Mr Speakers Voce Electrostatic headphone thread

Aug 30, 2018 at 3:49 PM Post #17 of 411
Your second note hits it on the head, I think. I always liked the clarity and detail of stats but the tonal balance always left me feeling like these were not right for me. In general I perceive an emphasis on upper upper order harmonics on stats (speakers too) that is not consistent with how I experience live music, things just get too lean to project the visceral impact and dynamics that make me connect to live music. I may well hear detail differently from those who prize a headphone like the 009, or to me detail may literally mean something different, because to my ear VOCE is every bit as detailed as any other stat I have heard, but in a very different way, which I think you are calling "realism."

People who know me have probably heard my POV that "Hifi" is a deconstructionist view of "Music," and while there is nothing wrong with HiFi it's that I prefer gear that simply let's me be there and politely steps aside. HiFi to me feels "more real than real, more there than there" and that's not how I connect to music, though it is a perfectly valid way for others so inclined.

When I listen to violin in a small venue I don't listen to the rosin on the bow, I listen to the emotion in the intonation, the space between the notes, or the interplay of melodies. I don't experience live music through detail (though the absence of detail or veiling would be a reason to perceive something isn't live, as would excess) and gear that renders it this way is not what I enjoy. As you note this is purely subjective; there is no "wrong way" to enjoy music, what matters is that it's enjoyed.

So with that as a backdrop, experience is literally what I set out to create via VOCE; an emotionally engaging rendering of music and one where I could listen all day without fatigue, tap my feet, maybe get goosebumps or cry, or want to dance. Detail doesn't define a great headphone by itself, much as more horsepower doesn't equate to a better car to drive, unless horsepower is what you care about most.

Loosely speaking there are probably a few types of folk in the market, those for whom Stax are the perfect headphones and have no need/interest in other options, Stax owners who've been open to/waiting for options, and those for whom the current offerings didn't work for whatever reason. Obviously the latter two communities will consider us.

FWIW I very much love how the Dave pairs and we've demoed with my BHSE and the Dave at a number of events, and I do plant to acquire one. I have also upgrade the BHSE EL34s to Siemens tubes. If you enjoy your BHSE, it's worth it to acquire some NOS Siemens tubes from Ram Labs.

Lastly, we experimented with AL and other materials, and numerous hole sizes and patterns. The parts we use are not machined, and the material, hole size and density was arrived at through a pretty robust optimization process, which was part of why this project took about 18 months longer than I had expected. But I do thank you for the suggestions and who knows, maybe for a different project with different goals these parameters would work well.


Thank you for taking the time to post that very clear explanation of the thinking behind what you set out to create with the Voce in which I feel you have indeed succeeded.

Having just listened to a few old favourite rock tracks, the group's impact and the full bodied crunch and beautiful tone of guitars come through without any hint of fatigue. I say again I am very pleased that you have created a headphone with this "voicing".
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Aug 31, 2018 at 5:12 AM Post #19 of 411
I have heard the 009S briefly. They did sound very pleasing, though the music at the time was very un-challenging and I was not familiar with the rest of the system so I would need a long audition at home to make any firmer judgements.

The discussion about SR-009 relative to other headphones was based on that model because many people know it and because the 009S has only recently been introduced. The 009S might turn out to answer the reservations that a number of listeners have. Some have previously turned away from Stax 009 in very well sorted systems, (also before Voce was available) in favour of top planar magnetics driven by powerful amps.

You are absolutely entitled to believe that the 009/S are the “best” for any reason. I admire the technology and craftsmanship of the product, and the stunning sound has much to commend it. For the music I listen to and my perception of what instruments and voices sound like the 009 would not be my first choice for long term use.

There are obviously many alternative headphone systems which listeners find suit their perception of music.

PS I have just re-read bearwarrior's impressions linked on page 1, which I generally agree with. I have lately been using my build of high voltage Grounded Grid and it pairs brilliantly with the Voce. So does the regular KGSShv Carbon.
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Sep 3, 2018 at 12:04 AM Post #20 of 411
Been reading around all morning and haven't seen much about it, does anyone have any comparisons between the Voce and 007mk2? Anyone used the Voce with a KGST and how it sounded?

Thank you
Sep 3, 2018 at 3:23 PM Post #21 of 411
Can't help on the 007Mk2 comparison. There are reputed to be more than one version of the 007Mk2 but I think as a guide bearwarrior's comments on the Mk1 would help.

I would not have assumed the KGST was the ideal energiser for the Voce because most KGST builds are not the sort of muscular amps which would get the best out of the Voce. For the same reason the SR-007 worked better with the KGSShv Carbon or Blue Hawaii.

Recently I was selling some of my amplifiers and tried the Voce on KGSShv (450v 10mA) my own KGST (400v 10mA cascode ccs) and Carbon (400v 20mA, cascode ccs) just to see how it went.

In terms of absolute sound quality probably the Carbon was best but the KGST could drive the Voce very well and produce a very pleasing sound, as did the KGSShv.
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Sep 4, 2018 at 3:55 PM Post #22 of 411
If Dan (or someone) did a headphone with .25mm-.35mm holes at lower diaphragm amplitudes the distortion might decrease significantly in electrostatic drivers.
As we've seen distortion in electrostatics doesn't generally decline until played beyond around 90 or 95Db.
.3mm or so would be cool. Very tidy/cool. .25mm would just be outright gutsy.
Sep 29, 2018 at 12:38 PM Post #25 of 411
Same answers here. Yes, iFI works fine.

Most VOCE sales are retail, perhaps that just isn’t a heavy head fi demographic.
Dan Clark Audio Make every day a fun day filled with music and friendship! Stay updated on Dan Clark Audio at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
@funCANS MrSpeakers
Sep 30, 2018 at 5:37 PM Post #26 of 411
Same answers here. Yes, iFI works fine.

Most VOCE sales are retail, perhaps that just isn’t a heavy head fi demographic.
I have the same question about pairing the Voce with the iESL. I have not tried electrostatic before, so is it a good starting point if I use this combo? No review could be found on this pairing.
Sep 30, 2018 at 5:43 PM Post #27 of 411
i would like to ask again if Dan used the Ifi iesl with the ifi ican pro amp, and how he would rate that paring with the voce. As for dac I will use chord qutest

Second I know maybe I will not get answer to this but how would teh Voce compare to stax L700
Oct 1, 2018 at 4:19 PM Post #28 of 411
Yes, we have the iFI stack here and have used it, it sounds great. Peak SPL is not like a Blue Hawaii, of course, but it's probably on par with the 300V Stax amps.

I will reach out to iFI and as what the peak voltage swing is.
Dan Clark Audio Make every day a fun day filled with music and friendship! Stay updated on Dan Clark Audio at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
@funCANS MrSpeakers
Oct 19, 2018 at 11:15 PM Post #29 of 411
Hello, I am new to this thread. How would one characterize the difference between the VOCE and the Ether Flow Open?

I pulled out my Ether Flow Open after a few weeks and I think I am going to do the following. I still am amazed how they sound compared to my inexpensive Shure SE215 that I wear doing chores around the house. Sell Chord Qutest and get the Chord TT 2. Some time next year get the mScaler probably after auditioning it at London CanJam. Looking forward to meeting @paul2qute and others there! At some point afterwards get an electrostat energizer (Blue Hawaii???) and pick up a pair of Mr. Speakers VOCE. Following this find a little corner in the house and hide from my daughter, LOL
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