Livewires - California Dreamin'
Jan 13, 2008 at 6:47 AM Post #451 of 3,902

Originally Posted by fatman711 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
so how do these sound compared to let's say the e500s or the se530?

I think that comparison comes out mixed. I believe one early reviewer felt that the E500/SE530 sounded better to their ears than their LiveWires, but HeadphoneAddict, someone who has owned both, prefers the LiveWires.

I'm guessing like most of the IEMs in the upper range, it all comes down to preference/priorities, like what music you listen to and how you like your sound shaped.

Deciding on priorities might bring up the discussion of LiveWires being custom instead of universal, comfort, less microphonic cable, etc.
Jan 13, 2008 at 6:48 AM Post #452 of 3,902

Originally Posted by fatman711 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
so how do these sound compared to let's say the e500s or the se530?

SEE POST BELOW - a post for the Denon C700 thread ended up here by accident.
Jan 13, 2008 at 7:00 AM Post #453 of 3,902

Originally Posted by PeterDLai /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I think that comparison comes out mixed. I believe one early reviewer felt that the E500/SE530 sounded better to their ears than their LiveWires, but HeadphoneAddict, someone who has owned both, prefers the LiveWires.

I'm guessing like most of the IEMs in the upper range, it all comes down to preference/priorities, like what music you listen to and how you like your sound shaped.

Deciding on priorities might bring up the discussion of LiveWires being custom instead of universal, comfort, less microphonic cable, etc.

The Livewires are closer to an Etymotic in detail, but with more bass than an Etymotic, combined with more midrange warmth like the SE530. Or, they could be said to be like Ultimate Ears 5 Pro without the midrange suckout, and more warmth without being too bright. In other words, nothing like the Etymotic or Ultimate Ears.

The SE530 are more mellow than most balanced armatures, and with the right tips can be more balanced. They don't seem to add unfortunate coloration to the music, and the Denon and Livewires similarly just reproduce the music so that you can hear past the earphones and get right to the instruments and voices.

But, the highs are more etched with the Livewires than SE530 or Denon, and some people want the more mellow sound. Then you get reports that the person likes the SE530 better. I think there is a right time for either kind of sound. The Denon are a middle ground, and I think are a bridge between the mellow SE530 and the more detailed full range Livewires.
Jan 13, 2008 at 7:09 AM Post #454 of 3,902
I am getting my SE530s in a couple days... I will compare and offer my two cents when I get a listen! Sometimes the livewires fatigue my ears. I want to see if that just happens with the in your face sound of IEMs or whether its the livewires themselves. I am a grado, indie rock kind of girl and prefer "fun" cans...but sometimes you just want to mellow out. Therefore, headphoneaddict is right...there is a right time for each sound... I am hoping that the SE530s will be a good middle ground.

With customs its a toss up. You can't really grasp the sound until you have the IEMs in your ears for examination and that goes for any headphone...but with customs there is an extra risk. Hopefully I can offer some of my own tidbits in this much asked for comparison.
Jan 13, 2008 at 11:55 AM Post #457 of 3,902

Originally Posted by FeedMeTrance /img/forum/go_quote.gif
how are these impacted by rain? and sweat in teh ears?

I always cover my head in serious rain (umbrella) so I can't comment on that.

Sweat is dependent on the individual and the weather. I experience it more on humid days (here in FeedMeTrance's Australia

For me two hours of Livewires generally leads to a sweat related itchiness that I can quickly address by having a brief Livewires-free period (for the ears to dry out a bit) during which time I clean the Livewires with an Alcohol Swab - you can get these in a bulk pack from a chemist, FeedMeTrance - I've always cleaned my IEMs with them after use so I've got a clean set of IEMs ready the next time I need 'em - they're also handy for cleaning tips when sharing other IEMs at meets
Jan 20, 2008 at 6:03 AM Post #458 of 3,902
How to these compare to the UE 10's?

I though I read in the forums that somebody sold their once they got the Livewires, but I can't find the post.
Jan 20, 2008 at 7:30 AM Post #459 of 3,902

Originally Posted by wquiles /img/forum/go_quote.gif
How to these compare to the UE 10's?

I though I read in the forums that somebody sold their once they got the Livewires, but I can't find the post.

Is this what you are looking for?

I actually had the LW first, and decided I had to try the 10 Pro just in case I was missing something. They went away as partial trade plus my ER6i and cash for some vintage STAX Lambda Signature headphones.

If I didn't already have Livewires, SE530, Denon C700, and Altec IM716 I would have kept both the and ER6i, but such is life. I actually haven't listened to my SE530 since 11/05/07, but that is another story for another time...
Jan 20, 2008 at 2:47 PM Post #460 of 3,902

Originally Posted by HeadphoneAddict /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Is this what you are looking for?

I actually had the LW first, and decided I had to try the 10 Pro just in case I was missing something. They went away as partial trade plus my ER6i and cash for some vintage STAX Lambda Signature headphones.

If I didn't already have Livewires, SE530, Denon C700, and Altec IM716 I would have kept both the and ER6i, but such is life. I actually haven't listened to my SE530 since 11/05/07, but that is another story for another time...

Yes, I think that was the one - thanks much!

I really, really like the sound from my Triple 10's, but have not been able to find happiness with any of the universal tips, so as my last resort I am trying custom tips from AverySound:

If this "fails", I am MOST definitely going for a true custom IEM, either the Livewires (2-driver) or the fairly new FreQ (3-driver), both which cost even less than my Triple 10's. In fact, I can sell my Triple 10's and have enough money left over to buy either one of those two!

Jan 21, 2008 at 4:49 AM Post #461 of 3,902
Is there any consensus on the best way to take the mold impressions? Closed mouth or open mouth, or occasionally opening your mouth as recommended by Live Wire? I'm probably going to get mine done this week, and I'm confused as to what to tell the audiologist.
Jan 21, 2008 at 8:27 AM Post #462 of 3,902

Originally Posted by lindakoy /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Is there any consensus on the best way to take the mold impressions? Closed mouth or open mouth, or occasionally opening your mouth as recommended by Live Wire? I'm probably going to get mine done this week, and I'm confused as to what to tell the audiologist.

Molds and and impressions are two different things. You only need the impressions, not molds which are expensive. Make sure you explain to the audiologist you only need the impressions. My audiologist did them for free, so they shouldn't cost you much to have impressions made.

I had my impressions done with my mouth in a relaxed position, but it seems the consensus is that open mouthed impressions have been yielding a better fit.

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