Monoprice Monolith M1060 and M560 Planar Headphones
Mar 28, 2017 at 1:29 PM Post #2,372 of 8,052
Question for the guys who post measurements. How are you taking the measurements? I have REW and a good measurement mic (from my surround sound days). Is it just placing the mic between the pads and sealing the cups? A measurement "box" to simulate a head? I can build a box out of wood if that is what is needed, if you can post a place to get the plans for it. Very interested in measuring my headphones and want the best way to do it. Don't know it there is a standard out there that doesn't cost $$$$$$$. Thanks in advance. 
Mar 28, 2017 at 1:50 PM Post #2,373 of 8,052
  Question for the guys who post measurements. How are you taking the measurements? I have REW and a good measurement mic (from my surround sound days). Is it just placing the mic between the pads and sealing the cups? A measurement "box" to simulate a head? I can build a box out of wood if that is what is needed, if you can post a place to get the plans for it. Very interested in measuring my headphones and want the best way to do it. Don't know it there is a standard out there that doesn't cost $$$$$$$. Thanks in advance. 

this is not my coupler but it is the basic design I'm following. essentially a the mic in in a 'box/tube surrounded by foam. at the exit end, a blank CD+craftstore foam sheet+craftstore felt. it works well enough, and seals fairly well. it will suffer all the associated problems of flat coupling on HF measurement, but I ain't got money or time to build a HATS and learn how to compensate for it.
Mar 28, 2017 at 6:42 PM Post #2,375 of 8,052
@MrTie84 advice is spot on.  Thad design is also what I based mine on.  I used an amazon box with some internal bracing but everything else is more or less the same.  I actually think flat plate couplers offer a unique and sometimes superior way of measuring headphones.  With my setup, no compensation is required except the mic calibration file.  
Mar 28, 2017 at 6:58 PM Post #2,376 of 8,052

   Did you give the coupler its name? Schiit's got NOTHING on you 

Mar 28, 2017 at 7:51 PM Post #2,378 of 8,052
Are there any links to websites for plans for these? I have been looking and cannot find anything. I am not looking for supreme accuracy. Really just want to get an idea of what mods are doing to the FR and having a way to compare to what I am hearing. 
Mar 28, 2017 at 10:21 PM Post #2,379 of 8,052
  Are there any links to websites for plans for these? I have been looking and cannot find anything. I am not looking for supreme accuracy. Really just want to get an idea of what mods are doing to the FR and having a way to compare to what I am hearing. 

Not allowed to link either web page on headfi. But if you follow User Purrin's threads about measurement here and follow his username/marv  +measurement rig on google you'll find your way.
Mar 29, 2017 at 12:10 AM Post #2,380 of 8,052
Mines being modded right now for 2.5trs connector. Will report back once it's all said and done.

Any details on this? I'm curious about doing the same to mine, thought I might be able to do it without modifying the wood ring. Also, I wasn't sure how to google for the part I would need. My google fu was weak when it came to audio ports. 
Mine has cracked as well though, so I'll probably try to get replacements at some point before modding.
Mar 29, 2017 at 5:45 PM Post #2,381 of 8,052
Are there any links to websites for plans for these? I have been looking and cannot find anything. I am not looking for supreme accuracy. Really just want to get an idea of what mods are doing to the FR and having a way to compare to what I am hearing. 

Here's another way:

I also have a calibrated Dayton EMM-6 mic mounted in a cardboard box that serves as a dummy head. The box is 10"x8"x5". The headphone sits on top of the box and you measure one side at a time. The mic is connected to a Steinberg UR-22 USB interface and a CEntrance Dacmini amp. It works with REW and ARTA software; PC or Mac for REW; PC for ARTA.

Mar 29, 2017 at 6:42 PM Post #2,382 of 8,052
Here's another way:

I also have a calibrated Dayton EMM-6 mic mounted in a cardboard box that serves as a dummy head. The box is 10"x8"x5". The headphone sits on top of the box and you measure one side at a time. The mic is connected to a Steinberg UR-22 USB interface and a CEntrance Dacmini amp. It works with REW and ARTA software; PC or Mac for REW; PC for ARTA.

Excellent, this looks like something that would work well and not cost a fortune. I already have the mic and software. Thank you!
Mar 29, 2017 at 7:23 PM Post #2,383 of 8,052
Guys - @cskippy was spot on with modding these. He convinced me to go for Audeze Vegan pads, and combine it with the paper towel. Absolutely awesome results. Comfort improves as well as sound. They hit WAY above their price modded. Listen to him and grab some Audeze Vegans, and make yourself an amazing headphone. I think you can run it with or without the towel, both sound very good, warmer tilt with just the vegans, and a kick ass balanced can with the paper towel.
Hats off to skippy on creating an awesome mod for these.
Monoprice, try his mod out!
Mar 29, 2017 at 7:54 PM Post #2,384 of 8,052
Excellent, this looks like something that would work well and not cost a fortune. I already have the mic and software. Thank you!

You're welcome.
DIY measurements are repeatable if you use a standardized method that takes into account positioning on the dummy head, a perfect seal all the way around the ear pad, and clamping force. You cannot, however, Directly compare your measurements to others' measurements.
ARTA: better CSDs than REW but can be challenging to setup and when adjusting the SPLs within graphs. Free for trial version but you cannot save measurements. You can, though, save screen shots. Only works with PC. My ARTA Setup Guide may be helpful to some of you and can be found HERE...scroll to bottom for the link.
REW: free and easier to use than ARTA. REW has nice spectrograms but the CSDs look pretty lame. I recommend making a donation to REW if you use the program regularly. Works with PC and Mac
FuzzMeasure: Mac only platform. Nice looking CSDs. 
Mar 29, 2017 at 9:13 PM Post #2,385 of 8,052
  Guys - @cskippy was spot on with modding these. He convinced me to go for Audeze Vegan pads, and combine it with the paper towel. Absolutely awesome results. Comfort improves as well as sound. They hit WAY above their price modded. Listen to him and grab some Audeze Vegans, and make yourself an amazing headphone. I think you can run it with or without the towel, both sound very good, warmer tilt with just the vegans, and a kick ass balanced can with the paper towel.
Hats off to skippy on creating an awesome mod for these.
Monoprice, try his mod out!

TWerk, since you have had a whole range of LCD headphones how do the modded 1060's compare to, say, the LCD-3?

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