Lets Talk Metal
May 28, 2010 at 7:49 AM Post #1,292 of 29,755

There's lots of use of multitracked vocals in metal. Some people don't like it, but frankly I'm ecstatic if a metal album isn't brick walled. I could care less about how many vocal tracks there are. Just give me some damn dynamics, please.

Nergal of Behemoth comes to mind - the multitracked vocals were a minus point on Demigod (felt too gimmicky), but thankfully it's done to a lesser extent on Evangelion.
May 28, 2010 at 12:30 PM Post #1,293 of 29,755

yeah,i guess i don't mind also.  i just thought about when they are on a live show...do they use it also?

I don't think you can. As far as I know, on the studio album their vocals are recorded multiple times and layered together. Of course there are processors that can be used on stage, but I don't think its the same thing. There's also lots of other studio tricks used. As an example, listen to Bjorn Strid sing the clean parts of a Soilwork song live. VERY different (and a lot worse) than the album version.
May 28, 2010 at 1:12 PM Post #1,294 of 29,755
I am going to the metalshop on sunday and getting me one album of moonsorrow!  I havn't decide on which one though..  I checked them up and they are great,great folk melodies.  i also like the vocals very much,they are black metal vocals.
I think i will get one album of ensiferum too,they are also a must.
May 30, 2010 at 8:02 AM Post #1,295 of 29,755
Can you guys recommend some non-conventional metal that's more inventive and not formulaic or traditional?
Some of the metal I like are ones like Devin Townsend (particular songs from Biomech like Seventh Wave and Regulator, or  Addicted! and Universe In A Ball from the Addicted album , and even some Strapping Young Lad songs like Oh My F-cking God and Far Beyond Metal), and Samael (after they became more industrial sounding), Slayer (the more recent albums).
May 30, 2010 at 12:59 PM Post #1,297 of 29,755

Can you guys recommend some non-conventional metal that's more inventive and not formulaic or traditional?
Some of the metal I like are ones like Devin Townsend (particular songs from Biomech like Seventh Wave and Regulator, or  Addicted! and Universe In A Ball from the Addicted album , and even some Strapping Young Lad songs like Oh My F-cking God and Far Beyond Metal), and Samael (after they became more industrial sounding), Slayer (the more recent albums).

You may want to check out Pain, Peter Tagtgren of Hypocrisy's industrial/metal side band. Other possibilities... Filter maybe? I got tired of Short Bus in a hurry, but the more recent Filter albums are still very enjoyable listens.
May 30, 2010 at 3:49 PM Post #1,299 of 29,755
Check out the cd Fortress by Protest the Hero

May 31, 2010 at 12:59 AM Post #1,301 of 29,755

I am going to the metalshop on sunday and getting me one album of moonsorrow!  I havn't decide on which one though..  I checked them up and they are great,great folk melodies.  i also like the vocals very much,they are black metal vocals.
I think i will get one album of ensiferum too,they are also a must.

Definitely go for Verisäkeet.  Honestly, it is the best pagan/folk/viking metal album ever.  The last track is crap, but the first four are divine.
May 31, 2010 at 1:16 AM Post #1,302 of 29,755

Can you guys recommend some non-conventional metal that's more inventive and not formulaic or traditional?

Hmmmm are you looking for something more specific? These are some of my favorite "inventive" metal bands right now, blending different styles very well:


Jun 1, 2010 at 2:02 AM Post #1,305 of 29,755
kind of off the beaten path here, but the only dragonforce i ever really listened to was inhuman rampage, and at that really only through the fire and the flames, so much of their music seemed so repetitive, and it got boring after a while. Then when the new cd came out, i checked it, and it just seemed like inhuman rampage rehashed.
but then like 2 weeks ago i read a review on metal underground for the Valley of the Damned, which was their first cd, they remixed/remastered/re-recorded it. And they said that anyone that liked dragon force had to check it out. So i did, and holy bejebus, this cd is amazing, so much more creative and artistic and musical than any of the rest of the crap they are putting out on cd nowadays. I can sit down and listen to the whole cd all the way through and enjoy the entire thing.
I think the title track is one of the best songs they've ever written.


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