Meier Audio Daccord
Jan 5, 2013 at 2:33 AM Post #31 of 715
Hey Jan, really interesting product you have here. Have you compared the sound to any other DAC's from other brands? I know you say it's biased into Class A resulting in a rounder sound, but, as far as existing products can you say that it compares to anything you've heard or was there a particular sound that you were striving for with this machine?
Jan 5, 2013 at 5:00 AM Post #32 of 715
I would be interested to hear how it compares to the Stagedac.
Jan 5, 2013 at 2:32 PM Post #33 of 715
Afaik Jan's policy is to not comment on other brands, similar to the guys behind schiit. Comparing dacs is what we're here to do :wink:

Given how well - imo - the stagedac performs against bifrost and (stock) eastern electric's first dac, I hope for quite a lot from daccord. Unfortunately, my daughter's impending wedding expenses means I'll have to be a spectator for the next few months!
Jan 5, 2013 at 5:17 PM Post #34 of 715
Afaik Jan's policy is to not comment on other brands, similar to the guys behind schiit. Comparing dacs is what we're here to do :wink:
Given how well - imo - the stagedac performs against bifrost and (stock) eastern electric's first dac, I hope for quite a lot from daccord. Unfortunately, my daughter's impending wedding expenses means I'll have to be a spectator for the next few months!

Understood, I just always wonder what the designers concept or goals were. I know Jan is a very polite and a standup guy so he wouldn't want to appear as putting down another company. 
This seems like a high value price/performance DAC and I think I'm going to give it a shot.
Jan 5, 2013 at 6:19 PM Post #35 of 715
…my daughter's impending wedding expenses means I'll have to be a spectator for the next few months!

Jan 5, 2013 at 9:04 PM Post #36 of 715
Thanks Avi. He's a good man she is marrying.

I look forward to Daccord impressions soon...
Jan 5, 2013 at 9:25 PM Post #37 of 715
This is my longer-term goal from Meier Audio. (I am a bit stretched now) The Daccord becomes especially attractive if I also get some good powered speakers to use with the Alps pot and variable output.
You know that Jan is going to squeeze every bit of performance from the dual Wolfson 8741s. Add in the crossfeed, this is a compelling headphone/preamp DAC combo.
Jan 5, 2013 at 10:30 PM Post #38 of 715
Ordered. Black.
To replace my existing StageDAC in living room system.
Can't wait. Love Jan's work in the StageDAC - the variable output is great for me.
No preamp now. Makes a huge difference in my speaker system where there are no impedance probs.
Jan 6, 2013 at 1:48 PM Post #39 of 715
While I have only had musical joy from the products I have purchased from Dr. Meier, I am a bit stretched now, and as I listed more at work than at home for the time being, may want to invest in a pair of HE-500s before I go for another DAC.
Off-topic, the Corda Jazz should have no problem running the HE-500s, right? It's the HE-6 that requires the portable fusion bottle?
Jan 10, 2013 at 2:29 PM Post #41 of 715
Hi Jan,
Glad to see the new DAC model! I own a StageDAC and I was wondering if the new one has asynchronous USB implementation versus the adaptive (?) one in the old model? Could you clarify?
Jan 17, 2013 at 3:16 PM Post #45 of 715
I think one is an input selector and the other switches on two levels of bass lift.

So by Bass Lift, that means it decreases the amount of bass, due to the crossfeed having a side-effect of increasing it?  If so that is interesting, in comparing to the Headroom amp/dacs with crossfeed; which I think are just the opposite, in that they have a switch that decreases the treble due the their crossfeed's side-effect of increasing the higher frequencies?

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