Meier Audio - Corda : What happened? No one interested?
Jul 14, 2005 at 7:09 AM Post #16 of 128
When I was looking for my first home amp three months ago the Prehead MKII SE was at the top of the list. I especially liked its functionality, design, and appearance. A demo unit was not available, however, and ordering a US$1000+ amp sound unheard was not an option.

I've purchased most of my equipment the past few months from a local shop that allows customers to demo headphones and amps in a relaxed, no-hassle environment. When it comes to audio, hearing is believing.
Jul 14, 2005 at 10:13 AM Post #18 of 128
I own the Eartube. Jan is a great person..... It's very pleasant to talk with him by email. And he really gave me a lot of useful suggestions.
I have done a huge tube rolling in Eartube, but I am just too lazy to post my experience out. My busy Master thesis and bad English stop me too
Jul 14, 2005 at 10:15 AM Post #19 of 128
Myself I'm a happy and convinced Meier Audio customer. Jan is the friendliest person you can imagine, and his products are top-notch and more than worth the money, even considering the weak dollar. I love my Corda HA-2, upgraded to MkII level as a special (and unique) service from Jan, and I'm still dreaming of a Prehead MkII which is the best headphone amp I've heard so far. Crossfeed is a further argument for Meier amps; even though I don't use it very often, I consider it indispensable for critical recordings. But what I appreciate most about them is their neutrality and accuracy -- compared to many of the contenders.

I don't know the exact reason why the Meier amp line currently doesn't have the greatest popularity, but I guess the most important factor is the lack of auditioning opportunities. And then there's no Über-flagship such as the Supra XLR making for headlines. After extensively auditioning another Über-amp recently, I seriously ask myself if with all of them you spend your money for spectacular sound effects instead of accuracy.

Jul 14, 2005 at 10:20 AM Post #20 of 128

Originally Posted by Wmcmanus
Operator error or what is known as temporary terminal ineptitude.

You almost made drown with my coffee. That's a good one.
Jul 14, 2005 at 10:24 AM Post #21 of 128
Weaker brand appeal, maybe?

Little aesthetic draw?

I personally haven't tried their amps myself, but I feel as though Meier's products suffer from many of the same problems DIY products (like the M^3 and dynahi) do:

They just aren't perceived as "sexy" or fashionable in the same way that popular brands are.

Jul 14, 2005 at 10:34 AM Post #22 of 128
I am the proud owner of a Prehead and, if I will ever decide to upgrade, I would certainly be replacing it with a Prehead MkII or SE.

I also think that the Meier - Corda products deserve much more attention here, but I guess they are not subject to (heated) debates just like (also a guess) Rolls Royces are not subject to much debate on the car-oriented forums
Jul 14, 2005 at 10:45 AM Post #23 of 128

Originally Posted by crazyfrenchman27
Little aesthetic draw? ... I feel as though Meier's products suffer from many of the same problems DIY products ... do: They just aren't perceived as "sexy" or fashionable in the same way that popular brands are.

As to popular brands: Without dismissing their sonic merits (and having not heard the higher models), the popular SinglePower models look ugly as hell to my eyes -- up to the monster flagships. The Meier amps are an esthetic delight in comparison.

Jul 14, 2005 at 12:22 PM Post #24 of 128

Originally Posted by crazyfrenchman27
Weaker brand appeal, maybe?

Little aesthetic draw?

I personally haven't tried their amps myself, but I feel as though Meier's products suffer from many of the same problems DIY products (like the M^3 and dynahi) do:

They just aren't perceived as "sexy" or fashionable in the same way that popular brands are.


I actually find the Prehead very beautiful looking. Its looks go hand in hand with the build quality: strong, solid, no necessary bling-bling... I like this.

Of course, just a matter of taste. For example, I am not a fan of the Shanling-type design.
Jul 14, 2005 at 3:25 PM Post #26 of 128

Originally Posted by Elephas
When it comes to audio, hearing is believing.

But the process is the same for meier amps and other amps right? Doesnt Meier also have the 30 day return policy? I wouldnt have returned the Prehead (but I bought used) if I had bought a new one.

Even the best reviewed amplifier is an "unheard" one. The lack of popularity for meier products has convinced me that the HeadFi amp recommendations are severely biased and strongly supported by the staunch supporters of the manufacturers. Meier doesnt have such a following...I cannot say if he is happy or sad about it because I havent asked him (my personal opinion is that he has a strtong following in Europe for his other products). Even my aunt in Germany (now in London) has heard of him. Jan is quite popular in Germany according to her.

I also find the Corda owners to be a quiet bunch. They must be pretty happy with their amps. You dont find them popping up for sale very often and when they do - they are snapped up.

Whatever - the point is, I think we should stop another excellent manufacturer from sliding away in the face of this two way battle for supremacy. It is not all that black and white...just because meier's products arent mentioned on HeadFi doesnt mean that they are poor value relative to the offerings of the others. I rate the Prehead higher than most anything else in it's price range and the build quality and european styling make it very attractive.

Anyway - you get the point...
Jul 14, 2005 at 3:45 PM Post #27 of 128
I would like to second (or 9th or 10th?) the love being thrown Dr. Jan's way. My first amp was the superb HA1 MkII. While it might not have a strong "wow" factor in terms of its looks, I found its tank-like build very appealing. His amps offer what consumers have come to expect from German companies - exceptional build quality plus flawless engineering.

Layer on top of that his excellent service and you've got a powerful combination that ought be better recognized.
Jul 14, 2005 at 4:11 PM Post #28 of 128

Originally Posted by gsferrari
But the process is the same for meier amps and other amps right? Doesnt Meier also have the 30 day return policy?

I have bought all my Corda products (plus a Philips HP1500 Dolby Headphone system that he ordered specially for me) direct from Meier Audio. It's much easier these days, since Jan now accepts PayPal in US$. He packs his shipments extremely well and they arrive usually within a week, via parcel post.

Jan is an authorized dealer for most of the European brands; he is very happy to quote for items not listed on his web site and he seems to be able to get stuff within a couple of days if you decide to go ahead with the purchase.

I personally have kept everything I ever bought from him but I would be very surprised if Jan were not to accept returns, at least on the Corda items. In any case, most of his product line is available locally from Todd the Vinyl Junkie, who definitely offers a 30-day return privilege.

EDIT: Just found the following in the FAQ section of the Meier Audio web site...
What is the return policy?
By German law there is a 30-day return policy on all products. However, there is an administration fee, and the customer is responsible for return shipping.

I would like to add my endorsement of both Jan's amplifiers and his customer service. While appreciation of the former is a matter of personal taste, the latter is indisputable, and legendary.
Jul 14, 2005 at 4:11 PM Post #29 of 128

Originally Posted by gsferrari

I also find the Corda owners to be a quiet bunch. They must be pretty happy with their amps. You dont find them popping up for sale very often and when they do - they are snapped up.


Guru this is a great point frequency of resale is something I look at prior to purchase, somewhat an indicator of customer loyalty/satisfaction

I have never heard Jan's product but it seems to be well regarded. Shame he can't do a headfi meet tour if not wih him (due to costs) then maybe one of his amps. Could be like the traveling Gnome for travelocity.
Jul 14, 2005 at 4:12 PM Post #30 of 128

Originally Posted by gsferrari
(my personal opinion is that he has a strtong following in Europe for his other products). Even my aunt in Germany (now in London) has heard of him. Jan is quite popular in Germany according to her.

I also find the Corda owners to be a quiet bunch. They must be pretty happy with their amps. You dont find them popping up for sale very often and when they do - they are snapped up.

As you said, Meier Audio is very well known in Europe and well received. The operative word there is EUROPE where people do delight in speaking their own language and participating in their own local language forums and such. We are too English-centric to think that most Europeans would want to actively participate in a English-based discussion forum. That makes me appreciate our non-English board members even more as they are making the effort to post in a foreign language. So I expect there are plenty of happy European owners who are "quietly" enjoying their Corda amps.

All that said. I personally really like the way the Meier products look. To me they are the European counterpart to HeadRoom, with an extensive and well developed line of amps and products and corporate level business development. Meier is also one of the founding sponsors of the forum and from all indications a perfect gentleman who contributes back not only financially but also with the sharing of his designs.

It is really a shame that more of us here in the US don't have the opportunity to have first hand experience with his amps. But then we are distracted by the continuous output of the very talented designers on this side of the Atlantic as well. It's a good era to be into headphones.

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