Meier Audio - Corda : What happened? No one interested?
Jul 14, 2005 at 4:18 PM Post #31 of 128
I am convinced that Meier's amps are competetive and have mentioned them positively a number of times. I have Prehead Mk I and II SE but unfortunately I have never listened to Ray Samuels, SinglePower etc. and have nothing to say in comparative terms. They have got glowing reviews but I have been satisfied enough with what I have to resist purchasing them this long.

Jan Meier has an excellent service but no general money-back guarantee according to what I have seen. Not saying that he would disagree to returns. I think Todd TVJ has a return option. Many American amps can be bought with a money-back guarantee but there may be problems with return of customs and taxes. So I will probably not take the plung until I find something I really need and beleive in rather than only testing because it is fun.
Jul 14, 2005 at 4:22 PM Post #32 of 128
See what I mean...I have poured over Todd's website but I still dont remember this:

Notice the meier audio there? This is a local USA distrributor for these amps and the prices are pretty good even with the weak dollar in mind. It just rattles me when the products of Meier audio dont get mentioned when people ask for recommendations. Every other manufacturer has an "Army of faithfuls"
Any thread that pops up these days is instantly a battle ground for Singlepower and Emmeline faithfuls. The ferocity is unnerving...I can fully understand how someone can be cowed from posting abot a meier product in that melee...the "know-it-alls" will jump them! Whatever...

I had the privelege of owning a Jan Meier used HD-595...too bad the headphone sucked and I ended up selling it. But the fact that someone as well respected as Jan wore that headphone made it extra special to me. These little things mean a lot to me...

Forgive my keyboard is terrible
Jul 14, 2005 at 4:35 PM Post #33 of 128
I think the Corda HA-2 MKII is a very competitive product and the predecessor (HA-2 MKI) was said to be on the same level as the HR-2 with people arguing from both sides. Meet impressions have always been positive along with favourable reviews in the review section and a professional one by Positive-Feedback. Of course, internal crossfeed on all Corda amps and the HA-2 MKII's preamp outs are major pluses. The Prehead MKII is an even better sounding beast and the new Porta Corda MKIII has a very useful USB-In.

So I think that if somebody was to do his research properly, a Corda amp would soon turn up on a shortlist of amps. There's simply not a lot of undifferentiated favourism surrounding the Corda line-up. It's not helpful to read charades in the likes of "amp A blows amp B out of the water" or "this is definately the best amp in its price class" all the time without having balanced pros and cons.

Needless to mention Jan's first grade customer service!
Jul 14, 2005 at 4:37 PM Post #34 of 128

Originally Posted by Oski
As you said, Meier Audio is very well known in Europe and well received. The operative word there is EUROPE where people do delight in speaking their own language and participating in their own local language forums and such. We are too English-centric to think that most Europeans would want to actively participate in a English-based discussion forum. That makes me appreciate our non-English board members even more as they are making the effort to post in a foreign language. So I expect there are plenty of happy European owners who are "quietly" enjoying their Corda amps.

I hasten to add that Dr. Meier's command of English eclipses that of a large number of US-based Head-Fi members.

There is absolutely no language barrier involved when dealing with him!
Jul 14, 2005 at 4:46 PM Post #35 of 128

Originally Posted by Runningwater
I own the Eartube. Jan is a great person..... It's very pleasant to talk with him by email. And he really gave me a lot of useful suggestions.
I have done a huge tube rolling in Eartube, but I am just too lazy to post my experience out. My busy Master thesis and bad English stop me too

You absolutely have to do a full blown review on the Eartube - Hybrid amps dont get much exposure here, and this one was helped along by the folks who made the RKV right? Impressions, please!
Jul 14, 2005 at 4:46 PM Post #36 of 128
Great thread. I almost bought the Prehead at one point, but I went with the PPA instead. I picked up my Impedancer for my RKV-MKII from Jan and he was very helpful answering my question. I've read somewhere that his prehead is definitely up there with the Max.
Jul 14, 2005 at 5:02 PM Post #37 of 128
I listen to my Prehead every day (Ser #0038 IIRC). It's a wonderful amp, and I couldn't be happier. Right now (at work) I'm listening to a Porta Corda MK I kit that I bought a few months back in a Head-fi auction. Finally got around to putting it together a couple of weeks ago. Also a nice little amp!

I don't think I've ever had a more pleasant customer experience than with Jan. He's answered all my questions very quickly and professionally. I'd do business with him again in a second -- I'd like to pick up a Prehead MK II SE someday.

A small problem developed with my Prehead a few months back. Jan offered to either talk me through the fix, or to fix it himself if I sent it back. Well, he was very patient and helpful talking me through the repair. Unfortunately, I was unable to fix it, so I had to send it back to Jan. He fixed it quickly and sent it right back (2-3 weeks total round trip NY to Germany). He said that my Prehead was the first one ever to have had a problem, and it turned out to be a very small thing. But another good experience.
Jul 14, 2005 at 6:02 PM Post #38 of 128
I decided to jump into the headphone world with the porta corda II. Jan couldn't have been nicer or more helpful when it came to helping me make the right choice, but even back then, in the forums all you heard about was meta42's. The PCII got no love. I completely took the quality of the PCII for granted. A couple of years later I sold it, to raise funds for a full size source. I tried other amps and thought they were alright... until I heard the PCII and Prehead at a meet. I missed that sound so much, I bought the PCII again. I also replaced my Perreaux with the HA-2 mk1 at an absolute steal IMO, even if there was a new version on the way.

Let's put it this way, the HA-2, with my source, doesn't leave me wondering what else better is out there. It's one of the highest compliments you can give a piece of audio gear, it satisfies my ears. Sure I could move up the chain, but to do that, I'd need to go source first.

The Meier amps do deserve to get more love. Built like tanks, sound with authoritah, customer service that can't be beat. Oh, and btw, I guess it's no surprise that his Meier IC's have great synergy with his amps.

This isn't a slam on any of the other fine amp builders here. But if they have their fanboys and girls, Jan deserves his too, that's all I'm sayin'.
Jul 14, 2005 at 7:07 PM Post #39 of 128
I got my porta corda mkII from the group buy (thanks again, Jude!) and use it everyday that I commute to work, either with my e5s or my HD-25s. I love it. I did a quick comparison to a new version of the supermacro the other day, and while the SM was fuller sounding and a tad better sounding to me, I am quite satisfied with my PC MKII. The only reason I'd change would be the typical forces that drive this sick hobby, much like fashion for women ("it's fun to shop!").

- walkman
Jul 14, 2005 at 7:08 PM Post #40 of 128
I guess I gotta jump on this thread too. I wouldn't even feel obligated if Jan wasn't such a nice guy and quick with the email. I've got a Porta Corda MkII with an Elpac and set to class A as my home amp. It really gave my Grados more speed and snap, as well as opening up the sound a little bit.

When I bought it, it was with the intention of eventually buying another "true" home amp like the Gilmore and then use the Porta Corda in a strictly portable rig. I'm really not sure if I even want to upgrade my headamp setup at all right now.
Jul 14, 2005 at 7:21 PM Post #41 of 128
I'm certainly a Corda fan. I bought by Prehead when there was a deal for contributing head-fi members. I'll be holding on the Prehead. It doesn't have any a problem with any headphone. It's powerful, tight, and built like an absolute tank -- this metal, no loose jacks or connectors. Simply top notch.
Jul 14, 2005 at 10:00 PM Post #42 of 128
Count me as another Corda Fan
. Actually I really like their solid design, fortunately the website got better as well.

I have the impression that there are much more headphone enthusiasts in the US than in Europe. Myself being from Germany I am not aware of comparable forums in Europe. So this may be anther reason why it is harder for Meier Audio to get much deserved publicity.
Jul 14, 2005 at 10:48 PM Post #43 of 128
i have been listening to a corda ha-2 for a few years now. i put it up for sale a few times because i have so many amps but have always withdrawn it. it is a solid all purpose transportable amp. it sounds very good with everything i throw at it. i listen to it everyday with an upgraded power cord at one of my listening stations. the euro has a lot to do with the cost in dollar terms. overall, it is a nice solid amp, imo. it has been trouble free, is of excellent build qualiy & has excellent crossfeed as a bonus for those that like crossfeed. i still recommend this amp but the price in dollar terms is high because of the waekness of the dollar & this may be a reason that jan's amps don't get much mention in the usa at this time. jan's amps should be considered if you are looking for good a solid state amp. the problem is that there are so many more choices available now then there were a few years ago, especially from the diy'ers.
Jul 14, 2005 at 11:46 PM Post #44 of 128
Great thread. Sometimes people are too happy listening to what they have and forget to post
. I have to admit that reading the amp forum is really like watching a huge advertisement for many of the other manufacturers mentioned already. I don't want to take anything away from them as they do make excellent products, but I just want to say that my experience with the Corda line has been wonderfully satisfying.

I was lucky enough to grab a PCII shortly after the groupbuy and used it for about 6 months. The only reason I sold it was to buy the PCIII USB. I absolutely love this amp. What the PCII does right is done even better by the PCIII. The mkIII boasts an adjustable gain, same liquid smoothness as the mkII, improved highs and lows, and of course the great crossfeed. The USB version is a delight to use especially for computer gaming. I can't say enough good things about this amp - it has definitely cured my case of upgraditis. Thank you Dr. Meier for making my listening experience what it is!
Jul 15, 2005 at 1:33 AM Post #45 of 128

Originally Posted by Lindy
He said that my Prehead was the first one ever to have had a problem, and it turned out to be a very small thing. But another good experience.

Wow, I hope there is close to as good reliability with his other amps.

I love my HA-2 in every way: minimalist looks, solid feel, great engineering that I don't fully understand, and of course: sound!

The website could do a better job of emphasizing the more natural sound achieved through crossfeed as it applies to certain types of recordings. I think most people who are/maybe buying his amps don't have a big problem with listener fatigue with most recordings IMO.

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