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    • alota
      I resurrected this thread to say thank you @Julez He repaired my 009 which now works perfectly. Not to mention that he is truly an...
    • alota
      I had a fantastic 1st day at this years Canjam. Plenty of familiar faces and spent a lot of the day chatting and had a lot of...
    • alota
      alota replied to the thread The Stax Thread III.
      Indeed. I needed a long time to adapt and I think I would hardly be able to go back
    • alota
      alota replied to the thread The Stax Thread III.
      Well...some years ago electrostatic and my wallet was in the opposite way...
    • alota
      alota replied to the thread The Stax Thread III.
      I have not tried expensive amplifiers. But in my opinion my 009 sounds good with amplifiers i had...srm-1 mk2 and t1. The 007 stock...
    • alota
      alota reacted to ludoo's post in the thread The Stax Thread III with Like Like.
      Everyone has his own opinion, but as a vintage Stax lover a pair of good condition SR-Xmk3 or vintage Lambda out of a T1 sound better...
    • alota
      alota reacted to KDS315's post in the thread The Stax Thread III with Like Like.
      Well a friend of mine (who builds tube, tube hybrid and transistor amps for STAX) bought the EHA5 and tested / measured it - it creates...
    • alota
      alota reacted to aokman's post in the thread The Stax Thread III with Like Like.
      There is a lot of crazy interactions in transformers and I have come to realise it’s a fine art (bordering on witchcraft to design the...
    • alota
      alota replied to the thread The Stax Thread III.
      Thanks. Was my doubt...
    • alota
      alota reacted to aokman's post in the thread The Stax Thread III with Like Like.
      Need to keep in mind you can only do so much at low voltage, the winding ratios become more effective at higher voltages and errors...
    • alota
      alota replied to the thread The Stax Thread III.
      Just for curiosity: it is possible to use a tube amplifier with output transformers?
    • alota
      alota reacted to aokman's post in the thread The Stax Thread III with Like Like.
      Decided to throw the new bias on the LL1630s for now as the new transformers are frustrating me. Background is freaking clean its like...
    • alota
      alota reacted to icnaiwhimor1975's post in the thread The Stax Thread III with Like Like.
      if we had the opportunity compare these graphs with KGSSHV Carbon.. in my tests of a good transformers setup gainst any good...
    • alota
      alota reacted to aokman's post in the thread The Stax Thread III with Like Like.
      Bias board 2.0 prototype is done finally, lots of improvements to test with the new transformers… Modern voltage regulator with much...
    • alota
      alota reacted to sillie's post in the thread The Stax Thread III with Like Like.
      Yes it has, more than I ever will need.
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