McChanson amps tube rolling thread
May 25, 2024 at 2:00 PM Post #706 of 972
Basically the thing @crakers7 just described, something is acting like an antenna in your setup and the tube resonates out of control. The EL3's tend to do the although not that often. Before I started building adapters I used to resell tubes, my tube tester was something that I built myself and when testing an EL3 I had to switch it on and get 3-4 meters back, or the same thing was happening. One can try putting ferrite filters on the cable for the top cap, they probably won't help as the plate is on top, but still worth the effort.

Thank you Deyan, :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:.
Now I have understood, I had EL81 adapters made by you last year and can confirm that there were never any problems with them when I used them.
They sometimes come up a bit short but when they are in everything is great.:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
May 25, 2024 at 2:20 PM Post #707 of 972
I have also ordered the adapters from Mrs X

I did wanted to stay away from posting but I came back to warn you and others about xulingmrs 5b/254m to 6L6 adapters. They fit too tightly on the top cap. When I remove the cap, the top cap came off from the tube even though I had super glued it when I first received the tubes.
May 25, 2024 at 4:01 PM Post #709 of 972
Thank you and good to know.
I'll just leave the cap on, the adapter is only intended for this tube anyway.
I haven't seen any other brands apart from ITT.
Matt are you OK so far?

The older brand seems to be STC.

Why wouldn't I be ok. You don't know Zachik as much as I know Zachik. Our association goes way back when Glenn was going to make me my 2nd Glenn amp - the GEL3N. Glenn was going to make my amp and he put me right up front. Why? Guess he likes me. Zachik was much further in the queue and ask me to swap with him. So I did and then Glenn msg me privately and ask why I did that because he wanted to make me my amp. Glenn was going to visit me in Sydney and bring my Berlin amp with him. Sadly I didn't go ahead with Berlin but had Tomas make Odyssey instead.

I got real close with Glenn, Tomas and Eric or they got close to me. Not sure why. Guess custom amp builders likes me.

I've been in this hobby a bit too long now. I think the end is very near if it's not already here.
May 25, 2024 at 4:56 PM Post #710 of 972
I've been in this hobby a bit too long now. I think the end is very near if it's not already here.
Regarding the above, perhaps so BUT we are pleased and fortunate to interact with you as friends and fellow audiophiles here on the forum "UntilThen". :ksc75smile:
May 25, 2024 at 5:05 PM Post #711 of 972
Regarding the above, perhaps so BUT we are pleased and fortunate to interact with you as friends and fellow audiophiles here on the forum "UntilThen". :ksc75smile:

Likewise Lory. It is a pleasure knowing you. Similarly I can say that I know you more than most people do and in a very short period of time.

I am sure you've bought things from the supermarket and you check the 'use by date' on the item. Well my 'use by date' in head-fi is over. :relaxed:
May 25, 2024 at 5:39 PM Post #712 of 972
So I think it's time to unravel the mysterious built-in caps and tell you what's inside.
Since the installation I have heard enough to know that it is great in the Ultimate.
It's been about 35 hours since the rebuild and I've heard almost half of it, and although they're still fresh it's getting better rather than worse at this point.

First of all, there are 1-2 things to consider (and also out of respect and promise to Eric I can't show any pictures of the conversion).

Firstly, if you decide to insulate the silver wires, I would insulate them with a hose.
Secondly, and this is the more important thing, the cap must also be insulated from the outside with heat-shrink tubing.
As it is copper-coated on the outside and can be electrically conductive.
Typical examples are metal frames and cover plates, so it is important to insulate them with heat-shrink tubing.

Again for the installation, the size with 630V/0.47 uf is a monster bigger than the Vcap and probably Milfex level in size (I thought Vcap was already a part but this one surpasses it).
You definitely need space for it, so you should think about it a bit beforehand and see where you can place it.
If you order a completely new Ultimate, I'm sure Eric will find ways and means, as it's easier with a new construction than a finished Ultimate.
And it is also heavy and should be fixed a good bit.
Velcro tape, for example, is a good solution: one piece on the cap and the other on the plate.

The rest is child's play for an experienced hand.
It took me 3 hours to do it in peace and quiet without stress, and the placement took me the most time as you can do it on the finished Ultimate.

I present it is the Audionote Copper:
(In the picture below you can see the difference in size)


Here it has been insulated with transparent shrink tubing, which I bought from Hificollectiv.
It is also very easy to cut off a slightly larger piece of the length of the capacitor and carefully pull it over and heat it with a hot air gun until it has enclosed itself, done.Is the most important part.


Here are the differences between the caps:
Mundorf looks really tiny in comparison.



A vertical line is drawn on the right-hand side of the cap and is to be used as the input signal.
Solder the ‘negative pole’ to the tube socket as seen.


After installation, check everything again to make sure that everything is in place.
It is best to take old or almost used tubes and find the ones where they are bad, which is a bit difficult with Ultimate.
Pay attention to certain things the first time, your hand should be near the switch off.
And if Ultimate remains unresponsive, leave it running for 10-20 minutes so that everything can normalise.
What I had heard so far after switching it on for the first time was oh, wow.
You immediately realised where it was going when the right tubes were in.
Although my Gec KT63 and 12At7 RCA JRC were not played in, it sounded really magical.
In the Auteur as well as the Atrium, the Auteur paints a really good picture of its neutral tuning and the sound signature is really good.
With Atrium, everything is even more intense with a little more power behind it.
What has impressed me the most so far is the bass, which reaches down into the basement and is powerful, with a really good foundation and body from top to bottom.
The midrange is marvellous, it's smooth, open, transparent in the right doses, an absolute sweet spot.
You can really sit back and enjoy listening to the vocals with the right effect.
The treble varies a little depending on the tube, the Gec KT63 is a little weak and it's not quite enough for the top end, but with other tubes it is.
I have rolled in some finished tubes that are already over 100h+.
And it's marvellous.
Instruments were also impressive, I thought I had heard the best with the vcap.
I was wrong, the Audionote is really authentic, the plucking, the drums, the violin, and all these things deserve the point here.
Tonally it's never boring and is always picked up, it's musically full of joy and colour.
The vocals are also a part that is predominantly very authentic, and I think the Vcap is slightly behind here too; it is more sensitive, tactile, rounded and a bit more emotional, genuine and open.
Dynamics and focus are also extremely good here, much more bite and power, the details really come into their own with the macrodynamics and focus.
Stage and presentation are also at a level of perfection.
With the Vcap I found that you can wander through the music like with a camera.
The Audionote is similar but less so, it's perhaps not quite as holographic but it's there to present music and it does that to the full.
Overall tactile, refined and inviting to listen to music.

Although it hasn't even been played in for half the time, which according to Audionote should be between 2 and 300 hours, this should also vary depending on the input voltage.
After 35 hours it already sounds great to me and, as already mentioned, that's what's left in it, no more new caps.
With Vcap and this makes it perfect with Ultimate in any position for any mood.
Vcap for slightly more holographic sessions and yet more light for the more analytical side because it is more neutral in comparison and Audionote for good round music and a breeze warmer in the sound image than the Vcap.
There's nothing wrong with either of them, they both do the right thing, but there are some differences in the music here and there.
Considering what it costs $90 plus tax roughly for one and $335 (VH Audio does not offer a discount for 2 caps at Hificolektiv).
Does the AN play at the top without having to empty your wallet or sacrifice your arm?
Is the price-performance ratio right for a really good audio experience?

Audionote vs Mundorf SGO:

If you were to ask me which is better, I have an opinion that might not appeal to everyone.
Also, because it's Eric and Matt's house configuration, I don't want to offend either of them, and I don't want those who already have Ultimate to think twice about it.
And although it is a German company and I grew up in Germany
my personal preference is not quite what the Germans do with the sound, and maybe I'm just one of the few who doesn't like it that much, but out there I do and I always find people who like it.
The Mundorf has some nice things here, no question,
But it lacks the final touch for me, a little more refinement, a little more clarity and transparency would be nice.
The treble and detail range is also not quite where I would like it to be.
It could illuminate much better and bring the details to the forefront.
The Audionote actually does a lot better here and that fulfils my personal requirements as described above.
Those who actually buy Ultimate should think about the Audionote, the surcharge compared to Mundorf is about 30-40$.
Those who already have Ultimate and are now thinking about it are well advised to forget the Vcap altogether.
Of course it's also a question of taste and personal preference.
But even the technical aspects of the Audionote are a good deal better and completely remove the small veil that the Mundorf has.
If you know both caps you can hear it.
The Audionote is also a good deal more lifelike and that's usually what you want, but it's also a matter of taste.

I would repeat myself now.
With Zmf headphones, they are in perfect harmony with Ultimate.
Ultimate has changed for me after it replaced the Mundorf and again for the better.
Ultimately, you should ask yourself what you expect from the music.
Should it be more technical, more euphonic, have an almost lifelike instrumental presentation with beautiful vocals, then yes.
Even if headphones also play a part here, you reach the limit in such a way that it is not exaggerated.
The size can be scary but if you can manage it, it's worth it and will be rewarded if you also consider the other things when installing.
I think the price is really fair for what it delivers, there's nothing to complain about.
The fact that the caps have almost been rated at 35 h shows where things are heading.
With more playing time, it will go in a direction where it will be a good corner better than described. You should keep that in mind.
For those who didn't know, Audionote is historically a Japanese company, even today.
What you find in the EU also comes from there and is sold for Europe.
Since Ultimate was also made by Japanese hands, I am not surprised that it harmonises together. :ksc75smile: :ksc75smile: :ksc75smile: :ksc75smile: :ksc75smile: :ksc75smile:
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May 25, 2024 at 5:49 PM Post #713 of 972
You didn't tell us the price for the AudioNote caps though and FYI, I am not offended even if you say Mundorf is crap because I chose Mundorf and Miflex based on how much I wanted to spend on the Super Ultimate which came to a princely sum all in.

Mundorf is also not Eric's choice. His choice is the cheap Russian k40y-9. Eric is a miser. He is frugal with money. Just the other day he told me clients these days want the best of all parts and don't mind spending. He said, are they very rich? I told him, Eric you have no idea. You're dealing with Bill Gates. :wink:
May 25, 2024 at 5:55 PM Post #714 of 972
The older brand seems to be STC.

Why wouldn't I be ok. You don't know Zachik as much as I know Zachik. Our association goes way back when Glenn was going to make me my 2nd Glenn amp - the GEL3N. Glenn was going to make my amp and he put me right up front. Why? Guess he likes me. Zachik was much further in the queue and ask me to swap with him. So I did and then Glenn msg me privately and ask why I did that because he wanted to make me my amp. Glenn was going to visit me in Sydney and bring my Berlin amp with him. Sadly I didn't go ahead with Berlin but had Tomas make Odyssey instead.

I got real close with Glenn, Tomas and Eric or they got close to me. Not sure why. Guess custom amp builders likes me.

I've been in this hobby a bit too long now. I think the end is very near if it's not already here.

Somehow you seem a bit sad about it.
All 3 and 2 of them were certainly people you valued, but also Eric.
As for your journey, on the one hand you can be happy that you are one of the few who have found their audio page.
A lot of people don't. That's why you can be proud to say that.

Apart from that, you have also found many nice and good people here who have helped you to find what you are looking for.
So enjoy it, you've also given a lot back, don't forget that.
When I think of our conversations last year around this time, it was a joy and at the same time a relief to hold Ultimate in my hands, thanks to you.
I only really want to have a backup for really difficult times and no other amplifier.
May 25, 2024 at 5:57 PM Post #715 of 972
You didn't tell us the price for the AudioNote caps though and FYI, I am not offended even if you say Mundorf is crap because I chose Mundorf and Miflex based on how much I wanted to spend on the Super Ultimate which came to a princely sum all in.

Mundorf is also not Eric's choice. His choice is the cheap Russian k40y-9. Eric is a miser. He is frugal with money. Just the other day he told me clients these days want the best of all parts and don't mind spending. He said, are they very rich? I told him, Eric you have no idea. You're dealing with Bill Gates. :wink:
I quite like the Mundorf SGO and especially the option to switch back and forth with the Miflex. I am certain there are many valid options for caps, of course! Enjoy @Deleeh!
May 25, 2024 at 6:01 PM Post #716 of 972
Mullard EZ80, Visseaux 6F6GT, Amperex Bugle Boy 12AU7-ECC82 & Sylvania VT-115A:

Mullard EZ80, Visseaux 6F6GT, Amperex Bugle Boy 12AU7-ECC82 & Sylvania 6Y6GA in UltimatE (5-25...jpg
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May 25, 2024 at 6:09 PM Post #717 of 972
You didn't tell us the price for the AudioNote caps though and FYI, I am not offended even if you say Mundorf is crap because I chose Mundorf and Miflex based on how much I wanted to spend on the Super Ultimate which came to a princely sum all in.

Mundorf is also not Eric's choice. His choice is the cheap Russian k40y-9. Eric is a miser. He is frugal with money. Just the other day he told me clients these days want the best of all parts and don't mind spending. He said, are they very rich? I told him, Eric you have no idea. You're dealing with Bill Gates. :wink:

The price is $90 per cap on Hificollectiv with German taxes.
I paid 150€ for both and shrink tubing and the postman wanted another 30€ for the tax.
I hoped it would go through, but it didn't.

I wanted to mention it out of respect for you and Eric and to make things clear.
Also to those who already have Ultimate and have ordered Mundorf.
I've been thinking for a long time since ordering whether I should say something or not and also how to say it without causing friction
That was important to me.
In the end I also ordered it with Mundorf and have to keep my mouth shut somewhere :).

I don't know Eric as well as you do, but even then I thought about what you and he were saying.
I decided to take the middle way and I'm glad I listened to both of them.
Eric also had a clear opinion about the Japanese trafos, the money was the second thing.

You've already heard ultimate with Vcaps with the basic parts and it was good enough.
Somehow the success proves Eric right, even if it seems stingy.
I've already heard from some of the opposition that it had the opposite effect to what was expected
May 25, 2024 at 6:10 PM Post #718 of 972
Somehow you seem a bit sad about it.
All 3 and 2 of them were certainly people you valued, but also Eric.
As for your journey, on the one hand you can be happy that you are one of the few who have found their audio page.
A lot of people don't. That's why you can be proud to say that.

Apart from that, you have also found many nice and good people here who have helped you to find what you are looking for.
So enjoy it, you've also given a lot back, don't forget that.
When I think of our conversations last year around this time, it was a joy and at the same time a relief to hold Ultimate in my hands, thanks to you.
I only really want to have a backup for really difficult times and no other amplifier.

I wanted to be very clear that I didn't do all these for the community. It was all a part of my audio journey - Odysseus journey. If others benefit from it, then that's a bonus.

Oct 2019, Tomas wrote to me out of the blues. He ask if I could review an amp he is building. No obligations he said and he will cover shipping costs both ways. All I had to do was give my honest opinion. I was taken aback because I had Studio Six, GOTL and WA22 at the time and ... well no harm in auditioning Oblivion and writing my impressions. Tomas didn't even have a company at that time. He shared so many things with me like the creation of Ultrasonic Studio as a company.

These days I don't write such long essays anymore. I will just say it's great or amazing or marvellous. This was what I wrote about Oblivion in Jan 2020.
May 25, 2024 at 6:11 PM Post #719 of 972
Guys, since it has been quite a while since I updated the tube compatibility table, and since I have a little time this weekend for a change - I will be more than happy to update the table :wink:
So... any omissions you'd like me to mend, now is the time!
Also, per the good advice from @Nick Ryan - I will add a "Last Updated:" date field. Good idea to know whether or not you (or your locally saved copy) is current or not.

Post here or PM me, and I will update the table tomorrow (Sunday) :wink:
May 25, 2024 at 6:38 PM Post #720 of 972
I wanted to be very clear that I didn't do all these for the community. It was all a part of my audio journey - Odysseus journey. If others benefit from it, then that's a bonus.

Oct 2019, Tomas wrote to me out of the blues. He ask if I could review an amp he is building. No obligations he said and he will cover shipping costs both ways. All I had to do was give my honest opinion. I was taken aback because I had Studio Six, GOTL and WA22 at the time and ... well no harm in auditioning Oblivion and writing my impressions. Tomas didn't even have a company at that time. He shared so many things with me like the creation of Ultrasonic Studio as a company.

These days I don't write such long essays anymore. I will just say it's great or amazing or marvellous. This was what I wrote about Oblivion in Jan 2020.
Yes, that's for sure. Don't worry too much, everything is fine.
Sometimes there are days when things aren't so good - everyone has them.
Very nice of Tomasz back then, unfortunately I didn't know him.
By the time I was interested in one of his amplifiers, he had unfortunately already left the world.


Thank you and it just occurred to me that if you are looking for a good and solid upgrade to the Mundorf, which is another 2 - maybe 3 steps better, then the Audionote is a good choice.
They have almost the same sound, with a few exceptions where the Audionote does audibly better.
The latter still depends on your personal preference in the end.
Even if other things also play a role.
I went back to the KT63 Gec and put in ECC35 Mullard for fun and it's what makes it flow with the Atrium.

welcome back and you can add 5B/254A as well as 5B/254M.
5B/254M is an output tube I'm not sure about 5B/254A and prefer to keep quiet, let the pros answer it.

One question regarding tubes to all.
How do you recognise if a tube is defective?
I have just put in the used ECC35 and after a few minutes there is a humming noise and the potentiometer scratches when no music is playing.
What can cause this?
It's definitely a problem with the driver tube itself, when I put in another driver tube everything is quiet no more symptoms.
Is the tube at t

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