Meze EMPYREAN - the First Isodynamic Hybrid Array Headphone
Feb 22, 2021 at 12:22 AM Post #8,806 of 13,119
I've just looked up DNA headphone amps and I'm very impressed - and not many valve amps do that for me.

I know of Donald North and he makes very good gear.
Volume controls are TKD volume controls - I know these are excellent as I've used them in a preamp. They are a clever mix of resistors and pot, sound is better than Alps black. and much better than Alps blue which I find very uninspiring.
Input valves are good, much better than 12AU7 that is often used.
Starlett uses a triode wired 6DG6 pentode output stage - I do the same in my amp, though with a less powerful valve. I looked up the 6DG6 with the intention of trying it - but it does not have enough gain in triode mode so I'd need a driver stage. My amp avoids having a driver, with gains in sound quality.

If I'm a bit hard on some components and valves I'd just say that used well they can sound good; but to get to 'great' one has to look for the best.

Of course I have not heard any DNA amps but I see how well they are designed and engineered, and I think they achieve 'great'.

I know I'm biased, but why on earth look for a SS amp when you will soon have such a good amp with (I expect) quite enough drive, and far better tonality?
I'm super excited about! Donald has told me the synergy with the Empyrean is great- the reason I was looking for an SS is because there is a wait for 6-7 months and I wanted to try something in between. The A90 isn't bad at all, I'm just curious and impatient.
Feb 22, 2021 at 3:47 AM Post #8,807 of 13,119
I'm super excited about! Donald has told me the synergy with the Empyrean is great- the reason I was looking for an SS is because there is a wait for 6-7 months and I wanted to try something in between. The A90 isn't bad at all, I'm just curious and impatient.
OK, understood; it will be worth the wait.
Shame you are so far away or I'd have gladly lent you one of my prototype amps.
Feb 22, 2021 at 12:10 PM Post #8,810 of 13,119
Does anyone have any experience with the Meze copper cables? Looking to to upgrade from the stock cable I have now, open to suggestions.

In term of sound, what do you want to improve from your current set up?

Meze copper cable will provide you cleaner black background, more spacious soundstage, and more fluid presentation. Sibilance on bad recording also smoothen a little bit, while overall micro detail is improve.
Feb 22, 2021 at 3:29 PM Post #8,811 of 13,119
also curious. just received mine today and already love them- using a topping a90/d90 stack while waiting for a DNA tube amp. I am curiously looking for a SS that can give that power and oompf
I've had a Schiit Jotunheim 2 in for about a week now, and I can confidently say that it's a really good match. The Jot punches like nobody's business. I haven't been impressed with the vast majority of solid-state amps I've tried driving the Empy, but the Jot 2 is one that really impressed me.
Feb 22, 2021 at 3:34 PM Post #8,812 of 13,119
I've had a Schiit Jotunheim 2 in for about a week now, and I can confidently say that it's a really good match. The Jot punches like nobody's business. I haven't been impressed with the vast majority of solid-state amps I've tried driving the Empy, but the Jot 2 is one that really impressed me.
From what I've read the Jotunheim 2 is the best among the affordable amps, for the Empyrean and my taste
Feb 22, 2021 at 4:32 PM Post #8,813 of 13,119
In term of sound, what do you want to improve from your current set up?

Meze copper cable will provide you cleaner black background, more spacious soundstage, and more fluid presentation. Sibilance on bad recording also smoothen a little bit, while overall micro detail is improve.

So you are that for $3000.00 USD , if you buy the Meze Empyrean, you get their 2nd best cable, included.

Thats quite a deal.
Feb 22, 2021 at 8:05 PM Post #8,814 of 13,119
In term of sound, what do you want to improve from your current set up?

Meze copper cable will provide you cleaner black background, more spacious soundstage, and more fluid presentation. Sibilance on bad recording also smoothen a little bit, while overall micro detail is improve.

I recently upgraded my dac/amp, however not used to everything being so clear and transparent, and I find it slightly fatiguing after longer sessions.

So mainly to get a smoother presentation and slightly tame the highs would be ideal. The soundstage is also a nice bonus.
Feb 23, 2021 at 8:04 AM Post #8,816 of 13,119
No , for 3K you get the simple OFC cable.
The upgraded copper is $349 extra.

my point being, why not give you the "better" cable if you are being charged $3000 for a set of headphones...:)

At least they are not trying to charge you $2000 USD for the "better" cable, .. which is what Abyss does .
Feb 23, 2021 at 9:35 AM Post #8,817 of 13,119
my point being, why not give you the "better" cable if you are being charged $3000 for a set of headphones...:)

At least they are not trying to charge you $2000 USD for the "better" cable, .. which is what Abyss does .

I saw that you already in this forum since 2013. Is something like this a new info for you? "seriously asking*

Feel free to check other high brands such as ZMF or 64 Audio. It's pretty normal to offer upgrade cable to high end cans. A lot of other cable brands offer even more expensive option.
Feb 23, 2021 at 9:45 AM Post #8,818 of 13,119
I saw that you already in this forum since 2013. Is something like this a new info for you? "seriously asking*

Feel free to check other high brands such as ZMF or 64 Audio. It's pretty normal to offer upgrade cable to high end cans. A lot of other cable brands offer even more expensive option.

Can't you realize my sarcasm?
I own Empyreans. and im aware of the money grab that all of the "boutique" headphone makers use as "cable upgrades."""
Its a common technique to collect more income, and its planned with each new headphone release.
Its the same game they play with "new pads", "new filters".
Probably 30% of the income that all these "boutique" headphone makers enjoy is "upgraded cables, pads", etc.

So, yeah, im familiar with the game..:)
Feb 25, 2021 at 8:34 AM Post #8,820 of 13,119

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