Lilith Audio Player
Jan 22, 2014 at 7:56 AM Post #481 of 507
You can open the readme text in the Lilith folder in the Chrome browser for an English translation of the Japanese......for an in depth tutorial
Jan 30, 2014 at 12:10 PM Post #483 of 507
Did try an earlier version or download the latest version again? Perhaps it I a wonky download. You can email Northern Verse the author with your question. He is very fast with an answer.
Jan 30, 2014 at 12:27 PM Post #484 of 507
I believe this is the email
Jun 28, 2014 at 6:45 PM Post #487 of 507
Good to be back home, uLilith really does everything I want after all

I got sick of foobar, its VST plugin wrapper that barely works(the foobar ppl even advise steering cleal from it as it's the cause of many crash reports and it's leaking memory like crazy with some EQ plugins IME).
Native VST plugin/WASAPI/ASIO support, 64fp pipeline, a very convenient GUI, freeware and only consuming 50MB of memory, I don't see any competition to uLilith
It even does automatic latency compensation allowing the use of any linear phase EQ without any glitch, no other player does that AFAIK.
Dec 26, 2014 at 3:21 PM Post #489 of 507
For ultimate sound quality from the PC, I recommend checking out Jplay. It far, far surpasses anything foobar or uLilith alone can output. In my system it made a bigger difference than the last DAC upgrade I made. Absolutely amazing. I'm not affiliated with them in any way but I did purchase the full version after listening for about half an hour.
Feb 17, 2015 at 9:01 AM Post #490 of 507
hey guys ! 
well I've tried Foobar2000 and Ulilith. Finally decided to go with Ulilith due to superior sound quality :) However, I notice that setting my output to DirectSound produces much louder sound than WASAPI, although the latter one wins in terms of sound quality. But I'm curious because I googled for this phenomenon (DS louder than WASAPI) but no one seems to mention it. Does it only happen to me ? Is there anyway to fix this problem ?
Mar 11, 2015 at 11:41 AM Post #491 of 507
  For ultimate sound quality from the PC, I recommend checking out Jplay. It far, far surpasses anything foobar or uLilith alone can output. In my system it made a bigger difference than the last DAC upgrade I made. Absolutely amazing. I'm not affiliated with them in any way but I did purchase the full version after listening for about half an hour.

no VST plugin support and headphones require EQ in order to sound neutral:
uLilith outshines foobar by a long shot on my rig, which makes KS sound harsh and WASAPI/ASIO flabby compared to the former IME.
And again it supports automatic VST latency compensation allowing the use of TOTL Linear Phase EQ's, no other player supports this AFAIK.
Sep 7, 2015 at 3:41 AM Post #492 of 507
I just found Lilith Audio Player, looking for an alternative for Foobar.
I downloaded and use version '2015-07-31_x64Core2' and the thing is great sounding.

Dec 21, 2015 at 6:45 AM Post #494 of 507
  The audio pipeline of uLilith runs is in 64fp from start to end: volume control, VST plugins, EQ and all other built-in DSP's. Either you send it as-is to your audio drivers and hope for the best, or you convert it to 32fp/24int/32int, your choice.

is that for sure.
I thought VST's are limited by spec. to max 32bit float for input and output audio bit-depth, even 64bit VST's and even those are doing 64bit float math or higher internally.

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