My Leckerton UHA-6S Is Here...
Mar 2, 2010 at 4:25 PM Post #16 of 27
Miguel: O NO not ANOTHER amp that is great with the Ety. Already got the Minibox based on your recommendation; now you and Sarah havve me seriously looking at this one as well.
Mar 3, 2010 at 2:30 AM Post #17 of 27

Originally Posted by vkvedam /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hey Miguel, just a small correction. D10 doesn't get shipped with an extra case. It's D4.

Sorry, this is what happens when you get old!
Mar 5, 2010 at 7:28 PM Post #18 of 27
Miguel, I'm glad you like your UHA-6S, too! You are right when you say that the Ety ER-4 sounds good with the Leckerton. I've found that, as well. The Shure SE530 doesn't work so well with the Leckerton (that was a surprise, frankly). So, my amps of choice (the one's I own, anyway) are as follows: Leckerton UHA-6S + ER-4S; Mini3 + SE530.

I did notice the UHA-6S does provide a slightly grainy upper midrange when paired with a high-end digital source (my Marantz 8260 CD player), but it's not objectionable at all. When used with my iRiver H140, it's pretty nice!

As an aside, I don't know what all the fuss about the Sony D-25S is. I bought one (not cheap), and I frankly don't care for it. Using either of my amps, my iPod Classic, through the LOD, sounds waaaaaay better - cleaner highs (by far), and there is no upper midrange glare, which is a characteristic of my D-25S that I find troubling. It is a nicely made piece, though!

Mar 7, 2010 at 12:16 AM Post #19 of 27
Hi Sara, I hope to check the spec sheets on various op-amps tomorrow so I can do some op-amp rolling. I will look into: AD797, AD8066, LM6172, and LM4562. I think I have a dual to two single converter board. More to come.

I almost forgot the Yuin OK1 sound really good out of the Leckerton.
Apr 10, 2010 at 6:35 PM Post #21 of 27
hydora both the UHA-6S and the D10 are fantastic sounding with great customer service. The D10 adds a coaxial input, its cheaper, and you could buy one of HiFlight's TopKits to improve/change its sound. However the D10 is larger and if a repair is needed it will cost more money and time to get it fixed. I personally do not think you will go wrong with either although ideally you should listen to them to make an informed decision. Cheers.
May 2, 2010 at 10:13 AM Post #26 of 27
Hey guys,
Nick from Leckerton Audio was so kind to send me a review device and I finally finished my review of the UHA-6 yesterday. You can find it here. Because of the fact that it's in german, let me tell you my impressions so far...

- truely "dead silent" and that's especially amazing for an USB device!
- works flawlessly with WASAPI and kernel streaming plugin @ Win7 x64 + foobar2k
- natural, neutral sound
- no "plopp" when turning the device on or off
- very clean and good build quality
- the channel balance is really impressive (perfect for "quiet listeners" with sensitive headphones, like myself)
- very good industry quality lithium ion cell (even in several years you'll find replacements easily on ebay)

If you're in the market for a portable dac/amp combo and you listen 50% of your time with your notebook/pc you should seriously consider the UHA-6!

Well, that's it.

best regards.
May 2, 2010 at 7:15 PM Post #27 of 27
Nice impressions bearman, they match my own. I have spoken with Nick of a future upgrade ... allowing the analog input to function as an analog out for the internal DAC. Hopefully it will be implemented in the near future. Cheers.

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