Lets Talk Metal
May 26, 2016 at 9:32 AM Post #23,161 of 29,702
Over 19 minutes and 6 songs, this is a big EP.

Yeah, for a Death Metal band :D
Nothing will beat Moonsorrows 60 minute long 5 track Tulimyrsky EP anytime soon.
May 26, 2016 at 12:02 PM Post #23,163 of 29,702
Someone started following me on Bandcamp, and I have no idea why, because I barely do anything on there.
  Can you classify it as an EP then?

It seems that it is classified as an EP because it has covers and rerecorded songs, not all original material.
Here's another longer release that is considered an EP for the same reason:
I also noticed you got an HE560! I could have auditioned it the day I heard the Abyss, HE1000, HE6, and HD 800, but I only had a few hours to work with. Did you do the grill mod on your HIFIMAN headphones? (My HE400i had it and I thought it sounded mostly as good as the HE1000...though I think the HE6 is the best overall.)
May 26, 2016 at 12:45 PM Post #23,164 of 29,702
  Someone started following me on Bandcamp, and I have no idea why, because I barely do anything on there.
It seems that it is classified as an EP because it has covers and rerecorded songs, not all original material.
Here's another longer release that is considered an EP for the same reason:
I also noticed you got an HE560! I could have auditioned it the day I heard the Abyss, HE1000, HE6, and HD 800, but I only had a few hours to work with. Did you do the grill mod on your HIFIMAN headphones? (My HE400i had it and I thought it sounded mostly as good as the HE1000...though I think the HE6 is the best overall.)

That makes more sense then I can see how that would lead to it being classified as an EP.
I love the 560! Got a really good deal on it as it had a small crack on the plastic near the connector, as far as I can tell it's just an extremely minor cosmetic blemish.
I tried going back to my 400i last night and even though I used to love them, the 560 just sounds more cohesive to me. It's more detailed, has a more enveloping soundstage and just nails atmospheric black metal. It definitely has more treble response but I like that aspect of it. The bass is also at a perfect level for me, it;s strong with good impact but not overly so and it doesn't leak in to the mids at all. For people who listen to primarily doom, grindcore and/or death metal, I think the He-400i is still what many would prefer. For black metal though, the 560 takes the cake in my book.
May 26, 2016 at 1:00 PM Post #23,165 of 29,702
I love the 560! Got a really good deal on it as it had a small crack on the plastic near the connector, as far as I can tell it's just an extremely minor cosmetic blemish.  
I tried going back to my 400i last night and even though I used to love them, the 560 just sounds more cohesive to me. It's more detailed, has a more enveloping soundstage and just nails atmospheric black metal. It definitely has more treble response but I like that aspect of it. The bass is also at a perfect level for me, it;s strong with good impact but not overly so and it doesn't leak in to the mids at all. For people who listen to primarily doom, grindcore and/or death metal, I think the He-400i is still what many would prefer. For black metal though, the 560 takes the cake in my book.

But did you mod it?

May 26, 2016 at 1:17 PM Post #23,166 of 29,702
But did you mod it?


I have not, not really planning to either. Most of the posted sonic differences are not ones that I'm personally looking for. Also have two cats who don't really go near my headphones unless they climb on my lap while I'm listening but I still will keep any and all protection against any rogue hairs getting stuck inside the headphones.
I'm also a little skeptical that of the impression that all of these mods are just perfect improvements with no downsides. I feel like there's probably a give and take with it.
And the last reason, I'm not much of a DIY guy, I don't have the patience for it. 

May 26, 2016 at 1:27 PM Post #23,167 of 29,702
Back to metal!
Limbonic Art is one of my favorite bands of all time. I can't believe no one else here talks about them!
For those who are new to the band, I have created a playlist featuring my favorite track from each of their albums. The albums are not in order; instead, it is in the order that I feel is the most stimulating for discovering the band. This is all must-hear material!
(But gosh...get the CDs or lossless files if you can! YouTube has such awful sound quality.)

May 26, 2016 at 3:31 PM Post #23,168 of 29,702
i like early gorguts but found obscura boring and just noise-no structure or groove
aborted, exhumed etc are pretty cool-as mentioned previously

Obscura was like they isolated at a remote location for years and recorded with their own original musical language. After listening I like it 50/50, just half. For many though it IS love or hate?
May 28, 2016 at 1:04 AM Post #23,171 of 29,702
May 28, 2016 at 1:06 AM Post #23,172 of 29,702
May 28, 2016 at 3:14 PM Post #23,175 of 29,702
New Abigor news! I'm just gonna paste it all:
„the next thousand years are ours“...
… but let us focus on 2016 for now. We made clear that we try to avoid contributing to the oversaturated „market“ and will not flood the mailorders with merchandise and re-releases. Yet there are a few things planned for this year, some ideas and projects are in our vaults for a while but now the time is right.
1. Leytmotif Luzifer on tape
AVANTGARDE kindly licensed this album to W.T.C. who have released a line of great quality cassettes in the past. And after a few obstacles we had to overcome, as usual when you demand a certain quality level, now it´s ready to be shipped. Watch the WTC store the coming week:

Quite naturally, without consciously planning but acknowledging His will, there was another LL released - THY DARKENED SHADE´s Liber Lvcifer I, and it felt like a brother album to our own LL. The same focus on the more sophisticated side of Black Metal is present in both works, while at the same time, diabolical doxology forged into sonics proved both releases stem from the same source and point to the same aim. We submit to this and there is a very limited double tape box available, wraped in glorious gold to praise the grandeur of the devil. Exclusive ABIGOR & TDS patches are added for those of you who want to show your colour. We take this chance to thank Mr. Ben Zodiazepin for his ongoing layout support.
2. Kingdom Of Darkness on 7“
NUCLEAR WAR NOW will be printing Norway´s IMHOTEP magazine for the new world, and we have taken the chance to re-record the most important ABIGOR hymn, Kingdom Of Darkness. We asked Tharen (back then called Rune), who already did the 1993 demo version, to contribute the vocals. But not performing like he does on the excellent new AMESTIGON album, rather bringing back the atmosphere of the original. This turned out excellent and won´t be anything like the useless „modernized“ re-recordings but a true glimpse into the past. Our aim was to flare the original flame of the old days, as statement concerning the present BM scene, somehow disoriented in parts, lacking the ancient extremism and danger. Kingdom Of Darkness was reckless and uncompromising, just as Black Metal has to be. To underline this, Mr. Unhold has contributed passionate screams of torture and of victory.
3. Quintessence on vinyl
AVANTGARDE MUSIC will send the vinyl version of Quintessence to press in the coming weeks, which we had in mind for quiet a long time and now feels right before the next steps into the future are made. The limited LP version will still represent the rougher side of BM, not at least considering the source (the story of the 2011 2xCD is known by now) but more dynamic in sound than the CD version - and like the A5 release it will include ABIGOR´s early demos, with lux devicta est surely being one of our most important recordings.
4. new album on AVANTGARDE 2016
Right after the recording of the multi-layered Leytmotif Luzifer, the three of us (PK, TT and Silenius) discussed the need for a rougher, riff-oriented album with longer parts and less guitar layers. Something that focuses on a kind of ugly and distorted but also melodic side and doesn´t try to bend the borders of sophistication at all costs. We wouldn´t exactly call it „oldschool“, but certainly getting rid of the constant urge to step beyond the past with every new album.
Complex and dissonant Black Metal these days isn´t mastered by a few spearheads anymore, any demo level band spreads out into complex, often harmonically „out there“ fields - and more than often not with the required art and craft for such musical style. As listeners, these days we find hundreds of second rate versions of mid to late 00s Deathspell Omega or furious Antaeus ´blood libels´ style, and there surely are a lot of retro / pseudo-oldschool albums out there. But where are the furious milestones like Nattens Madrigal or Apokalypsens Ängel? Works of profound songwriting and outstanding quality that sonically accompany Belial´s army storming towards the heavens, or tell of the fundamental evil in man? Also lyrically - all philosophy, theology and magick aside, few works are out there that paint pictures in the listener´s head anymore. Albums which are still based on the satanic profoundness that is rightfully demanded these days but also do the term ´poetry´ justice? Many of us musicians in deed are magicians, priests, servants, soldiers - but the devil´s poets is what we need to be on the next album, to be released by Avantgarde Music by the end of this year.
5. And then...
...watch out for the next issue of The Sinister Flame, with whom we lead a conversation that was second to none.
We have a high quality LP version of Time Is The Sulphur In The Veins Of The Saint in mind, correcting a few visual issues that the original split with Blacklodge lacked in print.
And once we find a solution to the ongoing discussion with Napalm about our old albums, these will be made available on CD again.
We started bouncing back and forth ideas with Mr. Joseph Olynyk of Nigrum Serpentis for the first and only official ABIGOR backpatch.
And one final Tshirt reminiscent of our early days will see the darkness of the night this year, too.
Last but not least, our joint work with MORTUUS, NIGHTBRINGER and THY DARKENED SHADE will be available before the eternal summer´s beams will burn your flesh again - but this will be revealed seperately soon, watch this space.


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