Headphoneus Supremus
Try tube rolling first. It's more effective than opamp rolling
The extenders finally arrived, lucky I ordered 2 as I clumsily managed to break a connection on the first installation, too eager to hear the V5. Straight away I can hear a difference between this opamp and my Muses02.
First impression is of greater detail retrieval, tighter and more refined bass and a more 3D soundstage. This admittedly is after a very short listen using well known tracks to me. Waiting to see if this will change after a period of burn in.
I realize your last post in this thread was a few months ago but I wondered if you had any pics of the Burson extender and op amp in their final positions. Also, what are your impressions of the Burson V5-OPA-D now that you've had a chance to listen for an extended period?
Thx in advance.
nobody tried the Burson V5i in the little dot I+ ? cause the "i" version is smaller with the same sound.
[CONTENTEMBED=/products/burson-audio-supreme-sound-opamp-v5i layout=block] [/CONTENTEMBED]
I'm waiting for the Burson V5i directly from Australia ... Hope to receive it fastly , I take also a Sennheiser Momentum V1 hoping it'll be good with the little dot