Luxury & Precision (LP) W4, Successor to Their Popular W1/W2 USB Dongle is Here!
Jul 16, 2023 at 10:20 AM Post #931 of 1,494
My W4 doesn't even gets warm after many hours of use with the laptop. I will definitely ask the seller for a replacement just in case.
Same, lukewarm is the hottest it gets after also hours of use with my phone. I've even run Sennheiser hd 800 for hours through balanced port, lukewarm the hottest it gets.
Maybe he somehow exposed it to water and it short-circuited inside, that would explain "extremely hot", because "extremely hot" is not how fully functional intact W4 operates, sounds like a complete malfunction, the question is just how he got there, lack of luck and got a bad batch, or conveniently forgetting dipping it into a coffee mug and other water related misadventures, which happens all the time with phones, dongles, everything.
That's one of the two, no other way.
Jul 16, 2023 at 2:02 PM Post #933 of 1,494
Just wondering if they are using an SE cable with an adapter to plug into the balanced output socket? That would cause shorts for sure.

Had someone recently pinging me about their usb-c cable getting overheated at the connector. Wasn't a short OTG cable, just a regular usb-c/usb-A charging cable with a dongle connected to PC. Turned out to be a defective cable, thus my suggestion to try another cable :)
Jul 16, 2023 at 3:01 PM Post #934 of 1,494
Had someone recently pinging me about their usb-c cable getting overheated at the connector. Wasn't a short OTG cable, just a regular usb-c/usb-A charging cable with a dongle connected to PC. Turned out to be a defective cable, thus my suggestion to try another cable :)
Yeah, that certainly could do it.
Jul 16, 2023 at 3:16 PM Post #935 of 1,494
Please define 'extremely hot' - Like warm to the touch kinda hot, almost burning your hand hot, or boiling water hot? If it is the former, I'll say it is relatively normal, if it is the latter two then obviously something is wrong. I don't really purposely burn in my W4, but even after an hour or so of listening, I'll say it is barely lukewarm at most.
It was definitely boiling water hot. Could touch the W4 only less than a second because it's hurt directly. I've used an audioquest carbon USB c cable and my EE Odin which is not really hard to drive...
Jul 16, 2023 at 3:18 PM Post #936 of 1,494
Had someone recently pinging me about their usb-c cable getting overheated at the connector. Wasn't a short OTG cable, just a regular usb-c/usb-A charging cable with a dongle connected to PC. Turned out to be a defective cable, thus my suggestion to try another cable :)
I've tried it again with the little USB C stock cable...same problem...
Jul 16, 2023 at 4:14 PM Post #938 of 1,494
Hi guys!
I've tried to do burn in with the W4 without the leather case but after a few hours playing some music via PC the W4 was getting extremely hot and there was only a hissing noise instead of the tracks I've tried to play. After cooling down the W4 is now getting hot after two tracks...I don't want do bake beans with this dongle...its so disappointing...
Has anyone the same problem?

Hi, maybe you can connect it to the usb out of your Hiby DAP (to rule out any pc usb issues)?
Jul 16, 2023 at 6:06 PM Post #939 of 1,494
Sounds like an internal power to ground short. If that is the case, definitely ask for a replacement
... but above all I would avoid connecting valuable iems...
Jul 18, 2023 at 3:43 AM Post #941 of 1,494
Is the W4 worth over W4 EX, especially for only IEM user?
I am planning to update my W2.
I wouldn't even consider the EX version... in your place I would choose between the W4 and the RU7... but having already the W2 maybe I would take the RU7(if power consumption is not a problem).
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Jul 18, 2023 at 4:21 AM Post #942 of 1,494
I wouldn't even consider the EX version... in your place I would choose between the W4 and the RU7... but having already the W2 maybe I would take the RU7(if power consumption is not a problem).
My RU7 should arrive in the upcoming weeks. RU7, unfortunately, is more of a desktop DAC/AMP.
I recently found that W2 with UAC: 2.0 sounds neutral and smooth. Now I prefer W2 over iFi Go Bar. For some reason, I used it only with UAC: 1.0 before, which sounded slightly cold and upper-mid emphasized. But with UAC: 2.0, the voltage on iPhone drops to 4.95V (UAC: 1.0 has 5.05V), negatively affecting the SQ. I'm looking for an upgrade for my W2 with the same sound signature but better smartphone compatibility (less power bottleneck problem and better EMI shielded).
Do you think W4 EX and W4 have a gap in SQ in IEM?
Jul 18, 2023 at 4:27 AM Post #943 of 1,494

Spanish snake leather
Jul 18, 2023 at 5:48 AM Post #945 of 1,494

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