New Miles Davis Trumpet (not Tribute) earphones
Mar 4, 2013 at 1:52 AM Post #391 of 538
How are everyone's Trumpets holding up? Mine are still going strong.

Just bought a brand new pair a few days ago, pretty impressive little iem. However I can't get the most comfortable seal so I might put them up for sale.

Mar 19, 2013 at 10:23 AM Post #392 of 538
I am using mine alongside the Sennhesier Amperior - a good contrast...
Am still enjoying them all this time on - by far my most long-lasting (head time wise!) IEM...
Mar 19, 2013 at 10:52 AM Post #393 of 538
Monster really hit the ball out of the ball park with this IEM. I am still loving mine.
Apr 9, 2013 at 9:30 PM Post #394 of 538
Finally got my beloved Tributes replaced with Trumpets.

These Trumpets are garbage and I'm going to cause bodily harm to a kitten to protest my disapproval for them. Surely someone at Monster likes kittens and this will surely show them.

Nah I'm just kidding I love the Trumpets. I was worried that they wouldn't be as bassy and fun as the Tributes but I'm glad I'm wrong. These are still considered a bass heavy IEM. They're just so much fun to listen to.

I got the best fit (it took some time) with the silicone non-super-tip medium sized tips. Get a great seal with these. Similar to the Tributes. With the Tributes I fiddled around with the foam and silicone super-tips for months before I found that the silicone regulars gave the best fit and therefore the best sound. I was just reluctant to use them because they didn't have "super" in their name and surely that meant they weren't as good (true story) lol. I mean who wouldn't want to use something super over something regular? Haha not me...until I did...

Anyway I'm so pleased with my Tribute/Trumpet swap that I've decided to open up a kitten rescue...

Nah but I am pleased with these :)
Apr 9, 2013 at 9:38 PM Post #395 of 538
Congrats man! 

Apr 25, 2013 at 9:27 AM Post #396 of 538
Hi guys,
The unthinkable happened, my Tributes broke down... The good thing is, I can get them replaced for free by Monster with the Trumpets. Yay! But, I have a question to you guys regarding the Trumpets. I noticed that they seem to be open backed headphones, at least that's what I see on various photo's around the net. Is that a: true? And if so b: how much sound do they leak to the guy next to me on the train? It's possibly a deal breaker for me, and I CAN still get them replaced by another set of Tributes. But, however, I'm very curious of the new sound(stage) of the Trumpets.
Can someone please answer my question if the Trumpets are audible for my fellow commuters?
May 9, 2013 at 1:36 AM Post #399 of 538
I got a pair "Like New" from Amazon. I'm thinking about returning them and buying a new pair for the warranty. The used ones were 134 vs 195 at Amazon. I'm scared of these breaking even though I'm going to be babying them.
Does anyone have any custom molds on these things? How would those work with these things? I'm having to put the cable over my ear due to the cable noise/microphonics. Would the molds eliminate the ability to hook over the ears?
I'm in the process of burning them in. Will be running them all night. These are amazing. I'm on about 10 hours now.
The microphonics is what is hurting these things. It's really bad. Hooking over the ears helped a lot (75% better or so) but I'd like it even less.
Is there a way to reduce the cable noise from these things? Maybe like electrical tape or something? I don't really care about them looking crappy, I just want the noise gone. (though the tape would void the warranty...)
May 9, 2013 at 2:11 AM Post #400 of 538
I got a pair "Like New" from Amazon. I'm thinking about returning them and buying a new pair for the warranty. The used ones were 134 vs 195 at Amazon. I'm scared of these breaking even though I'm going to be babying them.
Does anyone have any custom molds on these things? How would those work with these things? I'm having to put the cable over my ear due to the cable noise/microphonics. Would the molds eliminate the ability to hook over the ears?
I'm in the process of burning them in. Will be running them all night. These are amazing. I'm on about 10 hours now.
The microphonics is what is hurting these things. It's really bad. Hooking over the ears helped a lot (75% better or so) but I'd like it even less.
Is there a way to reduce the cable noise from these things? Maybe like electrical tape or something? I don't really care about them looking crappy, I just want the noise gone. (though the tape would void the warranty...)

If possible I would suggest returning them and going for a pair with a warranty. Because as much as I loved my Tributes, they literally fell to pieces after heavy usage. Which was actually a good thing since they sent my Trumpets as a replacement and I love them even more! I wouldn't put tape anywhere near them. Learn to live with the noise or seek out something different. It wasn't a huge issue for me as I tried to sit in one place when using such an expensive IEM. I use the new Apple Earpods for on the go and gym use etc. Which are a steal at $30 SQ wise.
May 9, 2013 at 1:43 PM Post #401 of 538
Right, I'm going to be using them at work too, which involves sitting down and typing. Even so, the microphonics are there and annoy the crap out of me.
Regardless of whether tape would destroy the warranty or not, would it actually cut down the microphonics?
May 15, 2013 at 7:48 AM Post #402 of 538
Finally, I got my replacement Trumpets for my broken down Tributes. First impressions are really weird. I like the sound, it's cleaner/more clear than the Tributes, but it does lack some sort of 'thickness' (for the lack of a better word) to the sound. The weirdest part though, is that I now cannot hear a difference between my lossless ALAC tracks and my Itunes purchased 256 AAC tracks anymore. I COULD distinguish them with the Tributes. Maybe these phones are just too small to make a real difference between these two formats? That, or it's just my hearing or something. I use these with an iPhone 4s, straight out the jack, no amp or anything like that, just like I did with the Tributes.  But I must say, I really enjoy these headphones.
Any thoughts on this?
May 15, 2013 at 9:09 AM Post #403 of 538
Relax. You just got them! You need a a strong 50-to-75 hours burn-in and all the resolution will be there. These are excellent universals. Trust me. The only reason you could eventually hear differences through your Tributes is because you owned them (presumably) for a long time and had plenty of play hours. Just common sense.
May 16, 2013 at 4:25 AM Post #404 of 538
True, I've owned the Tributes for about 2 years. And while the build quality was awful (they broke down twice), they sounded fuller, thicker, but also more boomy and had less clarity in the highs. So actually, I like the Trumpets more, even though I still have to properly burn these babies in. To me the Trumpets and the Tributes are just miles (pun intended) apart from each other soundwise, but they both have their own likeable features.
But when all is said and done, I think the Trumpets will prevail. Thank you guys for the feedback.
May 17, 2013 at 7:57 PM Post #405 of 538
I'm in the same boat: my Tributes broke in the same exact spot after 14-15 months of use each time. For me, the wire wore down right at the point where the L-connector "shield" ends, i.e. where the blue cable starts, which leads to the left earbud cutting in and out and crackling. The first ones, I bought here and the guy never responded to my request for documentation of purchase, so I couldn't get a warranty replacement. I coughed up the major chunk of dough to buy them on Amazon and then they broke 15 months later.
I got the Miles Davis Trumpets via FedEx today, from the warranty replacement. RMA process is painless, super easy. The only bad thing is the time it takes to get it back. IIRC it took 3-5 days to have my RMA sent out after they already received it. I thought it'd be faster. From there, they ship from Las Vegas. Hopefully, that gives any poor soul who's going for an RMA an idea of how long they'll be without their beloved IEMs :)
Anyway, I haven't burned them in yet, I've only logged about three to four hours with them. I'm not an expert audiophile, but I feel like there's less oomph to the sound. I listen to oldies (namely 50's, especially doo-wop), which I feel benefits from the warmth, especially to cover up the less pristine tracks that come from vinyls and such. The Tributes seemed to do well with the music I listen to. The Trumpets feel a little more clear, with a good degree of separation: on the first track of the CD it comes with (Sketches of Spain), you can really hear a separation between the highs and the lows. I was surprised to hear the detail in the lows.
I miss the heft of the Tributes. The flat cable of the Trumpets, the snazzy ControlTalk module, and the lighter earphones themselves all come together to provide quite a different feel from the Tributes. 
Oh, one thing to note: AFAIK, the SuperTips from the Tributes don't work with the Trumpets. I couldn't squeeze the old tips over the new earphones. The old ones' aperture is smaller than the new ones.
Anyway, I look forward to enjoying these. I just hope they don't crap out on me in 15 months!

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