Lets Talk Metal
Aug 7, 2010 at 3:20 PM Post #1,561 of 29,694

and stuff like Khanate which is pretty damn apocalyptic as well in my opinion. 

I have Khanate (self titled), Things Viral and Clean Hands Go Foul. I prefer the first two albums to their last, more drone on the first two. Although Clean My Heart is pretty good, in a 'oh god the world is coming to an end before my eyes' kind of way.
edit: Just listening again, I think I would prefer Khanate without vocals. So I've put on
Boris/ Merzbow Sun Baked Snow Cave
Aug 7, 2010 at 3:27 PM Post #1,562 of 29,694

Wow that band Aborym is nuts. Will have to check more of them out.

As I said in the above post, I feel they are criminally under-rated. For your enjoyment, I've put these in chronological order for you so you can hear how their sound has evolved, although I'll skip their first album as I feel they were still flirting around the sound they eventually settled into.... ah fuggit I'll add the industrial dancey number (yes, they put their guitars down):


Now for With No Human Intervention, their sci-fi black metal masterpiece.

Should be 'Goat' not 'Coat' lol

Random fact about the album, the drumming is all programmed. They did a good job making it not stick out too much IMO!
Their last album, a bit less industrial but still doing something different with BM:

Epic ending:

Anyway, that should convert you fully!
Aug 8, 2010 at 12:17 AM Post #1,563 of 29,694

I'll check Diabolicum and  Reverence out. I'm particularly looking for more bands like Aborym. I feel With No Human Intervention is a criminally overlooked extreme metal masterpiece and I haven't found many other bands that have made something similar. I've checked out DHG/Dødheimsgard wanted to like 666 International but it didn't really click with me.

I think I get what you mean! Check these out:

Aug 8, 2010 at 8:46 AM Post #1,564 of 29,694

Chimaira is alright.  They are aggressive.  If you like aggressive you'll like them.

Have you heard Infection? Again much different, not as a aggressive but still really good.
I thought this band was ok.  Im surprised to see 1million views on youtube.  I don't think they are that great, yet all the comments indicate otherwise.

I'd much rather listen to An Early Ending, Confide or Black Veil Brides
Top 10 (In no order and mixed in with recent stuff i like)  Way too hard to list just 10.
Still Remains
This Or The Apocalypse
Sienna Skies
All That Remains
The Arushna Accord
Us, From The Outside
36 Crazyfists
Growing up as a kid
Souls At Zero
From Autumn To Ashes



I am seeing Katatonia next month with Swallow the Sun. Have you seen them live? I know or have heard everyone on your list except for This or The Apocalypse, Greta, Spineshank and The Arushna Accord?
I feel bad.  We've gotten into a a lot of Black Metal links.  I just don't dig Black Metal.  Right now I just have too  much to live for....just kidding...just kidding...
Aug 8, 2010 at 6:44 PM Post #1,565 of 29,694


I think I get what you mean! Check these out:

Ahhh, I'd looked for tracks of theirs before on YouTube and had no luck. It's sort of Blut Aus Nordy but with way less dissonant atonal stuff. Like a less lo-fi Judas Iscariot that has embraced technology.
Oh yeah, there's that like, spacey black metal band... Darkspace I think, they're a bit repetitive but are on the right tracks. I basically need more guys doing black metal to wear neon corpse paint and read a bunch of sci-fi classics before they make some music.
Aug 8, 2010 at 8:58 PM Post #1,566 of 29,694
@Somnambulist, DHG used to perform with neon corpse paint. :) 
This is another track that fits your description. Check out the amazing drums and riffing. Abigor's "Fractal Possession" is a masterpiece in my opinion but it seems noone ever got into that album. 

Also, P.H.O.B.O.S. deserve more mention:

Machinerie Perfect (from Latvia!) have an album called "Exotic Dark Matter". Awesome industrial black metal. Couldn't find them on Youtube though.
Aug 9, 2010 at 12:14 AM Post #1,567 of 29,694
Traditional Heavy:
The Band that gave it the name Heavy Metal  John Kay's Band : Steppenwolf -  Song: Born to be Wild  Lyrics: Heavy Metal Thunder
First Real Heavy Metal Band IMHO Black Sabbath

I was going to Midnight Mass Christmas Eve the first time I heard  Black Sabbath, back in 1970 :)
Aug 9, 2010 at 11:19 AM Post #1,568 of 29,694
Allright, now I have second Sonisphere behind me. This time it was two day festival. Man, it was very dramatic experience in good and bad.
I havent much to say about Saturday, not too many metal bands. Serj Tankien wasnt particularly interesting. Alice In Chains was surprisingly good, but considering what kind of music they play it dragged on IMHO. I've never been into them, or Grunge overall. Volbeat was a surprise, fun and energic. I surprisingly liked it.  Apocalyptica is always fun to watch too. The Cult, not intersted but nice. Negative, blah. 69 Eyes, blah. HIM, double blah. It was a last band to play so we picked our stuff and left. Only truly good band on that day that I would have enjoyed so much would have been Stam1na but it was first band to play and I had to pick up my friend from train station and train was very late. And this was the official festival train for ***! VR, we know you are infamous for late scheludes but when official festival train is over 30 minutes late, EPIC FAIL! Jesus!

Also I got sunburns... nice... But sunday, oh boy. It started really good, with VERY DISASTEROUS middle and nice ending.
Imsomnium started the day. Wow, I really digged them. Finnish melodic deathmetal, but not in Norther and such way but much more closer to Gothenburg stuff, the better ones. I have take a closer look at this band
Profane Omen was nice, not my stuff but it was better than anything on saturday.
Anthrax was fricking awesome! I dont like their CDs but on live it was a blast.
Mokoma is always great so no comments there.
Slayer absolutely slayed. My neck and throat hurt a bit from headbanging and "singing" with Raining Blood and Angel Of Death. I was in heaven, so to speak.
Then disaster struck. We noticed a wierd looking cloud on the horizon, not too far away (And oddly enough it looked like a dragon head, everyone noticed :D ) Few minutes after Slayers set the festival was struck with strong downburst storm. It was possible that there was a small Tornado too somewhere according to news papers, or a Trombi as we Finnish call those. If there was, it was impossible to see anyway. But downburst storm was certain and what caused damage. Suddendly there was rain and hailstones flying almost arrowstraight to one direction, and thats the direction where the broken or loose equipment was also flying. Couple of Food and store tents were torn down and one was sent flying about 20 meters or so too. It was quite nasty feeling when water and small ice pieces are battering your back. It was also almost impossible to breath when the burst peaked! Only way I could get some oxygen was quick surface-breathing, hyperventilating sort off. It was very nasty feeling. Luckily the peak lasted only few ten seconds. But I would rather not experience that again anytime soon, feeling of getting drowned is not exactly fun. What elevated the mood was people singing a clichee finnish hit-crap song about storms and one joker screaming "Gods are angry at us". This disaster happening right after Slayer gig, I giggled at the irony within. :D
Second stage where Iggy Pop was just about to start was completely busted. Stage itself was standing, but equipment were destroyed. Luckily the main stage suffered only minor damage. 40 people were injured. 2 of them were relatively critical and sent to surgery, 6 was sent to hospital to patch up. Rest was luckily minor and were patched on festival, and most of those small injuries were caused by alcohol, people intoxicated falling in the storm. So we were very lucky in the end.
We were extremely wet and very miserable. I was so wet that even if I would have jumped to lake, it would have not made a difference to worse... this also marked a death to my brand new Nokia 5230 cellphone+navigator, it got completely soaked too. There went 125€ down the drain, guess how happy I am.
But we managed with unhealthy doses of childish humor, singing childrens songs about spider and rain.

So there we were, standing in muddy grass or flooding asphalt, waiting for what will happen to this festival. Yes, we waited. We are finnish and wont let such a minor thing as mother nature spook us. :D Only few people left during the storm, but still after the storm the festival area was practically still at full capacity.
They managed to get audio equipment on mainstage working and made announcement that second stage was so badly busted that it wont be used anymore. Iggy Pops and Motley Crües equipment (who was preparing to play on mainstage) were also totalled. Motley Crüe had to cancel to some peoples chagrin (saw some lady Motley fans borderline crying). Iggy Pop however refused to let us down and cancel his gig, and to bring up to mood he did come and play 4 songs, SEMI-ACOUSTIC. Crowd was clapping the beat and one of the Stooges was playing acoustic guitar and one was playing saxophone. It worked and was fun.
Unfortunately 4 songs is too short for Iggy to get any messed up ideas, bit dissapointing... 
In any case, while I wasnt expecting Iggy (other than his wierd ideas his music is quite unknown to me) my respect for him skyrocketed. If he ever comes to gig in Finland again, I want to see it.
After this we got good news. While some of Alice Coopers and Iron Maidens equipment were either damaged or too wet, Anthrax and Slayer loaned theirs to replace them so they could play the full gig! YAY!
Alice Coopers show was fantastic, though I didnt see the whole show as I was starving (and tired) and had to get something to eat so half of it I had to listen. Probaply a mistake.I really should have watched it to the end.
Iron Maiden was also fricking good. Dissapointingly they focused on either very new songs or very old ones, which I dont particularly like or am not familiar with. But it was still a blast. Bruce Dickinson was running and jumping (and slipping, it was still wet) like Duracell/Energizer bunny on speed. Even if he slipped at and fell at the beginning of the show, singing still started right on time, IN MIDDLE OF THE FLIGHT. It was both funny and awe-inspiringly awesome at the same time, a true professional!

So, I still had fun, despite getting sunburned on one day and soaked in cold water on second (heh). I definetly want to see Sonisphere next year too, hopefully this time without violent storms... I guess I can brag that I have survived Sonisphere of Pori 2010 too. :D
*edit* You can read a bit about it in here. I guess there are more information around the net too.
*edit2* Heh, just read that the storm also hit the airport, and there were small Tornados there! If there were Trombies/Tornado on Festival is not certain, but on airport there was. And Iron Maidens (or actually thier roadies) airplane took a hit! o_O
Aug 9, 2010 at 4:47 PM Post #1,570 of 29,694
Maza, I also enjoyed Volbeat when I heard them. Pretty interesting.
Aug 9, 2010 at 7:04 PM Post #1,571 of 29,694
I highly recommend the new Black Label Society album, Order of the Black. Their last few releases have been somewhat boring, but this one ranks up with the best they've ever done. The ballads may not be for everybody, but the heavy tracks are absolutely blistering, with killer solos. Production is excellent, especially by the atrocious standards of 2010.

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