need your help picking a can that sits between AD900 and AD700
Oct 4, 2012 at 10:47 PM Post #31 of 33
got the headphone 5 mins ago!.. wow!.. i already am impressed !! :D right out of the box, the bass is there, present, as oppose to AD700. and the soundstage!.. wow. i think it might be slightly bigger than AD700. and the forwardness of the mid is JUST what i was looking for. 
i am looking forward to burning this pair in more and update you guys again, but so far my usual Coldplay test track sounds awesome, and so are my Jazz test tracks. :)
Oct 5, 2012 at 1:03 PM Post #32 of 33
upon a few hours of testing, it's very clear that HD 598 does have a more in-depth and larger 3d soundstage. the AD700 although has a very large soundstage, that it gives you the sense of width. but the 598 actually goes farther and presents a better depth. i don't know if this is due to their EAR technology, but for gaming, it gives a better sense of depth and distance. and because the 598's mid is so much better, it makes AD700 seem a bit muffled in the mid. for classical and acoustic type of music is like removing a cloud in front of you. 
there're also substle cues that are more prominent that AD700 had trouble presenting. on certain jazz tracks, few substle instrument noise/sound were brought out in the background behind your head with the 598, the AD700 wasn't able to do that. oh and i noticed something last night that was also incredible. on this one jazz track i listen to a lot, the sax comes from the left side and piano and other instruments on the right. with the 598, you can actually get the reflected sound from the right ear, kind of like cross feed. it really brings out the reality like the sound is bounced from the left to the right and you're getting the feedback of the room. AMAZING
to sum up the soundstage between the two, AD700 is like listening in a rectangle shaped room with the widest part being the left and right. 598 extends that by adding front and back depth farther. 
i'll update on more as i go. but this would be very helpful for anyone who game and listen to music a lot like i do. 
Oct 10, 2012 at 11:25 PM Post #33 of 33
wow... this headphone just never seizes to amaze me. 
it's clear to me now that comparing to my other AD700, the 598 has a higher resolution. it's especially apparent listening to Buena Vista Social Club, which is a really good track to showcase the detail resolution, and soundstage of any headphone. the piano just sounds more refined, and the soundstage is much more three dimensional with more depth compare to the open and airy AD700. the 598 definintely gives a better sense of the depth of the room that the track was recorded in. don't get me wrong i still love my AD700, which is now my office headphone. but the HD598 is definitely a noticable upgrade :)

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