MacDEF's long-awaited Labtec Elite-840 review
Oct 24, 2001 at 8:37 PM Post #47 of 138
That is what I was thinking about...I think balance and frequency extensions are PRIMARY when it comes to orchestras or a lot of instrumentals.

But still I prefer balance and frequency extension myself. However for $20 dollars I think it is crazy that they even have velour pads as shown in those pictures. Even though MacDEF doesn't think them to be that comfortable...they just deceivingly look it for $20. So is the main issue of comfort from the top piece? Is this piece stretchable, or can the headphone somehow be stretched ala Grado? guys do know what pop stands for right?
Pop = Popular
Oct 24, 2001 at 8:40 PM Post #48 of 138
I always thought that Pop = crap. Or is that Rap? Nah, it's both
Oct 24, 2001 at 8:44 PM Post #49 of 138
No genre is inherently bad, IMO - I can't take most rap.......but SOME of it is ok with me. Just has to be well done (ala The guys, methinx).

And pop pop(ular) music - some is great. I mean, people today listen to "pop" of the past (Beatles, etc.).

Only now those bands are called "classic rock."

Oct 24, 2001 at 8:52 PM Post #50 of 138

No genre is inherently bad, IMO - I can't take most rap.......but SOME of it is ok with me

I can't, any of it, it's all dreadful! It's not music to me. Not even close to be music.


And pop pop(ular) music - some is great.

I can't listen to the radio or watch crap like MTV, it all makes me want to vomit. No Talent.


I mean, people today listen to "pop" of the past (Beatles, etc.).

Some people listen to ABBA, it doesn't make them suck any less!
There's even a play about it, it's still crap.


Only now those bands are called "classic rock

Those people are lying to themsleves.

Millions of people CAN be wrong, always remember that
Oct 24, 2001 at 9:08 PM Post #51 of 138

But still I prefer balance and frequency extension myself. However for $20 dollars I think it is crazy that they even have velour pads as shown in those pictures. Even though MacDEF doesn't think them to be that comfortable...they just deceivingly look it for $20. So is the main issue of comfort from the top piece? Is this piece stretchable, or can the headphone somehow be stretched ala Grado?

Nope, no stretching here. It's a plastic headband.

The most uncomfortable thing for me is that the support piece in the headband has what appears to be a cushion, but is basically hard. With some good padding there, the comfort would be MUCH, MUCH better. As is, they aren't UNcomfortable; just not very comfortable for extended listening.

Also, as I mentioned in the review, the "velour" pads are thin and soft, so they don't really offer much "cushion."

But, all that said, the build is surprisingly good for $20!
Oct 24, 2001 at 9:18 PM Post #52 of 138
I don't suppose the 840 is the right shape to be able to replace the pads w/ some real velour pads from Beyerdynamic? Although, that little tweak would almost double the cost of the thing...

Also, I suppose it would be pretty easy to just remove the original padding and glue some of your own in its place. Hmm, could this be... The Return of the Butter Knife?!?
Oct 24, 2001 at 10:26 PM Post #53 of 138
And what are OUR audiophile standards? I'd have to say most of the people on this forum and HeadWize are not audiophiles. Sure, they want to buy good headphones and equipment, but that's about it. There are only a few people who are constantly going out of their way to find the better/perfect sound. I admit that I probably can't be called an audiophile either, even though I've owned a bunch of quite decent headphones. I buy headphones to enjoy music, so I'm not one to criticize what I hear and try to change it unless something's obviously wrong. The past couple of months, there have been tons of posts from members asking what headphones they should buy, which is better than another, etc., in someone else's opinion. Then what happens? The person buys the headphone. What does the REAL audiophile do after that? I'd guess that most just sit back and enjoy their equipment.

I don't think there's such a big standard here from most of the forum members, which is why I only care for the opinions of a few. You get to know which of these stand out as audiophiles by what they post.
Oct 24, 2001 at 10:41 PM Post #54 of 138
KR: That's just opinion, man

Seriously - most pop music DOES suck.

But some of it is different......maybe not good in your opinion.....but different (Incubus? I dunno.....whatever you think is weird.....).....and.....well.....different=imagina tive=creative=moving forward OR backward=
Oct 24, 2001 at 11:50 PM Post #55 of 138
About the comments on what kind of music Asian enjoy over the Western ppls, this probably reinforce the fact that the 840 are so popular over there. For some reasons that I can't explain, I still prefer Asian pop-star musics lot more than over the Western one. It's like I prefer clear detail music over the heavy bass typed. I DON'T like the fast paced songs with all these BOOM BOOM going on. (LOL I'm suck eh? newbie..sigh) And what you guys mention about the mid-range and bass thingly is related to this.

MacDEF is right about if Koss headphones are hard to find in Asia, it's not strange to see why the Elite 840 is an attractive alternative over other available cheap headphones.

Dkswong, try to get those ppls from the other forum to read this review and have their comments on it.

Sigh, if the Labtec 840 were available in Austraila, I would have brought it along with a KOSS Ur20 or KSC35 and try them myself.
Oct 25, 2001 at 1:43 AM Post #56 of 138

KR: That's just opinion, man

It sure is, you can like that stuff all you want, I really don't care. In saying that it's crap, I am not only talking about the music itself (my opinion
) but, most of all, the way the CD was recorded, aka crap (that's a fact). Most audiophiles rather listen to CDs that were recorded to audiophile standards, that's why they are audiophiles, because they care about how the music sounds.

Maybe, I am too harsh sometimes

Oct 25, 2001 at 2:04 AM Post #57 of 138
i suppose i'll be heading over to coconuts tomorrow. i wonder how the 840's compare to the koss r100 (which i got for $30)? i suppose i'll see.
Oct 25, 2001 at 2:23 AM Post #58 of 138

Vertigo, how's that different from the majority of American listeners?

First of all, I had no idea even that pop stood for "popular". Given that fact now though, it's a little more clearer to me now, that music preferences could be why so many people like those Labtecs in Asia.

Have you ever heard Asian pop before? It's a FAR cry from what we have here in America, where rap and teeny boppers is defined as the pop/rap genre. Uh uh, go listen to Asian pop, it is WAY different, and involves a lot of vocals. I don't think rap exists much in Asia. Given that, I'm not surprised at all there's a preference for warmer headphones in Asia. I listen to some Asian pop myself (even though I don't understand it :p), and it definitely sounds nicer on warm headphones.
Oct 25, 2001 at 2:51 AM Post #59 of 138
I've heard lots of CantoPop and J-Pop. Most of what I've heard, however, is not too far removed from what I've heard here. In fact, most of it is derivative. Japanese rock, rap, and punk groups started making their way into college music circles while I was in college (93-97). Warm phones may apply to all pop, where bad production and screechy vocals are often involved (not to mention awful cymbals).

Now I have to go find a Coconuts...
Oct 25, 2001 at 3:05 AM Post #60 of 138
The term audiophile gets thrown about far too often IMHO.

Audio-phile = audio - lover.

Nothing more nothing less. Whatever you extrapolate from audiophile is up to you. It's been done for decades so why not continue?

What you are talking about seems to be equipment-for-music-reproduction-phile.

I want to set the record straight and claim that I'm a musicphile, because I LOVE MUSIC! I don't care much for equipment. I just want to enjoy music.

In the visual arts, what is the difference between an artist, and art lover, an art collector and an art critic?


Originally posted by Possum
And what are OUR audiophile standards? I'd have to say most of the people on this forum and HeadWize are not audiophiles. Sure, they want to buy good headphones and equipment, but that's about it. There are only a few people who are constantly going out of their way to find the better/perfect sound. I admit that I probably can't be called an audiophile either, even though I've owned a bunch of quite decent headphones. I buy headphones to enjoy music, so I'm not one to criticize what I hear and try to change it unless something's obviously wrong. The past couple of months, there have been tons of posts from members asking what headphones they should buy, which is better than another, etc., in someone else's opinion. Then what happens? The person buys the headphone. What does the REAL audiophile do after that? I'd guess that most just sit back and enjoy their equipment.

I don't think there's such a big standard here from most of the forum members, which is why I only care for the opinions of a few. You get to know which of these stand out as audiophiles by what they post.


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