Massdrop x Sennheiser HD 58X Jubilee Review & Measurements
Jul 18, 2018 at 8:45 AM Post #1,381 of 4,856
I have a custom made balanced cable that I have been using with my HD660s that I pair with my Pioneer XDP-300R DAP. Compared to the HD660s, the HD58X is much easier to power and more lively. The HD660s are more subdued and allow some finer details but the HD58x is really a great pair of headphones for $150. Whereas the HD660s are sometimes a little too neutral for me I find the HD58x to have some pretty good bass extension and treble. I do feel like the treble on the HD58x is right on the edge of becoming tiresome. Maybe it will break in and become less of an issue. Time will tell, but I will be keeping these headphones for now...

As far as being specific about using a balanced cable. I think what you hear is pretty subjective. For me, it is affects the sound stage and the instrument separation. Sometimes it affects the soundstage in a way I don't like. But it really opens up the quiet spaces and the separation of instruments to my ear. The HD58X performs well with a balanced cable. To be honest, that is the only way I have used the HD58X, so I can't even compare to the stock unbalanced cable.

I have about 200 hours on my HD58X now. I swapped out cables (now using a SE stock HD650 cable) after about 100 hours on the HD58X. I have noticed that the high frequencies of these headphones have become more prominent which can become a bit fatiguing at times. Fortunately my Project Ember allows me to customize the sound to take the edge off the piercing high frequencies of some songs. Also I have noticed that the bass isn't as prominent as it was straight out of the box but again the Ember settings does assist in keeping things balanced.

As for using a balanced cable, I do have an XLR re-terminated stock HD650 cable but haven't tried it yet. I find the HD58X to be quite lively and louder than the 300 ohm HD650/6XX. Increases in volume ramp up quite rapidly so I'm not so sure that a balanced cable is going to bring too much positive to these headphones.
Jul 18, 2018 at 12:26 PM Post #1,382 of 4,856
HD58X start to become my office gear these days, pretty enjoy it without DAC/amp.
Jul 18, 2018 at 4:20 PM Post #1,383 of 4,856
HD58X vs NightHawk Part One: Intro

Ok. This is just a starter and some ramblings. not complete, but I figured i needed to start it. So here goes.

Notes about me: A music lover. I wont refer to myself as an audiophile, just someone who enjoys what I consider good quality music.
My system is very modest, and consists of a PC which feeds a Schiit Eitr, Modi 2 Uber and then onto a Massdrop Cavalli Tube Hybrid with stock tube.

I dont use my headphones everyday, an issue of time and convenience. I use speakers more often. But I do enjoy listening to headphones.

So now onto the Headphones.


The win goes to the Nighthawk. It is the most comfortable headphone I have ever owned. Now that is not saying alot... :D but it is the truth. Thats not to say the 58X is uncomfortable, It isnt. Its the third most somfortable headphone I have ever owned, second going to the Sony MDR1A. The Senn is light well made and sits well on the head. The issue is the slight application of pressure on the jaw line, Other than that its fine. The NightHawk on the other hand is heavier, but there are no pressure points, the earpads are softer and plusher, and it just seems to conform to the shape of my head. The only comfort issue I have of the NightHawk is that the leaather pads can get warm and clammy after a while. It does bother me on really hot days, but in general, its a non issue.


No Complaints either way. They are both well built in my estimation. The NightHawk feeling more premium, but to be honest, I am not sure I would say that its more durable. I believe that you would have to handle the nightHawk with more care, as eventhough its well put together and beautiful, there are parts that you may have to worry about, like the suspension system for the ear pieces, or the elastic supporting the headband. But all in all, for close to two years of ownership, and being on a home made stand in the open for most of it, it has held up well. Easily better than the Oppo PM3 where the pads went after only one year, and was alomost always put back in its case after use. The quality of the leather Oppo used sucked. The pads and the headband have lost all of the leather coating. aith it shedding like a furry dog with mange.

The 58X in comparison looks like it can take some abuse. Its light weight and modular build will work in its favor if anything goes on it in the long run. I dont think it looks or feels cheap at all as I have heard some people say, especially for the price. Its looks are not as unique as the NightHawk, but then there are a few headphones in the price category that are. I plan to get back into music production at some point and I see this as a tool that I would use along with the Sony MDR7520 that I have. Which means that they might be working hard.

I will leave it here for now. I am at work and I dont want the boss to catch me... lol. And as for the sound I am still evaluating, even though I have some notes already, Want to listen to a few more songs. But I am getting an idea as to where these two lie with regards to my preferences, and I must say.... its interesting so far.

More to come
Jul 18, 2018 at 6:18 PM Post #1,384 of 4,856
HD58X vs NightHawk Part Two: Methodology and sound-1


So, This part may not be all that important, but I thought I would mention it.

I am using foobar as my music player, and i downloaded a test tone at 1000 hz. I used this to try and see if I could equalize the volume between the two headphones. Now, what I did, which I found easier, was to set the headphone amp to a set volume, and then used the volume control in Foobar to get them level.

Using an SPL meter app I downloaded, I set 85db on the 58X and then plugged in the Nighthawk, and adjusted the volume in foobar to match. I got approximately -6db to get the same level as the 58X when that was set at 0db. Both read 85db when doing this with the tone. Hope this makes sense and is considered logical?

Sound Part One:

I am not really going to do a bass mids treble thing here, I decided I would do this song by song. The songs I have used so far:

- Medication by Damian Marley
- Africa By Toto
- Song E by Bruce Hornsby
- Empire State of Mind by Jay-z
- Lost Without You by Robin Thicke

So Lets take them in order:


I listened first to the Nighthawk. I was presented with a full rich sound with a big bass and impact. The lower mids were lush and the mid bass was full and very meaty. The Nighthawks do not lack in extension that's for sure. So.... after picking up the senns, certain things kinda popped out. You don't have the quantity in the bass as you do with the Nighthawk, but the extension and the impact is there, the midbass bloom is not there either, and you get the sense that the 58X don't sound as full or as rich as the NH, But, it is more balanced and even sounding. The vocals are not as full or up close as with the NH, but they are clearer and more distinct. The other thing that was made obvious to me, the Highs were more natural with the 58X. The extension is there with the NH, but its like there is a suck out in the upper mids and lower treble that after hearing the 58X makes it sound like something is missing. I also found the highs smoother with the 58X. In general, the 58X, while not as rich sounding, was more balanced sounding and clearer and as a result for this track sounded a bit more open and airy. No match for the bass quantity of the NH, but then it was still satisfying. and the impact was there, sounding tighter and more immediate than the NH, a little faster, and easier to hear the detail in the full spectrum. I would be satisfied with either here, each having their strong points


Here, as I had on the 58X already, I just let it play. I think its a bit track dependent, but during the chorus, I found the treble to be on the verge of being too hot, but it wasn't. Nice sound enjoyable. Switching on the NH, The sound was a bit more closed in, but.... it sounded more three dimensional. There was more midbass bloom and again the highs sounded a bit unnatural and not as smooth full or clean as the 58X, yet still having a slightly etched quality to it in the chorus. At points as well, the bass was just a bit too overwhelming. Here the 58X doing well with a good balance through out. Again the vocals sounded fuller but not as clear as the 58X. In all I preferred the 58X for this track over the NH.

Song E

Here is where for me preferences will take precedence... A simple song solo piano. The nighthawk in this instance to my ears sounded more natural and realistic with the piano. The inherent fullness of the headphone adds to the atmosphere here i guess. The other thing that became a bit clearer here because of this track was the left to right positioning. It was more distinct with the NH I found. The sense of space was equal, and the 58X again sounded clearer and cleaner, but to me I just found it lacking the body that to me brings piano to life.

Will update this post a bit later. gotta run again

Jul 19, 2018 at 2:22 AM Post #1,385 of 4,856
Nice review, hope for more to come soon
I had the nighthawk for a while (still missing sometimes...) and I am waiting for the 58x to come
Jul 19, 2018 at 9:02 AM Post #1,386 of 4,856
HD58X vs NightHawk Part Two: Methodology and sound-1

.......... The nighthawk in this instance to my ears sounded more natural and realistic with the piano. The inherent fullness of the headphone adds to the atmosphere here i guess. The other thing that became a bit clearer here because of this track was the left to right positioning. It was more distinct with the NH I found. .............

Similar finding on the disproportionate higher priced 800S....while the HD58X is a very balanced and nice sounding headphone with satisfactory bass ... it's strengths actually lie in omission, it's doesn't strive to an area that will expose its obvious roots to affordability....where as the HD800/S, 700s and even the 600/650 and 660S will offer moments of lucidity of actually attending a performance the 58X is more two dimensional with regards to depth, doesn't quite offer up the delicate "natural and realistic" harmonics of it brethren, but at its price point nor should we expect it to....all the same it's still an easy recommendation if and when there is another drop.
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Jul 19, 2018 at 1:20 PM Post #1,387 of 4,856
There are some folks around claiming the hd58x the very best for them up to the hd700 as some still favor the hd650
Looking at the FG I guess this could be interesting to check it out how this magic senn is performing with my ears :) the 650 was a guest for 2 years but rarely used..... So the 58x could possibly have an easy game with me soon. Still waiting for delivery...
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Jul 19, 2018 at 7:11 PM Post #1,388 of 4,856
I've owned the 600's,650's, 700's (3 times) , and the 800's. Imo, the 58x are what I wanted the 700's to be. I absolutely prefer them over the lot. I feel the 58x gives you a 650/700 combo. Soundstage imo, is wider, and just as deep as the 650, but with the punch, precision and articulaton of the 700's. They're pretty 3 dimensional, holographic sounding. It's a perfect balance for me.
The 800's were non engaging. Very artificial soundstage.
The 650's would put me to sleep.
The 600's were claustrophobic.
The 700's are fantastic. Maybe a hint of artificial soundstage on some tracks.
There are some folks around claiming the hd58x the very best for them up to the hd700 as some still favor the hd650
Looking at the FG I guess this could be interesting to check it out how this magic senn is performing with my ears :) the 650 was a guest for 2 years but rarely used..... So the 58x could possibly have an easy game with me soon. Still waiting for delivery...
Jul 20, 2018 at 3:14 AM Post #1,391 of 4,856
Anyone can give some comments on 58x and HE 400i?

I don't have the 400i, but if I were to make a wild guess, I would put the 58X as being much better. This is just a guess though. :)
Jul 20, 2018 at 6:59 AM Post #1,394 of 4,856
Anyone can give some comments on 58x and HE 400i?

The 400s and 400i are faster sounding and have slightly more midrange detail and are more forward and slightly more fatiguing. They have more ringing and more smearing of sounds and thus less microdetail in the treble. The hifimans sound more full bodied and less analytical, especially the 400s, in my opinion. I prefer the HD58x.
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