New Member Introductions thread
Jan 1, 2015 at 3:01 AM Post #1,021 of 15,646
I really do appreciate it, thebluebulk. I read it, but didn't see the part about 5 post minimum. I understand that totally. Just updated my profile. So I assume I can't go around the forum posting links to where people can buy fake Oakley sunglasses now?

HAHAHAHA sure sounds good to me 
 ... page 69 

Jan 1, 2015 at 8:39 PM Post #1,025 of 15,646
Hi to all,
New here, but not to audio or headphones.
I've been a lurker for a little while, decided to join.
As a long time fan of many nice monitor speakers, I'm now going into home recording and an ever shrinking recording setup.
I see the need soon, for total headphone use instead of loudspeakers that may annoy housemates.
I'm here to check out and maybe dicusss closed back headphones suitable for recording solo acoustic and electric guitars.
I've a few simple mid-price pairs, not worthy of any mention here, but have been lucky enough over the years to have tried many good headphones in recording studio environments.
I'm a fix it guy.
I make my own piezo preamps for guitar pickups, made 1 tube headphone amp, dabble in tube & transistor power amp repair, sometimes build and play a lot of guitars. I'm an IPC qualified rework and repair electronics tech, specialising mostly SMT/SMC rework and repair, but it's not related to audio industry, nor do I have a business, so I have no commercial interests to declare here.
I fix a lot of stuff for people... always soldering...I'm that guy everyone comes to with their broken audio gear to get it fixed!
Doing repairs is fun for me. I love the looks of joy on faces when a bereaved headphone user is re-united with their newly repaired and much beloved working headphones!
Looking forward to talking all things HP related.
Happy new year to all here, great forum, very informative!
Jan 1, 2015 at 9:14 PM Post #1,026 of 15,646
Greetings and Happy New Year to everyone in the Head-Fi community.  My name is Paul Mah and I'm a reviewer for the audio ezine, Dagogo.  While my primary audio interest is in two-channel stereo systems, I do listen with headphones and portable audio devices.  I have noticed the extreme growth of headphone users in the past few years by both the audiophile community and general public-each time I take NYC public transportation reminds me of that fact.  I would like to review more headphone/portable audio products in the future, and this forum seems to be a perfect place to find out about new and exciting components in the category.  This site is also a wealth of information, based on the many members who are devoted headphone users, which can help in my search since I don't have the time to sample everything available.  For headphone and portable use, I currently own KEF M500, Sony MDR-7506, Koss PortaPro headphones and iFi Micro iDSD DAC.  I routinely look for value-added products, which sound superb given their cost.  I look forward to reading and learning the intricate details of headphone equipment from everyone in this community.  Cheers, and happy listening. 
Jan 2, 2015 at 3:21 AM Post #1,027 of 15,646
Greeting to all Head-fi-ers! Happy 2015~~!!
Brief introduction of me, I am a 15+ years young Head-fi-er base in HK who also spent a great deal of my youth in the UK. I have many many hobbies but Head-fi have been my first and the most consuming addiction. My Dad was a serious HighFi-er so guess I took that from him. Now lets time travel back to the 1980s when it all started....  
My first portable player was a AIWA J202mk6 Cassette player (with remote!), which I mostly listened to, on my bed, during my junior school years. Back in those days I had very little money so whenever I could scrap some coins, I'd run to the nearest Music shop and rent a few funky Canton pop cassette/CDs for taping, using my Dad's Cassette deck. I've managed to find a pic of my AIWA:

Come high-school, or "six forms" in UK, I received my first portable CD player as a gift, the uber "cool" Panasonic SL-SW405. I love its look and I am sure you will agree too:

Skipped a few years and during the 2nd year in my Uni days, I bought my first REAL serious gear, the legendary Iriver H140! It was so cutting edge at its time, one of the first players which allowed firmware upgrade by user and an optical out! I didn't even know what those were for but I was SOLD. It was big, heavy and in all fairness, quite ugly, but I didn't care none of it. I was "in love" with the H140, couldn't go anywhere without it.

I have big ears, and was never able to get a secure fit with the traditional earphones, they ALWAYS drop out. I bought a pair of clip-on earphones from Panasonic, which sound quite terrible but I didn't have much choice back then. However, after a few months with my H140, I started to look for alternatives/upgrades, which led me to the Sennheiser MX550. I think they were excellent but still not ideal (for me) on-the-go. That was year 2005 and after hundreds of hours of Internet researching, I bought my first proper IEM, the UM1. I remembered vividly the disappointment when I first put them on, the sound was murky, almost boring and rough. I thought, what the hell and good money wasted but I still use them regularly, as the secure fit is far much more superior than anything I have experienced. I believe anyone who's experienced the UM1 knows what happen next, it gets better, and better, and eventually became freakishly AWESOME. I loved them, clocked at least 1000+ hrs with them, until that morning I ran for my bus, stepped on them and snapped in half. It was a sad sad day...
My Headfi journey continued but I am not going to layout in details and bore you further. Let's just say I bought a few players (some Apples, some Cowons, some Sonys, some Fiio), handful of dac/amps (most notably, the Decware Zenhead, RS Shadow and Headstage) and many many phones/Cans (IEMS, on/over ears,open/seal, hybrids.)
I am quite fond of my current on-the-go rig, Sony A17-->RS Shadow-->Sony EX1000, very compact, huge storage (64G + 128G), multitude file formats and decent battery life, SQ is a matter of taste and preference but I think this combo offers pretty darn great musicality, ample of push and above average details, transparency and airness (for earphones, on the go).

Also showcasing my office rig, IPC-->Fostex HP-P1-->Decware Zenhead-->Akg545/Philips M1/Momentum on ear. I love the Zenhead, probably one of the most "tubby" headphone amps, great for long hour listening.


Looking forward to learn more from this fabulous forum and contribute where I can. Till then, enjoy music and let 2015 Rocks!
Jan 2, 2015 at 11:47 AM Post #1,029 of 15,646
Hello, and Happy New Year to everyone.
Long time lurker on these forums.
Finally signed up in an attempt to avoid my wallet leaking serious amounts of cash on DAPs, Headphones and DACs.
I know that's not going to happen: it's an addiction.
So here I am, among my fellow addicts

Jan 2, 2015 at 3:24 PM Post #1,030 of 15,646
Hello people of the Head-Fi community! 
I have browsed these forums many times for answers to all my questions about audio and I finally decided to create an account and share my love of music. About a year-or-so ago, I was on a school trip when I noticed many people spent the long bus ride listening to music with over-ear headphones. I'd always been a fan of music, though I'd never considered getting over-ear headphones. After that trip was over, I decided I would get a pair for myself.
This was the first website I stumbled upon when looking for the right pair of headphones for me. After reading many of the helpful posts in the forums, I eventually decided to go for the Audio Technica ATH-M50s; however, just as I was about to order them I changed my mind and decided to get a pair of Bose AE2s because there was a Bose store nearby, and that was the only pair of headphones I'd considered getting that I really could try out.
After about a month of using those I realized I didn't like the sound signature of the AE2s at all. I wondered about the possibilities of building my own pair of headphones and jumping into DIY audio. After around a week of reading and preparation, I ordered HD598 drivers from Sennheiser along with other parts such as a 3.5 mm jack, wood, pipe clamps etc. This would be my first-ever electronics/audio project.
I'd never soldered before, so I ended up burning out one of the drivers during the first attempt. Overall, it was kind of a disastrous project, and the final product looked like some kind of wooden, head-torture machine. Even so, the sound was much better than anything else I'd ever heard before. I became an instant fan of HiFi sound. Since then, I've re-used the original drivers and built a much better-looking, open-backed pair of headphones. I ended up getting myself a CmoyBB v2.03 DIY amplifier to go along with it which I absolutely love. I hope to design and build my own DACs, drivers, and amps some day. My love for electronics and my love for music fit together perfectly!
Recently, I've started producing my own electronic music. It's not the best, but I've been getting better every time I work on it. I hope to make my own audio equipment and play my own music over it someday!
Jan 2, 2015 at 6:08 PM Post #1,032 of 15,646
Hi All,
I'm a long-time lurker - I've been using Head-Fi for years for the seemingly endless reviews and advice before making any headphone or amp purchase - and I've made plenty over the years.  First of all, I'd like to say thanks to all of the generous people who post guides, reviews, and mod resources.  You've been a tremendous help since back I was just looking to replace Apple earbuds with something that didn't sound awful.  Second, thanks to everyone else who contributes in whatever way.  The friendly and useful tone of this board is what finally pushed me to step forward and say hello.  When I'm ready to step up and spend more money on yet another set of cans that I don't "need", I'm sure you'll step forward to talk me out of it... right?
Currently listening to my Fiio E18 running through a set of AKG 7XXs from the Massdrop sale.  After owning plenty of low-buck/high-value headphones and IEMs, I guess I'm ready to take this seriously.
Jan 3, 2015 at 2:08 AM Post #1,033 of 15,646

Been listening to a pair of Denon AH-D7000s since about the time the Senn HD800s came out. Wanted that bass and the waiting list seemed so long at the time for the Senns. Figured that for my first round I'd go for a set of closed cans and splurge a bit. Also opted to spend my money on a Wadia transport (figured that was a binary decision) and a HeadRoom Ulta Desktop amp and a dedicated power supply. Read an article that said that particular DAC/Amp was well suited for the Denons especially on medium gain. I already had the iPod and had ripped my music without compression.

Well I have really enjoyed my D7000s. Glad I got them before they were discontinued.

My love of high end audio was recently rekindled by a chance conversation I had with a friend. Now, I wanted a pair of open headphones. Was thinking of getting the Senns but the name Audeze just kept popping up. The LCD 3s were pretty, made in the USA, and at the top of a lot of lists. Found a place to audition them. When I walk into the store; low and behold a pair of mint used Senn HD800s were on the floor that had just come in that day.

In ten minutes, I was sitting Indian Style on the floor, listening to a really high end system going between the two sets of burned in head phones. Wow. Felt 13 again. The smell of vinyl. The glow of tubes. The scratchy sound before a song began. Without going into detail(yet), the difference between the two was night and day. So many things to say about this, but later. What a great experience though. Because I had the Denons, I decided I would go with the Senns because they were different. Not better, just different. Especially with choral type music. Already had my rock and roll head phones. Then the owner said, "Try these." He brought out the LCD-Xs. These were the perfect balance (for me) between the two. Easy decision. Then he said "Get both." Tough decision. I acquiesced.

My LCD-Xs are burning in as I write this. However, every time I walk near them I have to listen-just a little. Then change the song. Then fiddle with the gain. Then switch headphones. Then switch between between two different masters of the same album (I date myself here). Then go through the same process again.

I can say four things now. 1) It's like drinking the same great wine but of different vintages over and over again. 2) I feel fortunate I bought the Denons when I did(they really hold up to the HD800s and the LCD-Xs-they are just different) 3) I am also fortunate that I came in on the day the HD800s were on the floor so I could compare them to the LCD-3s and the LCD-Xs. 4) My trio of headphones seems perfect for my listening tastes. The Senns are light and airy, the Denons are deep and contained (but not dark like the LCD-3s) and the LCD-Xs are just right in the middle. Like the best of both worlds.

My adventure has just begun!
Jan 3, 2015 at 3:09 AM Post #1,035 of 15,646
I'm returning to decent home hifi after an extended absence, and having become an apartment dweller with a penchant for late night music, I'm naturally exploring headphone options. I have Beyers, AKGs, Sennheisers, Grados and more. I've got a modest Yulong headphone amp, and just purchased a Burson Soloist, though I was seriously considering a Yulong A18. I haven't embraced the balanced world yet - at least in consumer hifi.
I'm also ruminating about a DAC purchase, with the Yulong DA8 currently being one of the more intriguing options. I'm attempting to balance performance, budget and future usability - nothing surprising there.
I've made us of head-fi passively for some time, and though I'm not likely to become a high-volume poster, I have decided to engage a bit more actively, at least for now. I'm really more interested in music than gear, even though I do come from a technical background and have professional recording experience.
That's enough for now...

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