List of High-End Analog Source Owners on Head-Fi Continued
Mar 27, 2010 at 3:13 PM Post #181 of 256
Apr 3, 2010 at 4:13 PM Post #184 of 256
Some vintage goodness in the headphone system: Dunlop Systemdek Transcription Turntable rejuvenated by my friend Andre Hanekom, a NOS SME Series IIIs Tonearm, Blue Angel Mantis Chelonia Cartridge into a Tom Evans Groove phono pre.

Apr 3, 2010 at 8:30 PM Post #185 of 256
SCHWEEEEEET! Very nice, Afrikane.
Apr 4, 2010 at 1:06 AM Post #186 of 256

Originally Posted by Skylab /img/forum/go_quote.gif
SCHWEEEEEET! Very nice, Afrikane.

Apr 14, 2010 at 3:47 AM Post #187 of 256


I also have a Transcriptors Hydraulic Reference Turntable;

Apr 14, 2010 at 12:52 PM Post #188 of 256
That TNT is beautiful!
Apr 16, 2010 at 10:40 PM Post #189 of 256
I feel lust in my heart for that Transcriptors Hydraulic Table - zounds, that thing looks cool.
Jul 19, 2010 at 12:53 AM Post #191 of 256
Had an EPA-500 arm on my SOTA for a couple weeks. Really nice sounding arm, and the smooth dial-a-VTA adjustment was wicked. It could just barely accommodate a 10g cart (at ~ 2.5g tracking weight), and now I have need for >13g  - so a bigger counterweight combined with the removable headshell lead me to stick with the Fidelity Reasearch FR-64fx that's served well for 3 years. Still, that Technics arm was a really nice piece.
Jul 20, 2010 at 9:13 PM Post #192 of 256
Well, my Ortofon Kontrapunkt C is dead. Never fear, however as I have the MC Windfeld on prder and should get it by Friday.
Can't wait.
Jul 21, 2010 at 1:11 AM Post #193 of 256
Well, my Ortofon Kontrapunkt C is dead. Never fear, however as I have the MC Windfeld on prder and should get it by Friday.
Can't wait.

If you don't mind my asking, how did it die? Cantilever, stylus, accident, etc? Mine is a year old and sounding at its best.
The Per Windfeld's resolving power is insane, and it offers the highest signal/noise ratio I've heard in a cart - it's amazing how much cruft on the surface it can cut through. Also has the tightest, most palpable bass. Through the full spectrum (and that is a WIDE range) it's clean and utterly grain-less, but in my system it's also a bit hot in the mids/upper-mids region. Hopefully that'll tame a bit with long term break-in. The Kontrapunkt c is definitely the warmer (more "romantic" as some might say) cart, and honestly that kind of balance is more favorable in a live-ish room like mine with lots of hard surfaces.
By the way, these are NOT subtle differences - they're obvious and striking! I recently picked up a Benz Ref 3 and that cart sounds quite different (but great) as well (another warm cart there). All these spare removable headshells are facilitating my little cartridge "problem".
Enjoy :)
Jul 21, 2010 at 1:49 AM Post #195 of 256

If you don't mind my asking, how did it die? Cantilever, stylus, accident, etc? Mine is a year old and sounding at its best.
The Per Windfeld's resolving power is insane, and it offers the highest signal/noise ratio I've heard in a cart - it's amazing how much cruft on the surface it can cut through. Also has the tightest, most palpable bass. Through the full spectrum (and that is a WIDE range) it's clean and utterly grain-less, but in my system it's also a bit hot in the mids/upper-mids region. Hopefully that'll tame a bit with long term break-in. The Kontrapunkt c is definitely the warmer (more "romantic" as some might say) cart, and honestly that kind of balance is more favorable in a live-ish room like mine with lots of hard surfaces.
By the way, these are NOT subtle differences - they're obvious and striking! I recently picked up a Benz Ref 3 and that cart sounds quite different (but great) as well (another warm cart there). All these spare removable headshells are facilitating my little cartridge "problem".
Enjoy :)

Relax, my Kontra is over 4 years old and it was simply its time... Jeez, I made it sound like it died in its sleep.
Curious about your impression about the Windfeld Vs Kontra C. I've always found the Kontra C to be really neutral and not warm at all.
Are you running the Windfeld now or was that just a demo?
My only worry is that the output of the Windfeld versus my Kontra is lower (0.3 compared to 0.5) and with the hum already present in my system it won't make things worse as I'll have to have the volume knob cranked up a bit.

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