texture to the sound. I don't notice major differences in treble or bass extension, but being over age 50 the natural degradation of hearing range with age makes me the wrong person to assess treble extension. The bass and midbass on the m570 have a bit more meat/texture to it than on the Takstar, but it's very subtle.

Right now they are so close to one another in signature IMO that the differences could very well be to pads and cups rather than any tuning or deliberate design decisions.

Supposedly the Takstar are a great platform for modding due to the way they are constructed and their low entry cost. I'm not a modder, so I cannot assess how the m570 compares on that front.

So the jury is still out and will be for a while, but nothing strikes me immediately as being inherently subpar or superb, comparatively speaking. Like many others, I would be interested to introduce the Audeze LCD1 into the comparison, but I want to wait for a cheaper price point.

My m570 cost US$254 delivered and the Takstar were US$161 delivered, so both are very attractively priced compared to competition (I prefer both of these to any of the LCD series, Hifiman, and Fostex that I previously owned; I won't compare to the Koss ESP-950 as that's a completely different animal), but in terms of raw bang for the buck, the Takstar being $100 cheaper is a major consideration as long as you can live with the attached rubberized cable.

To be continued...
Dec 14, 2019 at 3:57 AM Post #19 of 248
I've been wanting the sendy's since they came out but couldnt seem to come up with the $500 to get em so I bought some M570's and got them yesterday for good deal along with some sendy aiva v2 pads.

Sound - This is just my first impression but they do sound great but I put the sendy v2 pads on as soon as I got them with out even testing stock pads. I havent tested them balanced yet but they do take the same dual 2.5mm cable as my m1060co's so that wont be an issue. They are very open, very detailed. I dont find the treble to harsh at all and there is plenty of bass. I cant find any faults in the sound.

Portability - Powering them off my monolith 788 threw the 1/4se is no problem. I tested them on my onkyo dap and on high gain with the single ended port drives them great and in balanced mode can actually get loud loud but no distortion. They are still small and prolly more portable then my m560's but heavier then say my hd6xx.

Build - I used to think my m560's were my best built can till now. These thing are rock solid in the build department. I like the stock cable too. Some say they are heavy but when Ive been wearing my vibro labs t50 thunderpants can for months, these seem light weight.

Gaming - I did do some gaming with them (my vibro t50 mods are my kings of gaming) and the imaging is excellent. The only reason I think my vibro's are better for gaming is because they are closed back and all I hear is the games vs with the m570's they are very very open and you can hear someone whisper across the room while wearing them. But in a few games of pubg I was playing, I could easily detect where and how far away every one was.

So first impression, these are a great all around set of headphones.
Dec 21, 2019 at 1:21 PM Post #21 of 248
I'm actually surprised as to just how little discussion there is about the m570 here on head-fi. It seems like there's more focus on the double-the-price m1570. These are being seriously overlooked IMO.
Dec 21, 2019 at 2:43 PM Post #22 of 248
been doing some pad swapping on these. ZMF oval lambskins really add alot of bass, dekoni t50rp sheepskins are super comfy with added bass but not as much bass as the ZMF. Ive got a drawer full of pads that im gonna have to try now. I also chopped the end off my old monoprice upgrade cable and added an xlr connector to it to run these balanced. they have no problem taking the extra power of the balance monolith 788. So far I still like the sendy v2 pads the best with the dekoni a very close second. I got other cans if I really want some bass.
Dec 21, 2019 at 7:08 PM Post #23 of 248
First frequency response comparison I've seen between the m570, m1070, and m1570. Egads, the latter two are horrific!

Dec 23, 2019 at 10:11 AM Post #25 of 248
Dec 24, 2019 at 7:33 PM Post #27 of 248
Not surprising. Darned good cans for the money.
Dec 24, 2019 at 9:17 PM Post #28 of 248
First frequency response comparison I've seen between the m570, m1070, and m1570. Egads, the latter two are horrific!

alot more to a headphone than frequency response? WHAT??
Jan 3, 2020 at 7:22 PM Post #29 of 248

Since these use a double-sided planar magnetic driver, they do leak like no other. They work well as a desktop speaker. :)

Do you think these would be unusable in an office environment? My office has a pretty busy environment but I don't want to completely impose on everybody... I heard the sound demo on these and love them. This is the max I want to spend, but this would help me out a ton!

What is everyones thoughts on this? If this is all wrong for my situation, is there an option that has similar sound signature that leaks less?

Currently have:
HD380 Pro (Don't like)
MDR7506 (like)
Urbanears Zinken (meh)
Jan 12, 2020 at 11:54 PM Post #30 of 248
Do you think these would be unusable in an office environment? My office has a pretty busy environment but I don't want to completely impose on everybody... I heard the sound demo on these and love them. This is the max I want to spend, but this would help me out a ton!

What is everyones thoughts on this? If this is all wrong for my situation, is there an option that has similar sound signature that leaks less?

Currently have:
HD380 Pro (Don't like)
MDR7506 (like)
Urbanears Zinken (meh)
Hi Neugroove, I recently purchased a pair of these and greatly enjoy them. Being open back they do leak, but not enough to disturb a busy environment. I personally wouldn't wear these outside of the house due to their size and weight. If you're okay with wearing a large, heavy headphone in the office then i say go for it.

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