New Member Introductions thread
Jan 9, 2017 at 7:43 PM Post #4,846 of 15,646
What's up folks. Lurked a long time, read a ton of reviews, finally decided to join the community.
My first cans were the Sennheiser HD598's. Currently maining a pair of Denon AH-2000's with Brainwavs lambskin pads. Recently picked up a TEAC UD-501 DAC from MassDrop, so I'll be looking for an amp and a new pair of neutral cans really soon.
I listen to a lot of random music.
From japan I listen to pop and a good handful of fan-made albums from Comiket.
For classical I love Wagner, Satie, a couple pieces by Borodin. Recently getting into chamber music and art songs for the intimate sound.
Classical's all about the performance, so if anyone knows of some notable recordings and where to pick them up in lossless (preferably DSD) I'm all ears.
Jan 10, 2017 at 1:27 AM Post #4,847 of 15,646
Hi guys, new member posting for the first time. Been lurking for a while and reading reviews and such.
Bought a pair of Hifiman 400i for Christmas and some Schiit, so I am loving life at the moment.
Looking forward to spending more quality time around here.
Jan 10, 2017 at 1:40 AM Post #4,848 of 15,646
Hi everyone,
Geoff here, I've been lurking around here for a while and finally decided to join the community.
I usually listen to instrumental and classical music. I mainly use IEMs cause isolation is important to me but it seems there are lots of great earbuds out there.
I've just ordered a pair of VE monk plus after reading lots of good stuff about them.
Jan 10, 2017 at 7:25 AM Post #4,849 of 15,646
Hi folks, Gediminas here. I've been lurking out the forums for quite some time. Decided to join as I wasn't able to make transaction on trade forums otherwise. Don't think I'm going to be a very active writer here, yet questions arise time from time. I'm not an audiophile of any sorts, just appreciate quality in music listening.
After reading for a while came out with following tide budget based setup: Audio Technica MSR7, FiiO Q1 and SONY NWZ-A15. Will see where will it drag me from here. 
Anyway, cheers to all of you fine people and good luck everybody :)
Jan 10, 2017 at 10:06 AM Post #4,850 of 15,646
Hi there. Between here and reddit, I've done some massive lurking. My wallet may be screeching but I'm very pleased with my current setup (mainly K7XX & O2/Dragonfly black). Ofc, still making more additions, and also attending NYC Canjam since I live in the city and didn't know this was a thing (demo-ing things for free sounds amazing).
Jan 10, 2017 at 1:46 PM Post #4,851 of 15,646
New member here with a quick hello :)

My name is David. Not a huge audiophile, but certainly a music-lover eversince my very early years until now at mid 40. From jazz to pop and rock and classic, basically everything goes :)

I just purchased my new Oppo PM-3's after reading the corresponding thread on this forum. Enjoying my new headphones as I'm writing this. Beautiful open and clear sound, very precise and good separation. Breaking them in for the next 50-100 hours or so I reckon. I also have the Sennheiser Momentum 2 BT headphones which are great for added functionality (bluetooth, active noise cancellation), but bit more muddy sound character compared to the PM-3's. Still an excellent set of headphones.

Very happy with my latest purchase so far. Will keep an eye out on this board. Cheers all.
Jan 10, 2017 at 2:39 PM Post #4,852 of 15,646
Pardon me for interrupting this tread so as not to offend anyone I will Introduce myself my given name is Ian and I have been reading some of the post for a few months through Google searches. I am now in the position of finishing one loop (smart phone - with the pick up trow away ear buds) Right now Im at the point were I am using a Fiio X1 ii blue-toothed to a Fiio E17 DAC and a Fiio A1 amp the Fiio amps are blue toothed by two Tac Tronics blue tooth to a set of Sony Hear In ( I also had a pair of Bose which I used till I could get the Sony plug replaced just for an Indication of what I think of the Sony hear in's still the voices I hear in my head might be clearer with a set of Heir Audio 4. a1 or?
Jan 11, 2017 at 9:26 PM Post #4,853 of 15,646
I have been a avid headphone listener for many years
And also decided it was time to join the Forum ....... I like Stax headphones and just upgraded my ageing Lambda Signatures to 009 which
are yet to be delivered.
I'm currently using a Stax 007tii amp Ayon CD5s combination.
Jan 11, 2017 at 11:59 PM Post #4,854 of 15,646
I guess this was supposed to be my first post:happy_face1:

Anyway only in my 40s but started out in audio spinning all my older brothers rock records at 5 years old when they were out of the house:evil: I grew up on the Beatles, Who, the Police etc. now I am mostly into well recorded live shows of improvisational music from bands like Widespread Panic, the Grateful Dead, Steve Kimock. I still appreciate older recordings from guitar players like JJ Cale and Neil Young. I don't particularly like equipment with a overly bright sound signature and Neil Youngster voice is great demo material to check to see if you can handle his twangy voice.

Started buying serious home audio and car audio gear after college. I honestly was never very happy with headphones as a replacement for hi end home and car audio until last month hearing these He400i cans on a decent amp. Wow! Found a true replacement even to my favorite sound space driving in my car. Having a 7 year old and a wife in bed by 10pm it's just a more peaceful existence jamming cans rather than my home system. In the past when I really got an inch to turn up the tunes later at night I would just get in my car and cruise for a half hour to an hour. Active speakers run off a BitOne processor properly dialed in is a demo everyone here deserves to hear. Truly remarkable. Not necessary any more and I get to save on gas :wink:

For me as well as I can tell from reading posts from most of you that it is all about the music first in what we choose to play and then taking that to our gear in serving it up at its very best. That is what makes the time and money commitment I am sure in this hobby all worthwhile.

Really pretty jazzed lately to have a new avenue to consuming hi end music :)
Jan 12, 2017 at 12:35 AM Post #4,855 of 15,646
Hi, I listen to a variety of music (from classical to classic rock) and I also gig semi-regularly as a musician.  After a long absence from audiophile interests, I recently got into headphones with the purchase of the Fostex TH-X00 (original mahogany version) and Grace Design M9XX from Massdrop.  I absolutely fell in love with the tone and texture and since then I've been lurking on this forum and have picked up quite a few items.  
Here's what I'm currently running...
Grace Design M9XX -->  Fostex TH-X00 (mahogany) or Emu Teak (rosewood) or Hifiman HE400i
Fiio Q1 --> Creative Labs Aurvana Live or Hifiman HE350 
Iphone 6S --> Arcam MusicBoost (DAC/Amp) --> Shure SE215 LTD (blue)
On-stage IEM: 
Shure wireless receiver into Shure SE535 LTD (red)
I would like to learn more about tube-based headphone amps and would like to try the Fostex TH-900.  
Jan 12, 2017 at 1:25 AM Post #4,856 of 15,646
My name is Mark and I live in Colorado. I was a radio broadcaster from 1975-2007. Lots of concert promotion, loud headphones while on air, loud music at home - even my kids would tell me to turn it down. Music is an important part of my life.

Guess you can figure where I'm going with this. In recent years I've lost some high frequency hearing. The new Jaybird Freedom and X3 in ear phones allow you to EQ in their app and then save it to the firmware of the phones. This is great and I can use the BT with any other device and have no further need of the app, unless I want to tweak the settings.

Now I'm looking for a quality over the ear set of BT phones that will allow me to do the same. I tried the JBL Elite 700s, which allow EQ settings to be loaded into the phones, but ended up returning them. Their EQ just didn't have the range I needed.

Last week I demoed the B&O H9 and H7. The Beoplay app allows you to do much the same thing and save it to the firmware. However, I just felt the B&O were underpowered and at their price point, I just didn't want the frustration.

Are there other quality BT headphones on the market that allow you to tweak the EQ and lock it into firmware. Seems most companies assume we will have equally good hearing and its just a matter of picking the cans with our preference of sound.

If you have any phones that you can point me to, I'd really appreciate it.

Once to be here. Thanks for you input.

Jan 12, 2017 at 1:26 PM Post #4,859 of 15,646
New member, been interested in hi-fi since the early 80's, still have a thing for vintage gear but now listen through my Superlux HD660 headphones (based on recommendations here) with my laptop as source. I use EAC AND Foobar2000 and have just invested in a cheap DAC which I'll be asking some idiot questions about at some point. Don't have a lot of spare cash at the moment (£0) due to work situation but I'm always willing to tinker with what I have.
Thanks in advance for your patience :)

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