New Member Introductions thread
May 2, 2016 at 8:36 PM Post #3,571 of 15,646
Schiit gear looks really nice, hope it turns out to be the 1-2 punch you want! I considered the Vali 2 a while back, then I heard about the Bottlehead Crack with Speedball. I've come close to buying the kit a couple of times, but my soldering skills aren't fantastic.
I do have a penchant for gaming and use my HD650's with Creative's SBX virtual surround to good effect, I've also got a pair of Technics speakers hooked up to the Sony which I use when I want tunes to fill the room, so another thought is the Creative X7 limited which could amp both at a pinch and still allow me to use the Virtual Surround feature.

The bottlehead crack was a little out of my setup price range. I am a highly competitive gamer myself but I use a gaming headset with a soundcard for those needs. This setup that I hope to have set up entirely by Thursday if the goods come in, will be for music, movies, etc; I'm also a musician so I do some editing and such on my PC. I also watch a lot of movies, so I'm hoping this setup will be good with movies as well. 
May 2, 2016 at 8:44 PM Post #3,572 of 15,646
What is with the fasination with a one tube Valli 2, we are talking stereo here, and not much on the Vahalla 2 with four tubes, two input tubes, two output tubes. I am a hi fi stereo guy, no cumputers for a music source. I get mine from my Vizio tv and through optical cable and from my Teac CD H750B single disc CD player. I probably am just showing my ignorance here but just want to know. On the Schiit website they mention rolling the input tubes, I have never seen a discussion about tube rolling on the Vahalla2. Thanks! C.
May 2, 2016 at 9:44 PM Post #3,573 of 15,646
What is with the fasination with a one tube Valli 2, we are talking stereo here, and not much on the Vahalla 2 with four tubes, two input tubes, two output tubes. I am a hi fi stereo guy, no cumputers for a music source. I get mine from my Vizio tv and through optical cable and from my Teac CD H750B single disc CD player. I probably am just showing my ignorance here but just want to know. On the Schiit website they mention rolling the input tubes, I have never seen a discussion about tube rolling on the Vahalla2. Thanks! C.

I'm a college student working two jobs to pay bills and rent. There are always going to be better products out there but the Vali 2 is going to be my first tube (hybrid) amp and it's what I could afford right now. For my budget it seemed like the best thing that I could get at the time. I don't have a stereo system or even a television. I have my computer and my gaming consoles. That's what I do for money as well. 
Eventually down the road once I finish school and get better income, I'd like to have a really good system set up, but for now, I think I can get some great sound out of the Vali 2 and HD 650s. I understand where you're coming from, but I'm making do with what I have. 
May 2, 2016 at 10:10 PM Post #3,574 of 15,646
I understand, I am disabeled on a fixed income. I have a pair of HD598se that are 3d in their effects. I find myself taking them off as I hear things I can swear came from in the room or outside of the house. You should really enjoy the 650's. The reviews are stellar. I also wanted to know how you get stereo from one tube, and I have never seen any discusions about the Vahalla2 in reguards to tube rolling. Enjoy your new amp. The 650's will sound superb. I am a newbie here as well. There were many questions in my original post as I want answers too. We should find many good answers to our questions here. Thanks! C.
May 2, 2016 at 10:42 PM Post #3,575 of 15,646
I have a pair of 598s as well that I've had for about 5 years. I took some audio engineering classes my first 2 years of college and used them. I have a Fiio portable amp that I tried with them when I was first interested in amps but it doesn't seem to do anything to them at all.
I'm completely new when it comes to tubes, I was reading up on them a bit and I saw that a lot of lower end tube amps don't give the tubes full power, which the vali 2 does. The valhalla 2 was definitely in my interests, but again, I couldn't afford it. I'm checking out some pawn shops in my area since there are loads to see if I can find some more tubes, but I will definitely comment and let you know as I test different ones out. 
Thanks for the comments!
May 2, 2016 at 11:03 PM Post #3,576 of 15,646
The 598's do not really need to be amped, but depending on the amp to be used can make a small diference. I sit in a recliner all day and have a 25 ft.super HD headphone extension cable that is nearly as big as as guitar cord. I have 21 headphones, only two are earbuds. I am a big Koss fan. I buy on the cheap and never pay retale. I have a pair of Koss Pro4s closed back studio phones and many times get up from my chair and forget that I am wearing them they are so comfortable. I love these cans. They are $149.99, got them on Amzon warehouse deals, they were a return, perfect shape for like $87.00.Super light weight and the revirws are outstanding on the Pro4s. Purchased a pair of Veho z8 headphones about 8 months ago on a whim, never heard of them but the reviews were good. Android Authority had them for $59.95, they were on amazon at that time for list price, $159.95. If you dont get Android Authority newsleter set yourself up as I have found many bargains there. Have fun! C.
May 3, 2016 at 6:05 PM Post #3,578 of 15,646
Hi all, 
New member, been a reader since 2010.

Currently using Beyerdynamic DT880 Pro 250 Ohm, having had the Sony MDR7506 which after 10 years of use, some unintentional abuse, finally broke beyond repair after the can's fixture melted in the sun, drivers still fine though!   Bought the Sennheiser HD25-ii C purely for portable use, replaced with the Audio Technica ATH-M50x, unfortunately both stolen.

So currently running in the DT880 Pro's, from further viewing it seems the 600 Ohm have the edge over these, but I'm happy with them and hopefully, for music production, mastering, in a bedroom studio, as well as listening, they will meet my needs.  

Just need a decent headphone amp though!, with a budget of about £100.  The subject of my second post.  

May 3, 2016 at 6:17 PM Post #3,579 of 15,646
The HD 650s came in the mail today and I am so amazed. Can't wait for the AMP/DAC to come in on Thursday!
This is a completely new experience already. Can't imagine what the amp is going to do.
May 3, 2016 at 6:30 PM Post #3,580 of 15,646
Hello everyone. I have been reading the forums for years and have learned alot from experienced members! Today i decided to make an account. Currently rocking a QPAD QH1337 and Sennheiser PC360 g4me. :)
May 3, 2016 at 6:38 PM Post #3,581 of 15,646
Hi all, 
New member, been lurking for a while, figured it was time to join.
Due to members reviews, have purchased a few items to try. Currently running an FiiO K5 and X3 combo with a pair of AKG 612Pro's and HiFiMan 400S with Brainwavz pads for music, and a pair of Audio-Technica ATH AD700X with an Antlion mod mic for gaming. Past headphones were Senns PC350, 598SE, Audio-Technica M50X, and HiFiMan 400i.  But, lookin go back to the 400i's, or maybe AKG 712 Pro. Not to happy with the sound of the 400S, just not bright enough for my taste.
May 4, 2016 at 7:28 AM Post #3,582 of 15,646
Hello, finally listening to music with Headphones and a DAC.
Just got some HD 598s and a Schiit Fulla. Budget-Fi for now.
Ripping my CDs to Flac and getting some 24 bit albums. 
I do long for the time when audio equipment was made in the same country it was designed in.
However, this may not be the worst time to be alive as a human.
May 4, 2016 at 8:11 AM Post #3,583 of 15,646
@pattho - Yeah, I just changed from lurker to real person too! LOL!
@iceball Hi Ice! Welcome! I take it you're in colder climes from your name?
@Souldriver - Welcome too! What kind of audio are you into? I'm a Tech type, been doing audio repair forever, finally joined Head-Fi for some DAC q's.
To all of you - You never stop learning, and this is a great place for that!!
May 4, 2016 at 1:42 PM Post #3,585 of 15,646
Hello, people. I too, am a person. A very wordy person, but a person nonetheless. I look forward to bonding over this fact with my fellow humans, as humans often do.
At my core, I'm just a simple music lover. My parents introduced me to all kinds of music growing up (save for hip-hop and electronic music, which I'm returning the favor with.) I think there's something for me in every genre of music. I learned to work a turntable system at age 10. Not bragging! Just saying, music is a major, inseparable component of my being. I have many fond memories of coming home from school, grabbing a record off of my mom's literal wall of records, tuning in, and dropping out. That was my first serious hobby. I'm always looking for ways to augment the experience and take it to places I haven't been to yet. There's still so much I haven't heard and so many ways I haven't heard it!
I am, I guess, what you would call an audiophile in that I love high-quality audio. That's what I'm always seeking. I've never been into the true 'audiophile-tier' stuff, but I also don't mess with anything that sounds less than 'damned good.' I'm not super persnickety or discerning, but I like to think that I know the difference between something that is 'excellent' and simply 'usable'. Now that I've discovered how good basic, well-made components can really sound, I'm kind of over settling for overpriced, sub-par equipment. Gimme the good stuff.
That being said, I'm a big believer in the notion that you don't have to spend a lot to have a high-end experience. The quality jump from consumer to entry-level hi-fi has been mind-blowing over these past few years of exploration. Every new piece of gear is a discovery that makes me re-evaluate everything. They all change the way I hear music... ...the way I listen to music. I love that. Its addicting. Eventually, I will find myself on the upper echelons, but I intend to explore every level.
Cred-wise, I'm not super in-the-loop outside of a few common things I've researched the hell out of. I'm not as tech-savvy as I'd like to be. I find that every time I join a forum for something, I instantly become more knowledgeable on a subject (or I convince myself that I do,) so here I am!
I guess you could say I'm basically here to learn how to lighten my wallet and crowd my braincase.
Nothing fancy going on over here, for now.
Headphone Setup:
-Modi 2 Uber
-FiiO e12
-Beyerdynamic DT-990 Pro 250 ohm  (<3 mmmf)
For a portable setup, I have a pair of Yamaha RH-5ma's that I pair with an Xduoo X3 (with or without e12.) Admittedly, those headphones, while decent, don't quite satisfy. I do have to respect them as my gateway to bigger and better things and I've learned to love their signature over the years (sometimes I actually yearn for it,) but I'm still looking lustfully at the Beyerdynamic DT-1350-80's...'s like being in a stable relationship that's gone stale.
Speaker Setup:
-Modi 2 Uber
-Schitt Sys (I just like having a nice-looking physical volume knob dedicated to the speakers... ...don't judge!)
-M-Audio BX5 D2
I've got it all on a $20 1-in, 4-out powered RCA splitter box. I know that's a sin to some, but I swear that I can't hear any change when I a/b. Noise floor didn't budge. Maybe I don't notice any signal loss through the box and cable runs because it all runs into amps... ...I dunno. I'm not a cableist, so maybe you gotta believe to experience the truth. It did worry me when I first set it up, but now I just kinda trust it. *shrugs* I run it DAC > input, output 1 > FiiO e12, output 2 > Sys > BX5 D2's. Works like it should and lets me hide my cables behind my TV/monitor.
All in all, decent budget setups, I think. Not exactly 'complete' in my mind, but I'm quite happy with them. I do plan to make some upgrades and additions soon, which is hopefully where you guys will come in. Cheers!

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