List of High-End Analog Source Owners on Head-Fi Continued
Jan 29, 2010 at 4:12 PM Post #136 of 256

Originally Posted by doctorcilantro /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Clearaudio Innovation Compact AMG Wood Magnum (poor bix will be sold off).

My theory is, since both innovation and innovation compact; have the motor mounted on the plinth (however isolated in some way?), the CMB is very, very effective.

I had looked at Ada Lin's airbearing MG3 but I don't have time to do a kit now although I was prepared to accommodate another air pump, maybe under the listening room. Cool table bu the clear audio is more proven and a better long term investment methinks.

In my search for a new table, I did come across about 3-4 demo ClearAudio tables in case anyone is interested. Avantegarde Magnum, Solution 30mm platter AMG Wood, and a Performance SE magnum, maybe one more.

Beautiful table! You have a very interesting vinyl rig.
Feb 2, 2010 at 1:37 PM Post #137 of 256
I have an Origin Live Sovereign Mk 1 on the way in. This is the original version of their top-of-the-line table and was about $6K when new, so I think it qualifies.

Feb 2, 2010 at 1:40 PM Post #138 of 256
VERY nice looking TT!
Feb 6, 2010 at 9:48 PM Post #140 of 256
Clearaudio Ref table.....Graham 2.2 arm + extra arm wand....Clearaudio TQ1 arm .Clearaudio Power supply/speed controller...Lyra "Helikon" + Clearaudio "Signature" MCs...... Hovland "G 2" phono cable.........Sota Clamp.....VPI 16.5 LP cleaner
Feb 7, 2010 at 4:09 AM Post #143 of 256
doctorcilantro, It's a older 70mm platter.....What you can't see in the this photo is the Clearaudio "Accurate Power generator/speed controller".......That really made a difference in the sound, believe it or not........I'd tell everyone with a table who doesn't have a speed/power cond. to get one! I've seen some VPI guys' using theirs in this thread....For lack of a better term "It" tightens up the sound of your table/arm/cart.
Feb 7, 2010 at 4:34 AM Post #144 of 256
Interesting, I probably won't get one, right away at least, given the literature on the Innovation. Mine is coming with a 70mm...not sure what they do 80mm on (but a CMB bearing upgrade is listed for 80mm platters is on Music Direct).

Is that a Lyra cart?

Feb 7, 2010 at 5:17 AM Post #145 of 256

Originally Posted by doctorcilantro /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Interesting, I probably won't get one, right away at least, given the literature on the Innovation. Mine is coming with a 70mm...not sure what they do 80mm on (but a CMB bearing upgrade is listed for 80mm platters is on Music Direct).

Is that a Lyra cart?


Yes, that's my Lyra "Helikon" mc.... I love the sound even over my back-up Clearaudio "Signature" mc..... It has alot to do with my phono preamp, "Chris Ivan Audio" tube unit, it uses 2 amprex SQ 7308 tubes, its power supply is a Tube "Lambda" out board unit..... "Chris Ivan Audio" Google him.....As for your Question about 80mm platters, I don't think There is one, BUT DO GET the CMB option!!! Money well spent!!!!OH! I do love the sound of this table combo! You'll go crazy with yours, good luck!
Feb 13, 2010 at 1:49 AM Post #146 of 256
Birthday present : VPI Scout with signature arm with a new Denon 301 mk II.

I will keep my Cambridge Audio p640 phono stage for now.

Retiring my Dad's 70ish Mitsubishi DP-6.
Feb 13, 2010 at 2:22 PM Post #147 of 256
Nice! I love my VPI
Feb 14, 2010 at 4:56 PM Post #148 of 256

Originally Posted by Skylab /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Nice! I love my VPI

Rob, do you still have the Denon sitting in a box somewhere or did you get rid of it? I've been looking for a 59l and haven't had much luck finding one.

Congrats on the VPI by the way!
Feb 14, 2010 at 9:16 PM Post #149 of 256

Originally Posted by digitalmind /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Rob, do you still have the Denon sitting in a box somewhere or did you get rid of it? I've been looking for a 59l and haven't had much luck finding one.

Congrats on the VPI by the way!

Oh, it's much more than in a box - it's all set up in my office
One of the great advantages of working from home. I love my VPI, and it's the better sounding deck, but they will have to pry the DP-59L from my cold, dead hands. I will never get rid of it. Fortunately I actually have a way to still use it!

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