New from Garage1217, the solid-state Project Polaris!
Jan 16, 2017 at 3:10 PM Post #1,636 of 1,838
I find similar. In fact, I've been talking about the very same thing on DIYAH. I am wondering whether it's because the Polaris delivers a lot of current when asked.

I've been getting great results with lower impedance headphones like the msr7, which is supposed to be so sensitive that an amp isn't really necessary. However, mine fills out on the Polaris. Just need a bit more attenuation.
Jan 17, 2017 at 11:46 AM Post #1,637 of 1,838
I seconded what you two said.
My DT 990 250 Ohm Pro experiences a greater sonic change than my HD 650 does when amp'd with the Polaris. That, however, is a pleasant thing in itself, because the DT 990 is rather screechy, and bright as is well-known. The Polaris artfully tames the can. My impression with this combination has been very positive thus far. The Polaris continues delivering and exceeding expectations. More specifically, I have this sensation that the music becomes more tangible and physical. As opposed to before when sometimes notes simply pass by your ears, with the Polaris the music has some weight to it and becomes tactile. Piano sounds more percussive, and orchestras more vibrant. For the DT 990 I usually have it around mid-high BW, mid Gain, no Attenuation, and low-mid Resistance. I have been trying to play with the output resistance jumpers but couldn't figure out what effect I'm supposed to get, or how it's supposed to work. Anyone cares to educate me on this? :)[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588)][/color]
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588)][/color]
For my HD 650 I like that the sound does not get overly warm. I have it at high BW and high Gain to complement the warmth and silky attributes of the Polaris. Huge sonic "upgrade" compared to my O2, which I always used to amp the HD 650, but felt the headroom constrained.
The Polaris definitely rocks the bottom end. Very dynamic and very fast. The tube-like sound definitely gets me every time!
Jan 21, 2017 at 5:59 PM Post #1,638 of 1,838
for those with the he400i, is your right headphone louder than the left side when connecting to the polaris? i have to plug the right 2.5mm connector into the left headphone to make it sound balance. it doesn't happen when i connect it to the e10, siberia soundcard, phone and mobo. my old he400 and siberia headset works fine on the polaris.
Feb 21, 2017 at 12:45 PM Post #1,641 of 1,838
anyone here using it with K7xx? good match?
Got one pair incoming and really want to have a good match with it :)

I don't have K7xx but it's a good match for K612, K701, K702 and K712.
So, unless the K7xx is wildly different from these other AKG's it should be fine.
Anyway, Polaris is so configurable I'd be very surprised if it wasn't suited.
Feb 26, 2017 at 9:26 PM Post #1,645 of 1,838
Has anyone regularly listened to the HD 800 on their Polaris? If so, what is your impression? My current setup is Polaris > E18 as DAC > HD 650, and it is fantastic. I love the HD 800's imaging and effortless transparency at a demo, and want to add it to my setup if it and the Polaris prove to be a great combination. I know tube is the way to go for the HD 800, but still 
 I listen to classical a lot, and would imagine the HD 800 excels in this regard.
Mar 1, 2017 at 3:42 PM Post #1,646 of 1,838

My current setup. The Polaris is so versatile. I wonder if I will ever upgrade from it.
Apr 1, 2017 at 2:10 AM Post #1,648 of 1,838
  nice setup. which impedance use with oppo? thank you

Current setup is Attenuation Module: off.  Bandwidth: medium; Gain: low; Output Resistance: Medium.  I also run the Garage1217 -20db attenuator cable.  With these settings, I can listen comfortably with the volume knob about 11 o'clock. This setting also works with my Noble 3W iem.  Which usually allows me to hear a little background noise through my system.  I do play with the settings quite often and try different positions, this is one of the benefits of the Polaris.
Apr 1, 2017 at 5:24 AM Post #1,649 of 1,838
If i'm right medium resistance is around 35 ohm
Apr 6, 2017 at 11:52 AM Post #1,650 of 1,838
So let me share my experience with the beyer T5P first gen :)
The sounded overly bright, analytical, shouty with the Magni 2. 
I then got a Project Polaris amp that sounds absolutely wonderful. Larger soundstage, sounds are fuller, much more precise. Sounds to die for. It's definitely a warm amp and can become even warmer with the 54 settings available. The only downside that I found was some noise that I attribute mainly to my noisy USB port in my computer (going to get a Wyrd, see if that solves things). Things improved considerably using a -20dB adapter provided by Jeremy (the seller), who is a great guy and a joy to deal with!
So, basically, The Beyerdynamic T5P first gen makes a great match with the Polaris amp. :)

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