Mid Fi - General chat for all discussions and general chat a Thread for all.
Apr 12, 2024 at 9:25 AM Post #61 of 712
Now 90 sets of iems and 20 daps down the road I have fallen for many hype trains and thoroughly enjoyed the process.
I have the collector gene so don't get rid of anything. I will be sharing pics and impressions of what I have and any new stuff that arrives.
This is what made me join the party...I don't know about the rest of you...I don't even care about chasing sound and $.
I love Hi-Fi and music...
I hope it's going to be more fun stuff than just debating this and that, you said, I said...

Cheers! :beerchug:
Apr 12, 2024 at 9:25 AM Post #62 of 712
Hypops brought it up actually.
Ok it's a misnomer whoever said it.
Power to the people 🫶🤘 love peace and happiness in all things musical
Apr 12, 2024 at 9:26 AM Post #63 of 712
Right, and this is what I'm trying to get at. If the goal of this thread is to be "middle class" then what's the implication for threads that play at price points below the ones delineated here? Are those threads to be "lower middle class" or less than middle class entirely (insert your choice of terminology here)? I understand that you guys are just trying to have fun, and mean no harm. But if somebody managed to take offense at what this thread implies, well, I can't say that it would be impossible to understand why.

Just to be clear, I'm not trying to dissuade you guys. I'm just pointing out that some of the basis for this thread sounds a little weird to me, for the reasons I stated above.
Price was a barrier for me as a child growing up my family was poor. It took many years for me to get my family secure so that I could not have to think about price anymore. My wife and I never cared about fancy and expensive. Always cared about quality, the focus was buy a few things that are really good. Like tools for example I always buy the best I can afford, preferring that to replacing constantly.

The hobby as some think of it involves a degree of churn buying and selling, this is not really how I live. Realizing that I may not be a fit for this definition of the game, makes me not really on the same page, realizing that people that I respect and find great people is why I am here more than a desire for more gear.

My point which is easy to lose, is that trading at the upper price tier is a dream for some it seems, one that offends if noses are rubbed in it. This thread is not a misplaced idea as it could lessen that feeling the negative reminder about the unobtainium factor. Still providing a place where enthusiasts could seek out the best they can afford. Without the constant reminder of the next multi kilobuck greatest ever. Price has to be a factor or a limitation for this to work as I think was envisioned.
Apr 12, 2024 at 9:27 AM Post #64 of 712
Dunu DaVinci final tuning is looking like a dream...
10mm DD dedicated for Sub-Bass
8mm DD dedicated for Bass & Upper bass
2 BA for Mids
1 BA for Highs
1 Ba for Superhighs

The full specification of the drivers (DD materials, Knowles/Sonion) etc is not yet revealed.

Very interested in these, looks very promising
Apr 12, 2024 at 9:30 AM Post #65 of 712
But if somebody managed to take offense at what this thread implies, well, I can't say that it would be impossible to understand why.

Wouldn’t that be the same as my recent critique of the WC that states it is about general banter, philosophical discussion and all welcome but is not that way in practice ? You stated yourself it has become a place where highest performance is key and that generally comes with a TOTL price tag so that is what is generally discussed. My critique had more to do with philosophical discussion than most there, as did the recent religious nutter that was chased away but neither of us were welcomed, especially by the guy that coined the description.

The description of the WC is no less weird in context to what it has become than that currently in place here.

If someone asks about a mid fi IEM on the WC they are likely to be overlooked or pointed elsewhere because that isn’t what the regular guys there are interested in. That person might take offence because they entered into conversation within the context of the thread description but got ignored or pointed elsewhere.

That could happen here or on any thread on Head Fi if someone didn’t observe the nature of the thread and didn’t enter into the spirit of that thread.

I really don’t get what is any different to how that might work here compared to WC or any other thread.

What would be wrong with just seeing how it develops and the description could easily be tweaked to suit what it becomes in time, crazy concept as that may be.

I know you are admin and perhaps some additional respect might be in order but I have to speak my mind. I think you are seeing a problem that either may never eventuate or is no less of a problem than any one of the dozens of other threads on Head Fi.

As admin shouldn’t you be encouraging a new initiative not finding apparent flaws in the plan three pages in ?
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Apr 12, 2024 at 9:38 AM Post #68 of 712
Apr 12, 2024 at 9:40 AM Post #69 of 712

The Nicehck Himalaya my latest DD that's definitely a top class DD that really competes with DD iems at higher prices. A complete package with very nice cable with locking interchangeable terminations.
The sound signature is bassy, textured with clear none recessed mids and extended treble.
Made out of titanium they are real understated lookers too.
Apr 12, 2024 at 9:58 AM Post #70 of 712
Forum is now
Mid Fi - General chat for all Discussions and general chat.

Hope that's none triggering for most.

Andy 🤘
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Apr 12, 2024 at 10:31 AM Post #73 of 712
Cool idea for a thread! Hopefully the budget fi crew won't turn up with pitchforks because their favourite IEMs aren't discussed as much :p

Personally I consider "mid fi" to occupy the sub $2k space, so like $500 - $2k. Something like the Oriolus Monachaa would thus sit "at the top" of that space.

My personal favorites (that I have heard) in this bracket are things like:

1) Dunu Zen Pro (still great)
2) Oriolus Monachaa & Isabellae
3) Campfire Cascara, Supermoon & Bonneville...probabaly Fathom now too.
4) Elysian Diva & Pilgrim
5) Dita Project M (though for me the Pilgrim is better).

Looking forward to keeping an eye on and hopefully participating in this discussion. IMHO this price bracket is so good now that unless you're OCD about some particular aspect of sound, or have a complusive need for the most $$ thing, then the best IEMs found here will easily stand with those in the higher price brackets. YMMV.
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Apr 12, 2024 at 10:34 AM Post #74 of 712
Cool idea for a thread! Hopefully the budget fi crew won't turn up with pitchforks because their favourite IEMs aren't discussed as much :p

Personally I consider "mid fi" to occupy the sub $2k space, so like $500 - $2k. Something like the Oriolus Monachaa would thus sit "at the top" of that space.

My personal favorites (that I have heard) in this bracket are things like:

1) Dunu Zen Pro (still great)
2) Oriolus Monachaa & Isabellae
3) Campfire Cascara, Supermoon & Bonneville...probabaly Fathom now too.
4) Elysian Diva & Pilgrim
5) Dita Project M (though for me the Pilgrim is better).

Looking forward to keeping an eye on and hopefully participating in this discussion. IMHO this price bracket is so good now that unless you're OCD about some particular aspect of sound, or have a complusive need for the most $$ thing, then the best IEMs found here will easily stand with those in the higher price brackets. YMMV.
I agree with the $500 to $2k and under estimation for mid-fi.

So many good sets to be found in this bracket.
Apr 12, 2024 at 10:35 AM Post #75 of 712
I agree with the $500 to $2k and under estimation for mid-fi.

So many good sets to be found in this bracket.

Honestly it's an embarrassment of riches right now at all price tiers of the IEM space.

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