Most misspelled word on the Net...
Sep 30, 2005 at 4:44 PM Post #61 of 89

Originally Posted by gloco
I personally have no issue when someone from the UK uses British spelling, it's still pronounced the same way. However, using v for u is a problem. It's simply not American english, where did that derive from anyway? Just curious. I don't think the written language is losing class, have you read anything worthwhile lately?

The V for U change comes out of old (olde) English. It was just an example of something long since changed in the English language, to show that the language does adapt as time moves forward. Thus we see that in countries that use British spelling (British Empire?) the spelling is beginning to change more and more towards the American spelling. I'm sure none more so then Canada with our proximity to the USA and the relative domination of American cultural activity within our borders. I'm just a layman, I could be wrong.

My comment on "class" has nothing to do with the quality of writing. I have read plenty of good fiction over the years. It is only in regards to how the words look on the page.

An invitation with a calligraphy font looks classier than the same invitation with 10pt Times Roman. Colour written on the page looks classier than color, words that -ise in England look better than the American -ize.

It's just my opinion. It's what I grew up with and I feel we Canadians are losing a little bit of our history as the change is made. It's not really anyones fault, time just marches on.

Edit: Caligraphy was incorrect. There are two ls not one
Sep 30, 2005 at 4:51 PM Post #62 of 89

Originally Posted by Oski
I see people type "base" when they mean "bass". Also I get irritated when people type "walla" when it's "voila".

Voila isnt an english word...
Sep 30, 2005 at 5:13 PM Post #63 of 89
I love quite (quiet) evenings at home... and things that peak (pique) my curiosity.

Playing the blooz irks me to no end.
Sep 30, 2005 at 5:23 PM Post #64 of 89

Originally Posted by Jashugan
Voila isnt an english word...

Nor is walla.

Many French words make their way into the English vernacular, including: aficionado, faux pas, rendevous, hors d'oeuvres. Because they are not "English words" I am free to type afficianado, foupa, randevu, orderves?
Sep 30, 2005 at 5:25 PM Post #65 of 89

Originally Posted by Oski
Nor is walla.

Many French words make their way into the English vernacular, including: aficionado, faux pas, rendevous, hors d'oeuvres. Because they are not "English words" I am free to type afficianado, foupa, randevu, orderves?

"Viola!" also irritates me in this regard, though I never know if someone's being twee or they genuinely don't know the word and think that "viola" is the correct spelling.
Sep 30, 2005 at 5:54 PM Post #66 of 89
The interesting thing about English, right now, is that it is becoming the world language, the global communication code. Much to most educated native English speakers wonder - strangely.

In Europe, most young Germans and French have understood you just cannot begin speaking in your language to the man on the street when you’re abroad anymore. Besides, most of the youth want to speak in English anyway, because it is cooool.

There might be a sizeable amount of people having Spanish as mother tongue in the world, not to mention Hindi or Chinese. But, the language of popular culture and science is English. However, not necessarily "the King’s English".

Let’s face it; there are more people who use English than there are English speaking natives. Am I not right? The remarkable situation will, in a foreseeable future, be the inevitably: Which English will the world choose? British, American, Jamaican, South African, Canadian, Australian et cetera, et cetera? Or will a New-English emerge? The pigin English of the net, the international popular culture or the, despite their best effort, graduate exchange-student’s?

One thing is for sure. English will change, every language does.
Sep 30, 2005 at 7:04 PM Post #68 of 89

Originally Posted by archosman

or more commonly seen as


Oh - you’d like to rub it in, don’t you.
Wich, wish, witch, which or what ever

Originally Posted by glod
I don’t know why, but I make silly mistakes like:

"...witch headphones?" (smart ass answer: "I didn’t know they had any..."

Then/than confusion is common too. The use of the distinction who and whom is fairly poor as well I think.

Then there is of course the fact of different spelling in different kind of English.
You know, like color and colour. But then we enter the discussion on what a language is and who can, or has the authority to, change it. [size=xx-small]Oee, that could be a long thread.[/size]

Sep 30, 2005 at 7:29 PM Post #69 of 89
You know what grinds my gears? When people type things to me like "your grammer sucks".

What ignoramuses.

[size=xx-small]The aforementioned error should be "your grammar sucks." but most people are too ignorant to have decent grammar.[/size]

Maybe it's just me, but I always find myself having to correct my spelling of people, other than that I never have to correct spelling mistakes, egregious errors these be! (lol) Anyway, I was on the gaia forum once and some maladroit decided to chastise me on my misspelling of a word and I beraded them. I hate when people do that.
Sep 30, 2005 at 9:13 PM Post #75 of 89
Grammatical errors and misspellings kill me. It's so common on the internet that I've gotten used to it to some degree, but I will never understand why people use numbers for letters, intentionally misspell words, or use letters for words. I guess it's cool to be ignorant.

I see 'base' instead of 'bass' on here more often than I expected. 'Your' is another bad one. A few others I can't think of right now. Oh yeah, ridiculous. [size=medium]RI[/size]DICULOUS. You're not 'diculous'ing again. It's.........absurd how often that word is misspelled.

If I don't know how to spell something, I look it up. Then the next time I go to type it, I know.

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