Lets Talk Metal
Oct 25, 2011 at 12:23 AM Post #4,606 of 29,755
Dave, im liking that Graveworm cd quite a bit, so thanks for recommending that one.
And Trogdor! this year is turning out to be ******* nuts for Progressive metal, becuase i finally got around to checking out Voyager's new cd, which got an amazing review on AMG's blog, and its definitely another winner in the vein of Leprous and Anubis Gate.
Oct 25, 2011 at 7:00 AM Post #4,608 of 29,755
Sure. I'd give it an 8 or 8.5/10. It's a bit stronger in the middle than the beginning and end, but the whole thing is quite solid. The only thing missing is a silly pop cover. These are my favorite songs on the album:

Sorry, I have been ignoring, I will check this out soon Dave.
Oct 25, 2011 at 11:03 AM Post #4,609 of 29,755
If anyone of you metalheads are into the more atmospheric black metal stuff, sort of shoegaze-meets-black metal ("blackgaze"), check out the new Woods of Desolation album Torn Beyond Reason. Here are a couple of sample tracks:

Oct 25, 2011 at 1:29 PM Post #4,610 of 29,755
If anyone of you metalheads are into the more atmospheric black metal stuff, sort of shoegaze-meets-black metal ("blackgaze"), check out the new Woods of Desolation album Torn Beyond Reason. Here are a couple of sample tracks:


Good album. Was on my radar a while back when I was listening to Wolves and Alcest.
Oct 25, 2011 at 1:44 PM Post #4,611 of 29,755
Oct 25, 2011 at 6:22 PM Post #4,613 of 29,755
Just slipping this here (in case you haven't noticed I find myself with little time in my hands to participate in this thread as much as I used to), but anyways, check Nostalgia by Corelia.
This album (EP) is awesome, and it has already been mentioned before by other members in this same thread. I just have to keep listening to the whole. In my opinion 7 kick ass songs. Let me start with the first drop:

(And yeah, in the end the album stands by its name, again IMO)
Oct 25, 2011 at 8:59 PM Post #4,614 of 29,755
So with Graveworm we have a Goth band who became a Death Metal band. With Amorphis we have a Death Metal band who became a Goth band. Funny how things work out.


Oct 25, 2011 at 9:00 PM Post #4,615 of 29,755
On the You Tube link:
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Rejoice in Dark Fortress.

Oct 26, 2011 at 12:38 AM Post #4,616 of 29,755

Just slipping this here (in case you haven't noticed I find myself with little time in my hands to participate in this thread as much as I used to), but anyways, check Nostalgia by Corelia.
This album (EP) is awesome, and it has already been mentioned before by other members in this same thread. I just have to keep listening to the whole. In my opinion 7 kick ass songs. Let me start with the first drop:

(And yeah, in the end the album stands by its name, again IMO)

Another fan :D
The Ep is around 30minutes, when listening to it, it feels much shorter, and on reflection after listening it seems much longer, the whole experience of listening to it is rather like a dream, and
It really is amazing, They take everything about good prog, and do it better, and this is their first ep, all of the songs on it are the first tracks that any of the members have written, they have described it as a learning process, so My ears can only dream about how good the next release will be.

And if you listen to the Ep before you sleep every night, You get an amazing feeling, (I've been doing this since the start of September when it was released)
Oct 26, 2011 at 1:39 AM Post #4,617 of 29,755
Quick search showed that no-one's mentioned Steelwing on this thread. They came out with an absolutely kick-ass debut album last year titled 'Lord of the Wasteland', which is pretty much a tribute to all that was great about the 80s metal scene. Here's one of the singles off that album:

After hearing a couple of songs off their upcoming album, 'Zone of Alienation', I can say that they're really coming into their own and it's even better.
Oct 26, 2011 at 8:32 PM Post #4,618 of 29,755

Quick search showed that no-one's mentioned Steelwing on this thread. They came out with an absolutely kick-ass debut album last year titled 'Lord of the Wasteland', which is pretty much a tribute to all that was great about the 80s metal scene. Here's one of the singles off that album:

Not bad, a lot better than most of the revival metal garbage that's coming out these days.  Reminds me of a mix of Helloween and Stryper.  Only issue is that the main riff sounds kind sloppy, is there any other songs to check out, with stronger riffs?
I guess while I'm at it, I'll share something.  Local band from Baltimore called Oak.  Doom/Death.

(It "kicks in" at around the 1 minute mark)
Oct 26, 2011 at 8:42 PM Post #4,619 of 29,755
Don't know if it's already been mentioned, but "Kylesa" is pretty damn good. Sort of Lincoln Park meets Evanescence.
Also, not hardcore metal, but Chickenfoot III is quite enjoyable. Sammy Haggar on vocals and Satriani on guitar.
Oct 26, 2011 at 8:51 PM Post #4,620 of 29,755

Don't know if it's already been mentioned, but "Kylesa" is pretty damn good. Sort of Lincoln Park meets Evanescence.

I'm gonna be that guy and say, Kylesa's first album and 7" are good, their split with Cream Abdul Babar is ok, buuuuuuut, the band that they used to be, Damad was way better.  Also, they are considered crust punk not metal, but what evs.

Also, if you're into that whole Savannah GA sound, check out Baroness and Black Tusk.

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