"Mad Dog" by MrSpeakers, modified Fostex T50RP review
Feb 7, 2013 at 4:53 PM Post #3,121 of 6,388
Sorry about the emails, everyone.  The system says it is NOT sending them and so we retried several times, alas it appears to be sending to some of you, every time, and others (like me) not at all.  
The hosting service is testing and that's probably sending more stuff out.  I'll see what I can do to cut that off.  

This reminds me of a similar issue I had when I was the owner of a music magazine ... we had a newsletter as well, and it was sending over and over and so we figured out the problem and were like "Uh .... we have to explain what happened, but do we really want to send another email to explain why they got so many emails?" It was an interesting dilemma. We just posted a notice on the site and didn't see too much decrease in subscriptions, in the end. Going forward, we had to test on 30-40 dummy emails we made on a separate letter.
Feb 7, 2013 at 5:11 PM Post #3,122 of 6,388
They're replacing the Dog Pads. I don't believe you can purchase the Mad Dogs with the Shure pads any longer. The fact that they're staying the same price relative to the Dog Pads is still pretty cool, though.
Feb 7, 2013 at 5:34 PM Post #3,123 of 6,388
1. Everyone needs to understand that companies are ALWAYS working on new products.
2. If I hint about it, people stop buying, and revenue goes away.  
3. For this reason, I do two things (that frankly I don't think many companies do);  I give complementary upgrades to anyone who has purchased within a month (a totally new phone would not qualify, but an upgrade usually will), and I also try to make the upgrades backwards-comatible so users can upgrade, not replace their phones.

1. True, but in this case we are just talking about a revision of the same product. If it were truly a new product, then it would make sense to promote it before release, as many companies do.
2. It makes sense that if you hint about a revision, people stop buying- Why would I have opted for the Dog Pad upgrade if I knew new and improved pads were coming out in a couple months for the same price? I would have just bought the standard version and waited for the Alpha pads. This is what frustrates many people about Apple's business model. At least in Apple's case, you have a better idea of when a new product is coming out so you can plan accordingly. 
3. I definitely appreciate this notion, but again I have to ask: Why should the Alpha pads be the same price for everyone? Someone with a stock T50RP pays the same as someone who bought the Mad Dog w/ Dog Pad upgrade a few months ago. That doesn't seem fair. If the Dog Pads had been standard, at no additional cost, I would understand why previous owners wouldn't get a discount. 
I realize that no one is forcing me to upgrade. I also recognize that this is a new business, and that you (Dan) have shown a real commitment to customer satisfaction. Again, I definitely appreciate that. I just wanted to voice some concerns I have with the way things are developing. If you are going to continually revise the product, I think it's fair that existing customers should have the option of upgrading at a discount price.
Feb 7, 2013 at 5:36 PM Post #3,124 of 6,388

Hehe, these look so similar to the stax pads that Mal kept recommending for them.  But without the $160 price tag... I'll take my pair now 
Feb 7, 2013 at 5:39 PM Post #3,125 of 6,388
An updated review from Noble-fi. These are looking really good.
Feb 7, 2013 at 5:45 PM Post #3,126 of 6,388
An updated review from Noble-fi. These are looking really good.

Damn, dat graph....
I'm really glad I ordered them now :D
Feb 7, 2013 at 5:47 PM Post #3,127 of 6,388
At SgtPepper, if you realize no one is forcing you to upgrade, then what is the problem? Dan is handling this like many other businesses do. He developed a new product, which you certainly can't blame him for. He decided to mix the launch with the announcement of the product (a very common practice with both new and revised products). These new pads cost him extra time and money to develop. You can either buy them and support his business model or not. That's it. I'd say he's hit a great balance by trying to serve recent buyers and previous owners. Notice that he has them on sale for $45 temporarily for those that miss the cutoff.
I'm pretty darn sure they're worth more than the $45 he's charging for now.
Feb 7, 2013 at 5:54 PM Post #3,128 of 6,388
1. True, but in this case we are just talking about a revision of the same product. If it were truly a new product, then it would make sense to promote it before release, as many companies do.
2. It makes sense that if you hint about a revision, people stop buying- Why would I have opted for the Dog Pad upgrade if I knew new and improved pads were coming out in a couple months for the same price? I would have just bought the standard version and waited for the Alpha pads. This is what frustrates many people about Apple's business model. At least in Apple's case, you have a better idea of when a new product is coming out so you can plan accordingly. 
3. I definitely appreciate this notion, but again I have to ask: Why should the Alpha pads be the same price for everyone? Someone with a stock T50RP pays the same as someone who bought the Mad Dog w/ Dog Pad upgrade a few months ago. That doesn't seem fair. If the Dog Pads had been standard, at no additional cost, I would understand why previous owners wouldn't get a discount. 
I realize that no one is forcing me to upgrade. I also recognize that this is a new business, and that you (Dan) have shown a real commitment to customer satisfaction. Again, I definitely appreciate that. I just wanted to voice some concerns I have with the way things are developing. If you are going to continually revise the product, I think it's fair that existing customers should have the option of upgrading at a discount price.

I don't think you've ever owned a business where a product that you've developed is your only source of income. As Dan already said, if the test group had not worked out and confirmed his hopes for the new pads, then we would still have the same MD. There is simply no way to tell about changes to a product until you've truly put it out "in the wild." Just ask Microsoft. 
 Even then, the results may not be what the beta/test group seemed to verify. Do I need to say "Vista"?
Dan can't stop promoting and selling the product he's develop when he has changes upcoming. He has to continue to promote and sell it as his only product. Because at the time it is his only product, right. 
I feel that his practices regarding changes and such are about as fair as you'd hope for. And I believe that he is offering a reduced price on the new pads. 
Feb 7, 2013 at 5:59 PM Post #3,129 of 6,388
I'm a little late to the Alpha Pad conversation.  I also was one of the beta testers.  My basic comments have already been covered by others.  In very brief -
1) better, more forward / detailed mids.
2) More detailed, still wonderful highs
3) A bit more bass extension and control.
4) Excellent comfort - increased slightly even over the dog pads
5) Excellent isolation - also increased slightly even over the dog pads
6) Improved efficiency - this one appears to be music dependent.  I notice a significant increase in efficiency.
Definitely the correct choice to include on all future Mad Dogs.  Definitely worth the upgrade price.
To those concerned with continued upgrades - without them, we'd still be using intel 386 machines and driving Chevy Vegas and AMC Pacers.  Things get better.  Stuff you bought a while ago gets old.  Old stuff isn't bad.  If it was good yesterday, and a new (better?) thing comes out, the old thing is still as good as it was yesterday.  The new thing is just better (maybe).  In the case of the Alpha Pads, things just got better.  There is a clear and very reasonable (and worthwhile, IMHO) upgrade path.
Feb 7, 2013 at 6:05 PM Post #3,130 of 6,388

Hehe, these look so similar to the stax pads that Mal kept recommending for them.  But without the $160 price tag... I'll take my pair now 

I'd be interested in knowing if these fit on Denons. :) If I can get hold of a pair to listen to at a meet I might have to get in on the whole MD train. 
EDIT: Put my order in. Will still have them for my T50RPs if they don't fit denons. 
Feb 7, 2013 at 6:15 PM Post #3,131 of 6,388
An updated review from Noble-fi. These are looking really good.

Great review.
Secondly, I want to keep turning up the volume to get the thrills I crave from some music. Usually when pushing the volume up so high the sharpness in the high frequencies or boom to the bass puts me off doing it for long, but not here. This is a probably a testament to how well balanced they are, but just a word of warning to be careful with your hearing when playing with the Mad Dogs.

LOL, so true it's scary.
Feb 7, 2013 at 6:24 PM Post #3,132 of 6,388
I don't understand the self entitlement per being an existing customer. Dan's running a business, yet
he's trying to put things in the fairest way possible. Not everyone is going to be happy with his decisions, however it's his business practices
and ultimately I'm sure Dan put a lot of thought into his structure strategy.
Honestly, the pads should be more $, as has been clearly expressed by the beta testers. 
And then, as Matt stated:  "As Dan already said, if the test group had not worked out and confirmed his hopes for the new pads, then we would still have the same MD" 
If he had announced something and the testing didn't go over well, people would be bitching about him not having 
a finished product and how they had held off on DP's for this new and improved revision.
All the while his sales would have been cannibalized completely for that time.
It's never always fair, but the Alpha Pad's are priced the same as DP's, sounds like a deal to me.
Feb 7, 2013 at 6:44 PM Post #3,133 of 6,388
I don't understand the self entitlement per being an existing customer. Dan's running a business, yet
he's trying to put things in the fairest way possible. Not everyone is going to be happy with his decisions, however it's his business practices
and ultimately I'm sure Dan put a lot of thought into his structure strategy.
Honestly, the pads should be more $, as has been clearly expressed by the beta testers. 
And then, as Matt stated:  "As Dan already said, if the test group had not worked out and confirmed his hopes for the new pads, then we would still have the same MD" 
If he had announced something and the testing didn't go over well, people would be bitching about him not having 
a finished product and how they had held off on DP's for this new and improved revision.
All the while his sales would have been cannibalized completely for that time.
It's never always fair, but the Alpha Pad's are priced the same as DP's, sounds like a deal to me.

Similar Lawton pads are twice the price, so I'd guess Dan does discount them heavily already as majority of buyers are existing customers. Can't wait to get mine.
Feb 7, 2013 at 6:47 PM Post #3,135 of 6,388
^^ Minus two for paradoxper for swearing. 
I will quote a great man:
You can please some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time but you can't please all of the people all of the time...Abraham Lincoln. 

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