Meier Audio - Corda : What happened? No one interested?
Jul 15, 2005 at 2:13 AM Post #46 of 128
I strongly disagree with the ones who believe that is because prices, quality, or competitive performance, warranty or customer service, we all know here very well, that Meier products have proved overtime and have gain a reputation of being extremely reliable and to sound very very good, at the level of any other amp in the market nowadays or even better, and the customer service is simply top notch, and it is a real shame that this happen to one of the pioneers of this hobby, and a person whom we all owe so much time, dedication, and effort....Same as a few other manufacturers...

IMHO the main reason that probably the debates, discussions about them and even maybe the sales have declined in the present, is the same that have suffered the rest of the manufacturers, and it is IMO just the huge shove, and the pressure that a couple of other manufacturers have received in the last months from the enthusiasts, fans, and other members of this forum (deserved or not)...and that is maybe for some of them, part of the enjoyment of this hobby....Now what I have seen here lately is that we have two huge groups, and people tend to fall into either one....

I'm extremely happy with my amps, and non of them is from any of those overmentioned/discussed mnaufacturers (and just for the records I have nothing against them neither, and I wish them the best)

Just one last remark, for you guys that feel this same way, just stop worrying about if your amps are discussed or not in the media, or if people talk or not about them, what matters is IMO the enjoyment they will give you home and period....that is our main goal, and if they want to rave about theirs, just let them do it, we all know what we have...
Jul 15, 2005 at 3:36 AM Post #48 of 128

Originally Posted by gsferrari
I dont know Sov...if nobody discusses Corda products then nobody will know that they exist. Even Jan needs sales to fund further dedvelopments and new products right?

I think someone mentioned that his amps do get plenty of press in europe and europe based forums. I would imagine that he is far from being defunct, and people seem very happy with his amps.

I bet on one of those europe based forums, someone right now is saying how no one is talking about singlepower or emmeline, and how all they hear and talk about is Meier, Meier, Meier
Jul 15, 2005 at 3:37 AM Post #49 of 128
I did a lot or researching and reading on portable amps. I didnt go with any MK amps because the $300 for amp is a lot of money, but the case resembled too much like those DIY pocket amp v2 . Which amps in the same price bracket come with metal cases normally.

When i started to look at their mid level models that have metal cases the prices were not incremental increases. More like doubling and tripling with each step up, this really scares off people IMO.

I think if there were more impressions on comparisons written up comparing the meier amps to the gilmore, singlepower and Ray Samuel amps, there would definately be a spark of interest.

but for me presonally an amps exterior design plays a good factor in deciding a purchase 70% performance %30 percent looks. If its for an item more then $500 USD, then the balance is 50/50. When I look at the expensive stuff, It has too look nice to me. Even if its one of the best at the $500 mark, presentation is just as important to me as performance.

I think this may be one of the more pouplar reasons as I have read others stating the same thing here on the forums, its not as attractive as the other amps in the same price bracket.

No offense meant to any manufacturer, btw
Jul 15, 2005 at 4:02 AM Post #50 of 128

Originally Posted by gsferrari
I don't know Sov...if nobody discusses Corda products then nobody will know that they exist. Even Jan needs sales to fund further developments and new products right?

And what can we do about it Guru??? What do you suggest, remember that we particularly can't do much about it, and if they don't stop talking about the same amps time after time, and even post three or four threads about the same exact amps, in the same week, honestly there is no much we can do about...About new products??? Well the new tube amp that Meier released some time ago, did not get the deserved attention just because of that, I have not heard it myself, but I'm pretty sure that it will beat the dust of many other amps that are reviewed almost as a weekly basis...same as many other not so popular amps....
Jul 15, 2005 at 4:31 AM Post #51 of 128

Originally Posted by Sovkiller
And what can we do about it Guru??? What do you suggest, remember that we particularly can't do much about it, and if they don't stop talking about the same amps time after time, and even post three or four threads about the same exact amps, in the same week, honestly there is no much we can do about...About new products??? Well the new tube amp that Meier released some time ago, did not get the deserved attention just because of that, I have not heard it myself, but I'm pretty sure that it will beat the dust of many other amps that are reviewed almost as a weekly basis...same as many other not so popular amps....

Sov, I'm not really disagreeing with you, because you have a valid point, and some amps really are discussed to death. But people tend to get excited about what they buy, and if more of them are getting amps from the US-based companies then there will naturally be more reviews and discussions about those amps.

What Guru seems to be suggesting is that if the Meier Audio customers are excited about the new products they're tried, then they ought to talk them up too. Not that anything should be a pissing match, but writing reviews or even posting brief impressions about it helps the bridge the communication gap (i.e., most people in the US haven't had a chance to hear a lot of the Meier Audio amps, even at head-fi meets). So let it fly! Tell us about the PC Mk III USB, or the Corda Eartube, or whatever.

All of this reminds me of the RC drinkers who are not happy that the battle ground is always between Coke and Pepsi. I like RC, and Diet Rite especially, and go out of my way to look for it. Yet, at 9 out of 10 gas stations, it's just Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi because that's what sells. I ask, "Do you have Diet Rite?" and get these puzzled looks. But if they only knew how good it was, they would all be drinking it like me!!!
Jul 15, 2005 at 11:11 AM Post #52 of 128

Originally Posted by Wmcmanus
Sov, I'm not really disagreeing with you, because you have a valid point, and some amps really are discussed to death. But people tend to get excited about what they buy, and if more of them are getting amps from the US-based companies then there will naturally be more reviews and discussions about those amps.

What Guru seems to be suggesting is that if the Meier Audio customers are excited about the new products they're tried, then they ought to talk them up too. Not that anything should be a pissing match, but writing reviews or even posting brief impressions about it helps the bridge the communication gap (i.e., most people in the US haven't had a chance to hear a lot of the Meier Audio amps, even at head-fi meets). So let it fly! Tell us about the PC Mk III USB, or the Corda Eartube, or whatever.

All of this reminds me of the RC drinkers who are not happy that the battle ground is always between Coke and Pepsi. I like RC, and Diet Rite especially, and go out of my way to look for it. Yet, at 9 out of 10 gas stations, it's just Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi because that's what sells. I ask, "Do you have Diet Rite?" and get these puzzled looks. But if they only knew how good it was, they would all be drinking it like me!!!

I don't think there are too many new Corda users, and there have not been too many new Meier products for a while, after the new releases of the Prehead and the new PCs, and the new tube amp some time go....but it is true, people could talk of the new products they get, regarless of the manufacturer, but if they choose not to do so, what can you do, I do not own any of their amps neither, but just as a side note, I opened a thread about Slappa some time ago, how many reviews or comments do we get on that thread??? Now just take a look at any other of the favorite flavor amps threads and you will see the difference...tons, millions, of people talking of the same exact amps all the time, they are good, they sound good, they are happy with the products, but that is getting a little bothersome for some of us, don't you think?
Jul 15, 2005 at 12:51 PM Post #53 of 128
There seem to be a couple of dubious assumptions going on here.

1. Just because there are few people on this forum that are talking about Meier Audio products, it does not mean that they are not selling well.

2. Just because there are few people on this forum talking about Meier Audi products, it does not mean that there are few new Corda users.

This is, frankly, a bizzare thread. Was it motivated by any discussions with Dr. Meier? Did he remark someonewhere that there is little interest in his products? If so, I'm unaware of it.

Meier does not come out with new products a lot -- good for him! It seems as if new amps are coming out every week. I bought an old Prehead over a year ago and love it. I don't talk about it a lot because I feel no need to replace it -- I'm satisfied. It looks great, sounds great, and has the features I want.
Jul 15, 2005 at 1:10 PM Post #54 of 128

Originally Posted by acs236
This is, frankly, a bizzare thread. Was it motivated by any discussions with Dr. Meier? Did he remark someonewhere that there is little interest in his products? If so, I'm unaware of it.

I got the impression that the motivation for the thread was merely to discuss the absence of much in the way of impressions or reviews of Dr. Meier's fine products. It has appeared to me that there has not been much written about his amps. I don't believe posting the thread had anything to do with a remark by Dr. Meier.
Jul 15, 2005 at 1:16 PM Post #55 of 128
I agree with Sov. For a very long time now the amp forum has turned into rich ground for heavy advertising from certain manufacturers.

As to who those manufacturers are, well, the readers can decide for themselves. Which manufacturer's have been discussed to death this past year, yes, this past year, are the culprits.
Jul 15, 2005 at 1:35 PM Post #56 of 128
I had a pre head mk1 for about a month. I had it alongside an hr2 and a ppa, i even had a short review on it if anyone remembers.

I felt it was neck and neck with the hr2, it fact it was so percise and produced the best imaging i ever heard on solid state headamp (well at that time). If anyone still likes crossfeed, this amp has the best crossfeed settings you could ever want. It's interesting no one bothers with that anymore, i guess that's part of the past.

It's a top tier headamp. It's a shame all of the new guys miss out on this stuff.

Only tuberoller ever really discussed their new mk2 prehead and maybe some one can pick up the ball and do a current review pitting it against the latest stuff, perhaps against a dynahi/hr2/ppa v2 whatever.
Jul 15, 2005 at 1:43 PM Post #57 of 128
What europe based forums?

As far as headphone audio man, this is pretty much the place, anywhere else doesn't even get a fraction of the traffic or interest.

Let's face it, alot of the success is due to us ranting and raving (due to whatever motivation) about how much we love some product.

Then newbies, or whatever go and buy based on that... It is marketing for them in a way, just like seeing a desirable car on the road then wanting one, or whatever. The less we do talk about a product, the less it sells. The amp forum was always this way, it's just more obvious since we only see threads about certain amps now, it's obvious whats selling and what is not.
Jul 15, 2005 at 2:06 PM Post #58 of 128

Originally Posted by gsferrari
. Every other manufacturer has an "Army of faithfuls"
Any thread that pops up these days is instantly a battle ground for Singlepower and Emmeline faithfuls. The ferocity is unnerving...I can fully understand how someone can be cowed from posting abot a meier product in that melee...the "know-it-alls" will jump them! Whatever...

This is so true of many forums. In Home Theater Forums, the same names come up over and over again. Ask advice for a subwoofer, and the SVS/Hsu fanboys will drown out any other recommendations. Ask for speakers, the Axiom marketing machine brainwashed come out in droves. The popular choice is not always the best choice and a lot of otherwise good worthy products get a mention but get lost in the "another vote for brand XYZ" crowd.
Jul 15, 2005 at 2:33 PM Post #59 of 128
A couple of years ago, in the avsforum and a lot of other audio forums, if you ask for advice for speakers, Onix Rockets was THE brand that was discussed and recommended ad nauseum. Literally EVERYTHING was about those Rockets.

It was eventually discovered that those Rocket threads were started and kept up by people with certain commercial motives. There was a huge backlash against the Rockets brand.

I still abhor Rockets to this day because of what happened. That kind of "advertising" was just sickening.

Hopefully the same thing wont happen to headphone amps. But I am afraid the same trend is taking place here, with certain manufacturer.
Jul 15, 2005 at 2:36 PM Post #60 of 128
There is something else to consider, that I don't believe has been mentioned. Different from other hobbies and possibly other forums, those of us who attend some of the bigger headphone meets get to meet and talk with manufacturers like Mikhail, Ray and Tyll. When these guys make solid products and you get to develop relationships with them and are able to discuss there philosophies in developing prodcuts, I believe it becomes more personal when discussing their products.

Is this good, yes and no. It's good having the opportunities to meet the manufacturers, as we do on heardfi. On the other hand, it could be bad in the sense that the relationship and discussions becomes one of defending the person and not nescessarily the product.

That is a long way of getting to my point which is, had I had the same opportunity to sit and talk with Dr. Meier, would I have bought a product of his as a result. I don't know, because I haven't had that opportunity.

Just some food for thought.

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