My DIY electrostatic headphones
Jan 30, 2016 at 11:44 AM Post #1,999 of 4,065
I am glad i could help you. But these pics where from the net. So if there is more you need please PN me or reply. Then i will open mine.
I just did a little scale up/down procedure to identify the grid dimensions of the stator. So here are the results:

Jan 30, 2016 at 12:11 PM Post #2,000 of 4,065
Some more data:
Outer diameter housing ca 28mm
Inner diameter housing ca 26 mm
Membrane diameter with brass ring ca 25 mm
White spacer washer outer diameter ca 25 mm
White spacer washer inner diameter ca 21,5-22,0 mm
Stator diameter (hard to say cause of the glue) ca 22 mm
Thicknes Speaker shell ca 6mm
Overall "thickness" from back to outlet ca. 22 mm
All dimensions where roughly measured / calculated with Microsoft Paint
and if necessary estimated. So please double check before you start
working. If there is an specific measurement you need, please PN or
reply, then i will double check it.
Jan 30, 2016 at 8:37 PM Post #2,002 of 4,065
Hello Wachara,
yes its worth a try. But why did Stax designed them in that uncomfortable way ?
I think they did for some reason. Maybe stabilty of the stators ? May be the size
of the chamber ?
Shure did release the KSE1500 recently. Its an Inear electrostatic headphone,
which is smaller than the Stax Sr-002 ones. (3.000 Euro incl a headamp / DAC)
It seems they have sthg like 8-10mm driver size.


picture sources: headfi thread, Shure homepage
Feb 1, 2016 at 1:56 PM Post #2,003 of 4,065
hi spritzer, while trying to re do my membranes,of my sr lambdas, the stator contact point just dangled and bloody snapped!!, my question is , can i just solder finely only the wire to the back of the stator?? any advice will be extremly helpful, im at my wits end with these damned things,!! but i love the static sound!!! many thanks ...rob. also the brass stator rings seem bent slightly any ideas how to fix them?? many thanks!!
Feb 8, 2016 at 7:58 AM Post #2,005 of 4,065
Hello there !
haven't read the complete 134 pages of this thread, but I am asking myself something about why not making stators with a 3d printer ? Today, some 3d printers can work with metals, and even gold. is it a stupid question ? would avoid to have to buy a dedicated machine and aknowledge specific techniques about it on how to make the whole stator out of copper parts. No ? And so, more of us could make our own static headphones...
hope I am not making a repetition with something already talked about here
Feb 8, 2016 at 9:31 AM Post #2,006 of 4,065
  Hello there !
haven't read the complete 134 pages of this thread, but I am asking myself something about why not making stators with a 3d printer ? Today, some 3d printers can work with metals, and even gold. is it a stupid question ? would avoid to have to buy a dedicated machine and aknowledge specific techniques about it on how to make the whole stator out of copper parts. No ? And so, more of us could make our own static headphones...
hope I am not making a repetition with something already talked about here

I'm sure it's possible.  If you are able to make them easily, please go ahead and try it, and please let us know how it goes.
Feb 8, 2016 at 9:34 AM Post #2,007 of 4,065
  hi spritzer, while trying to re do my membranes,of my sr lambdas, the stator contact point just dangled and bloody snapped!!, my question is , can i just solder finely only the wire to the back of the stator?? any advice will be extremly helpful, im at my wits end with these damned things,!! but i love the static sound!!! many thanks ...rob. also the brass stator rings seem bent slightly any ideas how to fix them?? many thanks!!

I'm afraid that Spritzer might not be here to help you.  :frowning2:
I also have a Stax stator where the contact just broke off.  I'm sure you can just solder it right back and it won't harm anything.  Try it.  You have nothing to lose.
Wachara C.
Feb 8, 2016 at 9:45 AM Post #2,008 of 4,065
I am not able to make it by myself, and I don't have such a printer.but I Found this post and found your work so remarkable... that even if I didn't answer yet, I found all your inventions/work so great ! And I saw that one can do anything with these printers, then, why not the stators, which are, I assume, the most diffcult part to make. Also, some parts of the headphones could be modelised on a computer, and done this way. Writing this, I just wondered if it could be made, and hoped that someone could try. personally, I am not making headphones, but sometimes repairing them, when I can.
Feb 8, 2016 at 1:58 PM Post #2,010 of 4,065
Hello wppk,
some of the answers to a 3D printed stator are allready in the thread:
1.) you only want the active area of the membrane conductive on the stator. Having a conductive material in the mounting area will just increase the capacity, and hence be counterproductive
Hence the stator should have 2 different material, one conductive, one not.
2.) the stator should be stiff, so it will not get into resonance (eigenfrequency). I think it would be difficult to make stators stiff enough when using a thermoplast.
So you would end up with a composite print, maybe a metal stator printed and an additional frame.
I am wondering what advantages a free structure could create (like a metal mesh, etc.). I would think this could be benefical but at quite some cost. In this case I would consider a printed metal plate with a mesh backing for stability. A thermoplastic frame around it. You would also need to grind the surface flat, as metal prints will be not precise enough.
I agree that it is an interesting idea, but I get the impression that it can't be done on the "cheap" if you want to get good results.
I thought of using a carbon stator, but I would give it a FR4 frame, so I have no extra capacity.
Read the whole thread, it's brilliant. There is so much information and detail in it.
And please share your results with us, no matter if it's a success or not. You will help others to get to something better.

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