MacDEF's long-awaited Labtec Elite-840 review
Oct 24, 2001 at 5:08 PM Post #31 of 138
I'd just like to say that the Elite 840s do have pretty nice treble and bass, but they need time.
The Elite 840s are so balanced throughout, and one example I can think of as "pure midrange, no treble no bass" is the Senn. HD 414.
Oct 24, 2001 at 5:21 PM Post #33 of 138

Comparison aside, (when I'm walking around, I don't think I'll be switching back and forth between headphones) do you think the ur30s are musical, toe tapping? You said the 840s midrange were fatiguing. Do you think the ur30s are fatiguiing in any way? Some say the bass is too boomy.
Oct 24, 2001 at 5:23 PM Post #34 of 138
I didn't contradict myself. I said "so many people can't be all wrong", and what do you think does that mean?
OK, English is not my first language. What I am trying to say is, there are so many ppl in my place who like the Elite 840s, and they include very discerning audiophiles who are very particular about audio equipment (I don't think I am one of them though).
Of course there are always ppl who bought the headphones due to the "hype" surrounding the product, but you have to understand that the "hype" of the Elite 840s is not built up out of nothing. You know what, most of us didn't know anything about Labtec headphones in the first place. And the Elite 840s were previously totally unknown to us. Then some of us tried them, liked them, and recommended them to the others. Then, some audio enthusiasts (if you're so sensitive of the term audiophiles) got the chance to try the headhones, surprised, then recommended them to the others with detail accounts of what they thought about them. Not much later, they became a big sensation, because 99% of the ppl who bought these were more than happy with their purchases, and they had never been any fan of the Labtec products, to say the least. Some of them even had disliked Labtec before they bought the Elite 840.
Anyway, I'll see if MacDEF and Slindeman have anything more to say about them. If they still sound so bad to you, then just forget the whole thing.
Oct 24, 2001 at 5:28 PM Post #35 of 138

do you think the ur30s are musical, toe tapping? You said the 840s midrange were fatiguing. Do you think the ur30s are fatiguiing in any way? Some say the bass is too boomy.

It's been a long time since I heard the UR30s (I heard the Radio Shack-branded version) that I don't feel comfortable really commenting on them. As I mentioned previously, I only feel comfortable recommending them as cheap, sealed cans because I have heard very good things about them for the price from people I trust, and even HeadRoom recommends them. However, both (the people and HeadRoom) do say that they're a bit boomy in the bass.
Oct 24, 2001 at 5:49 PM Post #37 of 138
Has anyone in New York seen these on the shelf? I've looked at Circuit City, the Wiz, P.C. Richards, most of Canal Street, and J and R doesn't have them.
Oct 24, 2001 at 6:06 PM Post #38 of 138
I didn't look for these in California yet, but if I can't find them, I may just order them from EMS computing (found on Yahoo shopping). They have some kind of 2 for 1 deal going on. $14.03! 7 bucks each! Not bad!
Oct 24, 2001 at 6:23 PM Post #39 of 138
MacDEF Do you consider Sony 888 earbuds to be midrange heavy earphones?

I used to like midrange emphasized stuff a long time ago, but moved away from that having spread out a bit in terms of frequency range after hearing phones that excel everywhere, which is why I value your review. I think you liked KSC-35's more than 888's which probably would match my preference more. However it is obvious that phones like the Sony 888's have pretty strong following, so do you think there is any comparison here between these phones?

Maybe you are turning them up too loud because you are trying to get the upper and lower extremes to balance like you are used to. I was starting to guess that this was going to be a midrange-lover headphone than a "balance" phone after hearing more about the lows and highs.
Oct 24, 2001 at 6:31 PM Post #40 of 138

MacDEF Do you consider Sony 888 earbuds to be midrange heavy earphones?

Yes, but the Labtecs are even more midrange-emphasized than the 888s (again, so far... maybe they'll break in).


However it is obvious that phones like the Sony 888's have pretty strong following, so do you think there is any comparison here between these phones?

The thing that people seem to like about the 888s is that they have a very musical midrange that excels. I didn't find the midrange on the 840 to be this way. As I mentioned in the review, it was prominent, but a bit tinny.
Oct 24, 2001 at 7:33 PM Post #41 of 138

I thought your review was very good and honest. I'm glad you didn't come right out and say "they suck",like many other people that do reviews. I mean, if you just come out and say they suck,it's like saying; that's it, if "I" say they suck it's final. It was cool that you purchased them and tried them out with an open mind,whether you liked them or not.

To New Yorkers about where to get the Elite-840's:

I got mine at a "Coconuts Record Store" for $19.99
Oct 24, 2001 at 7:42 PM Post #42 of 138
The 888s I *do not* prefer over the KSC-35s, hands-down.

GENERALLY, I find them more musical.....but their bass sometimes is just irritating - and the KSC-35, thought a BIT muddy, are VERY good........

I doubt the sound will radically change........maybe, tho.....
Oct 24, 2001 at 8:17 PM Post #43 of 138
Hmm, it could be differences in tastes, though i doubt it can explain the wide differences in opinion...

Some of the more popular headphones in Asia are the sony Cd series, audio technicia, and especially the e888s, all of which are warm by our standards...
Oct 24, 2001 at 8:27 PM Post #44 of 138
On one note, I think Asians tend to enjoy listening to a lot of pop music, as the pop culture is very much alive in HK and Japan...which would mean perhaps a preference for midrange for vocals?
Oct 24, 2001 at 8:31 PM Post #45 of 138
Vertigo, how's that different from the majority of American listeners?

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