La Figaro 339
Mar 24, 2019 at 12:50 AM Post #4,531 of 6,914
I think I asked this question sometime back, but didn’t get any response. How do I figure out the generation / version of the amp, whether the original or upgraded, second generation. My serial no is 03B0817. I bought it used.
Mar 24, 2019 at 1:46 AM Post #4,533 of 6,914
By how it looks. Check the one on massdrop, which should be the latest version. If your amp looks like that, then it’s also the same thing

I have tried to do that before, but couldn’t find any difference in looks between the one on Massdrop and mine. In one of the massdrop photos, the middle black box on the back seems slightly taller than the other two, while mine are all equal sizes. Other than that, there is no visible difference. However, the very first version of the amp from 2010 (pictures posted in the first post in this thread) also looks identical to the massdrop version, except for the slightly taller middle box.
Mar 24, 2019 at 2:04 AM Post #4,535 of 6,914
Thanks. I guess I have the latest or at least a near latest version then. Sound quality wise, i don’t find anything terribly wanting.
Mar 24, 2019 at 6:44 PM Post #4,539 of 6,914
Just checked, my amp doesn't have those 2 green capacitors in the center of the board. From what I remember when I was researching this amp, the previous internals update happened in 2014-2015 and was an upgrade to the resistors, which are just above the green capacitors. That's the version I have and the consensus here was that it sounded noticeably better than the earlier iteration IIRC.

Good excuse to remove the dust from underneath the amp anyway :p

edit: considering there are massive capacitors on each channel's circuitry, in the big black boxes, how big of a difference would two smaller capacitors really make?
Mar 24, 2019 at 7:23 PM Post #4,541 of 6,914
You'd have to read through this thread and see for yourself :) Or search through yuking's posts (the motorbike avatar is him, I believe)
Mar 24, 2019 at 11:25 PM Post #4,542 of 6,914
Bendix 6080WB: rolls off the treble a few db, i think it also increases the mids and bass by a fair bit. Made listening to the DT880 slightly less painful, but the treble spikes were still there. I tried with the 650s and compared to the Cetron/Tung-Sol 7236, the Bendix are more muddy sounding. Sennheiser 650s and 7236 = great!
Mar 25, 2019 at 2:24 PM Post #4,543 of 6,914
“That's the version I have and the consensus here was that it sounded noticeably better than the earlier iteration IIRC.”

Did they actually test both amps side by side? It might be a psychological thing than an actual.

Don't worry too much about old/new versions of the amp. Not sure where the "noticeably better" consensus is coming from.
Mar 31, 2019 at 8:44 AM Post #4,544 of 6,914
The old version and the new version use materials very differently. 1. The new version of the tuning capacitor is changed to green 10UF, 2. The power supply resistor is changed to CADDOCK, and the output resistor is changed to the custom-made non-inductive resistor.
The old version is a yellow metal resistor that can be used to see if the photo can't be sent.
Mar 31, 2019 at 12:24 PM Post #4,545 of 6,914
The old version and the new version use materials very differently. 1. The new version of the tuning capacitor is changed to green 10UF, 2. The power supply resistor is changed to CADDOCK, and the output resistor is changed to the custom-made non-inductive resistor.
The old version is a yellow metal resistor that can be used to see if the photo can't be sent.

Thanks very much for the clarification. It might be helpful, if you can list the revisions and improvements in the 339 over the years and the corresponding serial number ranges. That way, people can know which versions they have. Also, is it at all possible to upgrade an older version to the newest one, either by sending the amp to you (difficult), or purchasing the parts (and instructions) from you. I have basic soldering skills.

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